GeM MasterClass - Grow Business with Government

Government e-marketplace training program

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  • white right arrowEnlarge Sales : Enhance Business
  • white right arrowGeM Existence and way forward
  • white right arrowGeM Registration
  • white right arrowSell on Government eMarketplace
  • white right arrowRules of procurement (GFR,GeM GTC)
  • white right arrowCategory Creation
  • white right arrowIncident Management
  • white right arrowVendor Assessment OEM/Exemptions
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  • arrow iconEnlarge Sales : Enhance Business
  • arrow iconGeM Existence and way forward
  • arrow iconGeM Registration
  • arrow iconSell on Government eMarketplace

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Why attend?

Unlocking Business Opportunities with Government e-Marketplace (GeM): A Comprehensive MasterClass

Join us for an engaging and informative live session where Ramanathan, former training head at Government eMarketplace, and Prashant, a seasoned legal expert, team up to guide you through the process of maximizing your business potential with GeM through government tenders. This MasterClass aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools to tap into the immense opportunities available in this sector.

01 introduction icon

Introduction to Government e-Marketplace (GeM)

Discover the essentials of GeM, the government’s online platform designed to streamline procurement for various departments, ministries, and organizations. Ramanathan and Prashant will provide a comprehensive overview of how GeM works and how your business can benefit from it.

02 understanding icon

Understanding the Government Tendering Process

Learn from the experts as they walk you through the entire government tendering process. From tender release to bid submission and evaluation, understand the critical stages and the importance of compliance with government rules and regulations.

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Identifying Business Opportunities

Uncover potential business opportunities within the government sector with Ramanathan and Prashant’s guidance. Gain insights into high-demand product and service categories, enabling you to focus your efforts strategically..

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Navigating Legal Requirements

Prashant’s expertise will shed light on the legal aspects associated with government contracts. Understand the essential legal documentation, contracts, and compliance requirements necessary for successful engagement with government tenders.

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Tips for Effective Bidding

Acquire practical tips and winning strategies for bidding on the GeM platform. From pricing to proposal writing and highlighting unique selling points, Ramanathan and Prashant will show you how to increase your chances of securing government contracts.

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Leveraging GeM for Business Growth

Be inspired by success stories of businesses that have leveraged GeM to achieve significant growth. Real-world examples will provide you with a clear vision of the potential benefits of engaging with government tenders.

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Leveraging GeM for Business Growth

Prashant’s expertise will shed light on the legal aspects associated with government contracts. Understand the essential legal documentation, contracts, and compliance requirements necessary for successful engagement with government tenders.


Overview Of GeM
blue right arrow
10:00 AM - 10:25 AM
  • Inception of GeM Rule 149
    • Transactional Journey from 0 to 5 lakh Crores
  • Registration on GeM & Caution Money
Live Demonstration blue right arrow
10:25 AM - 10:30 AM
  • GeMTech PARAS - How to register on GeM for free
Vendor Assessment blue right arrow
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
  • OEM
  • Resellers
Live Demonstration blue right arrow
10:45 AM - 10:50 AM
  • GeMTech PARAS - Assessment with Ease
10:50 AM - 11:00 AM
Lunch Break
Ways of Doing Business blue right arrow
11:00 AM - 11:15 AM
  • Direct Purchase/ Concept of Comparative Purchase
  • Push Button Procurement/ Custom BID/ BOQ BID
  • Category BID/ PAC BID
  • Stages of Business
    • Technical/Financial/Ordering/Payments
Live Demonstration blue right arrow
11:15 AM - 11:20 AM
  • GeMTech PARAS - Bid Platform / 6 Months Free Subscription
Analysis blue right arrow
11:20 AM - 11:50 AM
  • Why Analysis is important?
    • Improve Success in Bidding and Orders
  • Success Mantra
    • Pay only for success not for effort
Live Demonstration blue right arrow
11:50 AM - 12:00 PM
  • GeMTech PARAS - Analytics Tools & Funding

Featured Speakers

Exciting speakers to follow at the event

Prashant Gogia

Prashant Gogia

Co Founder & Chief Operations
GeMTech PARAS Solutions Pvt Ltd


Ramanathan Venkatakrishnan

Public Procurement Expert
GeMTech PARAS Solutions Pvt Ltd

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