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years of experience No.1 Government Tender Search Platform
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Tender & Bidding Solution

  • blue tickDedicated Account Manager
  • blue tickHandholding from Tender Suggestion to Tender Submission
  • blue tickOne Stop Solution for Tender/BID/etc.
  • blue tickTechnical Assistance throughout your journey
  • blue tick10000+ Tenders
  • feature Featuring potential bidders and providing a wide list of both public and private tenders.
  • featurePersonalized tender alerts on email/whatsapp/etc
  • featureEasy to understand dashboard
  • featureNumber of new tenders posted every day
  • featureTender specifics like documents
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  • featureNumber of new tenders posted every day
  • featureTender specifics like documents

Different Type of GeM BIDS

Regular BIDS Including Bunch BIDS and BID+5 Parameters

Buyer can initiate BID for specific product category existing in GeM Portal so that all eligible vendor/OEM can participate.

  • For single product category BID can be initiated by the Buyer
  • For pre-defined bunch of product categories bunch BID can be created by the buyer
  • For product category where the existing parameters are not sufficient enough then buyer can create a BID and add additional 5 parameters so that vendor can provide declaration confirming their product will adhere to those additional parameter values
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Custom BIDS on GeM Portal

In case product category is not existing and buyer wanted to create BID then buyer can create custom BID so that buyer can create custom category request and vendor can upload product against the same and participate in BID

BoQ (Bill of Quantity) BIDS on GeM Portal

Where no product is available currently in category and buyer wanted to combine product and services together then buyer can create BOQ so that based on the technical requirement vendor will participate in BOQ BID.

Different Type of RA on GeM Portal

Regular RA (Reverse Auction)

In case the buyer has complete knowledge of the marketplace of the product and can identify the base price, they can opt for Regular RA where all the eligible vendors are allowed to quote discount on the base price and the maximum discounted quoted vendor will be identified as L1.

BID to RA on GeM Portal

While creating BID buyers are having option to select BID to RA where by post technical evaluation, buyer can opt for BID to RA whereby out of the qualified vendors 50% of them will be eligible to participate in RA and this 50% evaluation will be based on low price quoted by the vendor. Please note that only financial evaluation will be there.

GeM RA where More than 1 Vendor Quoted L1 Price

In case of best price option and regular BID where RA is not opted by the buyer and more than one vendor quoted L1 Price then system allows the buyer to opt for reverse auction.

Who can Participate in GeM BIDS?

Any registered Vendor/OEM on GeM is eligible to participate in the GeM Tenders initiated by the Buyers.

Know Before you Participating or Bidding on GeM

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All Sellers can participate in BID/RA who comply with the process defined by the GeM Portal Framework.

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All Relevant Documents Required as per ATC (Additional Terms and Conditions) of the BID /RA should be provided.

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There will not be any direct Interactions between the Buyer and the Seller until the contract is awarded to the selling party.

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Options to directly create a BID or directly create a RA or convert BID to RA are available for the Sellers.

Who can particapate
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Reverse Auctions | Participate in GeM BIDS as Seller

The RA Module of GeM is a tool provided to the Buyer(s) for ensuring that it gives an opportunity to all Eligible Vendors to quote the maximum discount that they can provide on the basic price.

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GeM Bidding Process for Sellers

1) As per the Requirements of the Buyer, all the relevant documents are to be submitted before the due date.
2) Technical Evaluation - The Buyer evaluates all the support Documents including self declarations submitted by the Seller and informs in case of deficiency. On the due date, the buyer publishes the technically qualified and unqualified vendors for the said tenders.
3) Financial Evaluation - Based on the pricing quoted by the qualified sellers, the results are Published.

GeM Bidding Process for Buyers

Both the GeM Portal Registration and the GeM Portal Bidding process are complex procedures. Hence, buyers on the Government e-Marketplace require proper guidance.
The following guide to the bidding process for buyers will help with the basics of the process but if any help is required, we're just a call away!
Let's get started!

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Login to Your Account to Initiate the GeM Portal Bidding Process

After completing the GeM Portal Registration, login to the GeM Portal.
To Log into the GeM Portal, you need to provide:
1. Your Information and Credentials (Name, Date of Birth, etc.)
2. Choose a Username.
3. Choose a password for the sale of the protection of your account.
4. Log into your GeM account.

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Search for the Product(s) you want to BID on the GeM Portal

Once you’re Logged In, you’ll see a “Search” Icon/Option at the top. There are 2 different ways to use the same:
1. To begin with, you can click on the “Categories” section on the site and find a list of options available there to choose from.
2. You can also manually type the name of the product you want to BID upon and click on the “search” option. Hopefully, you will find out the Product you’re looking for.

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Choose the Product you want to BID on the GeM Portal

1. Post Searching, Your Product(s) will show under the L1 Category.
2. If you’re buying items made in India, then be sure to choose that section.
3. Before you can BID on something, you will need a comparison. For example, if you are procuring a PC/ Laptop, you’ll need to choose 3 other models within the same Price Range.
By doing this, you’ll be able to find the best offerings available under the amount you are willing to pay. Click on the “Compare” option after clicking on a product to compare these side by side properly in a tabular UI.

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GeM BID On the Selected Product

1. After the comparison procedure, tap on 'add to cart', which is available on the same page as the product that you have selected.
2. Once a new tab opend, tap on the 'proceed to checkout' option.
3. Click on the 'BID' button present and the process will be complete.
4. A comparison sheet may be downloaded if you wish to change your mind later.

Process Buyers
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