Indian Army
Himachal Pradesh | Shimla |
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22 Dec 2024
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13 Jan 2025
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Evaluation Date
13 Jan 2025
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Department Of Military Affairs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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to40 mm Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910perPolyglycolic Acid coated with Polycaprolate size 3-0 70-90 cm 3per8 circle Reverse Cutting 20-25 mm Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910per Polycaprolate size 4-0 70to90 cm half circle RB 16to20 mm SODIUM VALPROATE 500 MG TAB CARVEDILOL 10 MG TAB INJ CALCIUM GLUCONATE 10 percent BETAMETHASONE 4 MG INJ Tab isosorbide Monotrate 30 mg LINAGLIPTIN 5MG plus METFORMIN 1000 MG TAB LANSOPRAZOLE 30 MG CAP MALE EXTERNAL CONDOM CATHETER SIZE S MICROPORE 1 INCH PLASTER INJ DILTIAZEM PRE-PRO TAB PROBIOTIC FINASTERIDE 5 MG TAB TORSEMIDE 100 MG TAB CARBIDOPA 10 MG plus LEVODOPA 100 MG CR TAB SYNDOPA CR 110 MG PERINDOPRIL 8 MG INJ ETOPHYLLNE 84.7 plus THEOPHYLLINE 25.3 perML CLOBETASOL plus MICONOZOLE plusGENTAMYCIN OINT SUMATRIPTAN 85 MG plus NAPROXEN 500 MG TAB Tab Cyproheptadine 4 mg ACETAZOLAMIDE 500 MG DIAMOX TAB SITAGLIPTIN 50 MG TAB plus METFORMIN 1000 MG TAB NIFEDIPINE RETARD 20 MG CAPperTAB VILDAGLIPTIN 50MG TAB CLOBETASOL plus NEOMYCIN PROPYGENTA CREAM DEXAMETHASONE 4MG TAB PANTOPRAZOLE 20 MG TAB INJ HALOPERIDOL 5 MG SERENACE HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE 25 MG TAB QUETIAPINE SR 100 MG TAB ETHAMBUTOL 800 MG TAB CALAMINE POWDER PACKET OF 400 GM DILTIAZEM CD 120 CAPperTAB SUCTION CATHETER 18FG LAMOTRIGINE 100MG TAB PYRAZINAMIDE 1000 MG TAB PANTAPROZOLE 40 MG plus DOMPERIDONE 10 MG PAN D METOPROLOL XL 25 MG TAB ADHESIVE PLASTER SIZE 7.5 SITAGLIPTIN 50MG TAB plus METFORMIN 500MG TAB IBUPROFEN 400 MG TAB GLIMEPRIDE 2 MG plus METFORMIN 1000 MG SR TAB PRIMAQUINE 7.5MG BASE TAB DICYCLOMIN 10 MG TAB METOPROLOL TARTRATE 100 MG TAB S AMLODIPINE 2. 5 MGTAB GABAPENTIN 300MG plus METHYLCOBALAMIN 1500 MCG TAB Bid Details/ 2 / 69GeMARPTS607 607 / Searched Strings used in GeMARPTS ANTACID GEL F 400 ML DIGENE PANTOPRAZOLE 40 MG plus DOMPERIDONE SR 30 MG CAP Tab Abiraterone acetate 1000mg CALCIUM DOBESILATE EUPHORBIA PROSTRATA EXTRACT 100MG INJ PNEUMOCOCAL VACCINE 23 INJ PARACETAMOL INFUSION 10MGperML 100ML INJ DEXTORSE percentage SYP LACTULOSE 200 ML DNS FLUID COMPRESSION STOCKINS ABOVE KNEE PROTEIN POWDER 200GM SYP CEFUROXIME 125 MG DVT STOCKING XL Syp Multi Vit vita- Sip-Z bott of 100ml INJ NORMAL SALINE 100 ML MOXIFLOXACIN OINT CO-ENZYME CAPSULE SYRINGE DISPO PLASTIC 10ML WITH NEEDLE INH SALMETROL 50 MCGplus FLUTICASONE 125 MCG Tab AeclofenacplusSerratiopeptidase plus Pcm BLOOD TRANSFUSION SET COTTON 300 GM SILICON HEEL CUP Tab Levocarnitine 500mg SYP PARACETAMOL 162 MG plus IBUPROFEN 100 MG 60 ML INJ HAEMACCEL CALCIUM CHLORIDE plus POTASSIUM CHLORIDEplusSODIUM CHLORIDE GLICLAZIDE 30 MG MR TAB INJ CIPROFLOXACIN 200 MGper100 ML SODIUM CROMOGLYCATE 4percent EYE DROP EperD OLAPTADINE BOTT OF 5ML CREPE BANDAGE 5 CM INJ MANNITOL 20percent BOTT OF 350ML INJ PHENYTOIN SODIUM SUMATRIPTAN 50 MG TAB SYRINGE DISPO PLASTIC 20 ML WITH NEEDLE Tab Nifedipine 10mg LAMOTRIGINE 50 MG TAB ISONIAZID 300MG TAB ANTACID CHEWABLE DIGENE TAB ORAL TEETHING SOL ZYTEE MOUTH LOTION 10ML SYP CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE 1 MG PARACETAMOL 125MG PHENYLEPHRINE 2.5MG Human Insulin Analogue Glargine Inj100 IUper ml Disposable Pen with needles Silk Braided size 3-0 70-76 cm cutting 3/8 circle needle 45 mm Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910 size 2 70 cm half circle Reverse Cutting Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910 size 3 90 cm 3by8 circle Reverse Cutting Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910 size 4 90 cm half circle RB SODIUM VALPROATE 500 MG TAB CARVEDILOL 10 MG TAB INJ CALCIUM GLUCONATE 10 percent BETAMETHASONE 4 MG INJ Tab isosorbide Monotrate 30 mg LINAGLIPTIN 5MG plus METFORMIN 1000 MG TAB LANSOPRAZOLE 30 MG CAP MALE EXTERNAL CONDOM CATHETER SIZE S MICROPORE 1 INCH PLASTER INJ DILTIAZEM PRE-PRO TAB PROBIOTIC FINASTERIDE 5 MG TAB TORSEMIDE 100 MG TAB CARBIDOPA 10 MG plus LEVODOPA 100 MG CR TAB SYNDOPA CR 110 MG PERINDOPRIL 8 MG INJ ETOPHYLLNE 84.7 plus THEOPHYLLINE 25.3 perML CLOBETASOL plus MICONOZOLE plusGENTAMYCIN OINT SUMATRIPTAN 85 MG plus NAPROXEN 500 MG TAB Tab Cyproheptadine 4 mg ACETAZOLAMIDE 500 MG DIAMOX TAB SITAGLIPTIN 50 MG TAB plus METFORMIN 1000 MG TAB NIFEDIPINE RETARD 20 MG CAPperTAB VILDAGLIPTIN 50MG TAB CLOBETASOL plus NEOMYCIN PROPYGENTA CREAM DEXAMETHASONE 4MG TAB PANTOPRAZOLE 20 MG TAB INJ HALOPERIDOL 5 MG SERENACE HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE 25 MG TAB QUETIAPINE SR 100 MG TAB ETHAMBUTOL 800 MG TAB CALAMINE POWDER PACKET OF 400 GM DILTIAZEM CD 120 CAPperTAB SUCTION CATHETER 18FG LAMOTRIGINE 100MG TAB PYRAZINAMIDE 1000 MG TAB PANTAPROZOLE 40 MG plus DOMPERIDONE 10 MG PAN D METOPROLOL XL 25 MG TAB ADHESIVE PLASTER SIZE 7.5 SITAGLIPTIN 50MG TAB plus METFORMIN 500MG TAB IBUPROFEN 400 MG TAB GLIMEPRIDE 2 MG plus METFORMIN 1000 MG SR TAB PRIMAQUINE 7.5MG BASE TAB DICYCLOMIN 10 MG TAB METOPROLOL TARTRATE 100 MG TAB S AMLODIPINE 2. 5 Bid Details/ 3 / 69MGTAB GABAPENTIN 300MG plus METHYLCOBALAMIN 1500 MCG TAB Searched String : ANTACID GEL F 400 ML DIGENE Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : PANTOPRAZOLE 40 MG plus DOMPERIDONE SR 30 MG CAP Cap FS Disruptive JSS Pantoprazole Injection PANTOPRAZOLE Digital Physiograph System Searched String : Tab Abiraterone acetate 1000mg Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS books Digital Physiograph System SODIUM ACETATE Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Searched String : CALCIUM DOBESILATE EUPHORBIA PROSTRATA EXTRACT 100MG Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : INJ PNEUMOCOCAL VACCINE 23 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Geological compass Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Searched String : INJ PARACETAMOL INFUSION 10MGperML 100ML Paracetamol Injection Online UPS V2 METRONIDAZOLE IV INFUSION Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories CIPROFLOXACIN I.V. INFUSION INJECTION Disposable Syringes as per IS 10258 LEVOFLOXACIN I.V. INFUSION INJECTION Cap FS Disruptive JSS Cat 6 Patch cord Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Searched String : INJ DEXTORSE percentage Injector Diagnosis and Cleaning System Kit For Educational Purpose Cap FS Disruptive JSS Endoscopic Injection Needle Ash Grey Uniform Endoscopic Injection Needle V2 Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Corrosion Inhibitor for Water Injection in Assam Asset - ONGC Sprinkler Irrigation Unit as per IS 12232 Water Injection Corrosion Inhibitor for Mumbai Assets ONGC D and C Set Searched String : SYP LACTULOSE 200 ML Toilet Soap Liquid As Per IS 4199 Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Toilet Soap or Liquid Amoxicillin Clavulanic Oral Liquid Glass Tableware Azithromycin Oral Liquid Alcohol Based Hand Rub / Hand Sanitizer Ayurvedic Classical Medicines - Arishta Ayurvedic Classical Medicines Asava Antiseptic / Antimicrobial Hand Wash Searched String : DNS FLUID DNS Security Software / Appliance Blood Fluid Warming Cabinet V2 Diesel Exhaust Fluid RBC Diluting Fluid Household Disinfectants or Disinfectant Fluids Phenolic Type as per IS 1061 WBC Diluting Fluid Wheel Chairs V2 Non Bid Details/ 4 / 69Invasive Fluid ONGC Blood or Fluid Warming Cabinet Blood and Fluid Warmer Searched String : COMPRESSION STOCKINS ABOVE KNEE Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Device Artificial Limbs Searched String : PROTEIN POWDER 200GM Protein Powder Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Kids Protein Powder Cap FS Disruptive JSS Womens Protein Powder Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Whey Protein Powder Protein Detection System Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Protein ladder marker Searched String : SYP CEFUROXIME 125 MG Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet CEFUROXIME AXETIL Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 125 mg Dispersible Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Amoxicillin Clavulanic Acid Potassium Clavulanate Tablet PARACETAMOL SYRUP Griseofulvin Tablet Azithromycin Oral Liquid Searched String : DVT STOCKING XL stocking anti embolism stockings for dvt prophylaxix Rain Coat Suit Sleeves for DVT Pump XL Multical System Pack Stock Pot Stove Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Device V2 personal safety kit reflective luminous garments HbA1c Calibration Reagent Kit Diaries Printed - Plain - Register Hosiery Garments from Tiruppur - ODOP Searched String : Syp Multi Vit vita- Sip-Z bott of 100ml Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : INJ NORMAL SALINE 100 ML Normal Saline Sodium Chloride Nasal Drops Alcohol Based Hand Rub / Hand Sanitizer Human Normal Immunoglobulin Injection Cap FS Disruptive JSS Urine Collection Bag V2 Sprinkler Irrigation Unit as per IS 12232 Measured Volume Set V2 Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Glass Tableware measured volume set Searched String : MOXIFLOXACIN OINT Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 400 mg Tablets Moxifloxacin Anti TB Drug Powder for in-vitro use DST under NTEP Football Shoes Povidone Iodine Ointment Based Knitted Dressing Povidone Iodine Ointment Based Knitted Dressing V2 Acyclovir Ointment V2 POVIDONE IODINE OINTMENT Acyclovir Ointment Searched String : CO-ENZYME CAPSULE CO - Trimoxazole Stationary Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries As Per IS 15549 Cement Capsule books Resin Capsule pH Meter Capsule Bottle Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Miltefosine Capsule Muffle Furnace Searched String : SYRINGE DISPO PLASTIC 10ML WITH NEEDLE Bid Details/ 5 / 69Disposable Syringes as per IS 10258 Sterile Hypodermic Syringe V3 Sterile Hypodermic Syringe for Manual use V2 Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Plasticized PVC Tapes with Nonthermosetting Adhesive as per IS 7809 Part 3 / Section 1 Manual Needle Cum Syringe Hub Destroyer Marking Cones plastic bottles water bottle with carry bag for cpmf Insulin Syringe 5 ml Sterile Hypodermic Syringe with Re-use Prevention RUP Feature for Universal Immunization Programme Searched String : INH SALMETROL 50 MCGplus FLUTICASONE 125 MCG Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Tab AeclofenacplusSerratiopeptidase plus Pcm High end Office Table / Desk Furniture Set / Suit Sanitary Napkins as per IS 5405 Searched String : BLOOD TRANSFUSION SET Gravity Feed Transfusion Set Blood Sample Collection Tubes Microaggregate Blood Transfusion Filter B.T Filter Blood Administration Set V2 blood administration set Power Generator - DG Set up to 900 KVA Leukocyte Removal Filters for Red Blood Transfusion books Leukocyte Removal Filter for Red Blood Transfusion blood pressure recording units Searched String : COTTON 300 GM GM Counter Cleaning Duster V2 X - Ray Machine 300 mA Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Cotton Towelling and Towels V2 as per IS 7056 Cotton Saree Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Shorts Cotton Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Searched String : SILICON HEEL CUP HEEL EXERCISER Disposable Paper Cup Sample Cup socks Silicon Metal Muffle Furnace Silicon Spray Tea set Silicon Sealent Glass Tableware Searched String : Tab Levocarnitine 500mg Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Tab Washer-IS:8068 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Baclofen Desktop Computers Modular Table V2 Overbed Tables Ultra low temperature laboratory deep freezer Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Searched String : SYP PARACETAMOL 162 MG plus IBUPROFEN 100 MG 60 ML Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : INJ HAEMACCEL CALCIUM CHLORIDE plus POTASSIUM CHLORIDEplusSODIUM CHLORIDE Potassium Chloride Injection Cap FS Disruptive JSS Searched String : GLICLAZIDE 30 MG MR TAB Bid Details/ 6 / 69Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet books Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Linezolid 600 mg Tablets Zidovudine Lamivudine Nevirapine Tablets V2 Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 400 mg Tablets Digital Physiograph System Searched String : INJ CIPROFLOXACIN 200 MGper100 ML CIPROFLOXACIN I.V. INFUSION INJECTION Toilet Soap Liquid As Per IS 4199 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Alcohol Based Hand Rub / Hand Sanitizer Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Glass Tableware Toilet Soap or Liquid Urine Collection Bag V2 Measured Volume Set V2 Metal Polish Liquid as per IS 5487 Searched String : SODIUM CROMOGLYCATE 4percent EYE DROP Sodium Hyaluronate Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Prednisolone Eye Drops Sodium Hyaluronate Drops V2 Bimatoprost Blood Sample Collection Tubes Brimonidine Brimonidine Tartrate Timolol Maleate Drops V2 Welding Goggles for Eye Protector as per IS 5983 Normal Saline Sodium Chloride Nasal Drops Searched String : EperD OLAPTADINE BOTT OF 5ML Lubricating soaps Online UPS V2 Laboratory Glassware - Burettes V2 as per IS 1997 Battery Cell as per IS 9128 IS 8144 Sprinkler Irrigation Unit as per IS 12232 Power Generator - DG Set up to 900 KVA Cap FS Disruptive JSS Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves - Prepowdered as per IS 13422 Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Shaker Incubator Searched String : CREPE BANDAGE 5 CM crepe bandage Liquid Crystal Display LCD Panel or Monitors Crepe Bandage V2 Brush for Road Sweeper Machine Cotton Bandage Cloth V2 Elastic Bandage Cotton Towels as per IS 7056 Plaster of Paris Bandage V2 elastic zinc oxide adhesive bandage Weightlifting Discs Searched String : INJ MANNITOL 20percent BOTT OF 350ML Laboratory Glassware - Burettes V2 as per IS 1997 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Methyl acetate Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Hand Dryer V2 Disposable Syringes as per IS 10258 Searched String : INJ PHENYTOIN SODIUM Phenytoin Injection Blood Sample Collection Tubes Phenytoin Tablet Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Phenytoin Oral Liquid Flame Photometer Sodium Chloride Injection Cap FS Disruptive JSS Sodium Nitroprusside Injection High Pressure Sodium Vapour Lamps HPSV Lamps as per IS 9974 Part 1 and 2 Searched String : SUMATRIPTAN 50 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 50mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Clofazimine 50 mg Capsules Football Shoes Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets books Bid Details/ 7 / 69Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Zidovudine Lamivudine Nevirapine Tablets V2 Searched String : SYRINGE DISPO PLASTIC 20 ML WITH NEEDLE 5 ml Sterile Hypodermic Syringe with Re-use Prevention RUP Feature for Universal Immunization Programme Sterile Hypodermic Syringe V3 Disposable Syringes as per IS 10258 Shirt Disposable Cotton Voile for Special Clothing Personnel Related to Special Platform Sterile Hypodermic Syringe for Manual use V2 Trouser Disposable Cotton Voile for Special Clothing Personnel Related to Special Platform Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Plasticized PVC Tapes with Nonthermosetting Adhesive as per IS 7809 Part 3 / Section 1 Manual Needle Cum Syringe Hub Destroyer plastic bottles water bottle with carry bag for cpmf Insulin Syringe Searched String : Tab Nifedipine 10mg Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 10mg Scored Dispersible Tablet Desktop Computers Tab Washer-IS:8068 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Baclofen water baths Modular Table V2 Digital Physiograph System Overbed Tables Online UPS V2 Searched String : LAMOTRIGINE 50 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 50mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Clofazimine 50 mg Capsules books Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets Football Shoes Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Zidovudine Lamivudine Nevirapine Tablets V2 Searched String : ISONIAZID 300MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 100mg Dispersible Tablet Isoniazid Oral Liquid Napkin Dispenser Tab Washer-IS:8068 Baclofen Digital Multimeter as per IS 9000 First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - 4FDC Adult Disease Specific Real Time PCR Kits Searched String : ANTACID CHEWABLE DIGENE TAB Cap FS Disruptive JSS Searched String : ORAL TEETHING SOL ZYTEE MOUTH LOTION 10ML Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : SYP CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE 1 MG PARACETAMOL 125MG PHENYLEPHRINE 2.5MG Cap FS Disruptive JSS Chlorpheniramine Maleate Dextromethorphan Phenylephrine Tablets V2 Megaphone IOCL Digital Physiograph System Budesonide Formoterol Fumarate Respules V2 Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Budesonide Levosalbutamol Respules V2 Budesonide Respirator Solution for use in Nebulizer Bid Details/ 8 / 69GeMARPTS / Searched Result generated in GeMARPTS Searched String : Human Insulin Analogue Glargine Inj100 IUper ml Disposable Pen with needles Insulin Syringe Searched String : Silk Braided size 3-0 70-76 cm cutting 3/8 circle needle 45 mm Non Sparking Ring Slugging Spanners V2 Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2 Non Sparking Combination Spanners V2 Searched String : Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910 size 2 70 cm half circle Reverse Cutting Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910 size 3 90 cm 3by8 circle Reverse Cutting Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910 size 4 90 cm half circle RB Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : SODIUM VALPROATE 500 MG TAB Sodium Valproate Injection Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets CEFOTAXIME SODIUM INJECTION Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet SODIUM ACETATE Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet AMPICILLIN INJECTION Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Sodium nitrite as per IS:879 Searched String : CARVEDILOL 10 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 100 mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet books Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - Ethambutol 100 mg Tablets Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Anti TB Drugs - Clofazimine 100 mg Capsules Searched String : INJ CALCIUM GLUCONATE 10 percent Calcium Chloride Dihydrate as per IS 10758 Light emitting diode driver Calcium Hydroxide Searched String : BETAMETHASONE 4 MG INJ Betamethasone Injection Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Betamethasone Injection V2 books Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Ondansetron Tablet Dexamethasone Tablet Hand Dryer V2 Searched String : Tab isosorbide Monotrate 30 mg Isosorbide Dinitrate Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet books Anti TB Drugs - Bid Details/ 9 / 69Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Zidovudine Lamivudine Nevirapine Tablets V2 Anti TB Drugs - Linezolid 600 mg Tablets Digital Physiograph System Searched String : LINAGLIPTIN 5MG plus METFORMIN 1000 MG TAB Cap FS Disruptive JSS Digital Physiograph System books Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 METFORMIN Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Searched String : LANSOPRAZOLE 30 MG CAP Rucksack 30 Ltrs Capacity V2 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Zidovudine Lamivudine Nevirapine Tablets V2 Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Zidovudine Lamivudine Tablets V2 Anti TB Drugs - Rifampicin 150 mg Capsule Amoxicillin Clavulanic Oral Liquid Anti TB Drugs - Rifampicin 450 mg Capsule centrifuge tubes Searched String : MALE EXTERNAL CONDOM CATHETER SIZE S Male External Catheter Male External Catheter V2 Searched String : MICROPORE 1 INCH PLASTER General Purpose Ball Valves V2 Sprinkler Irrigation Unit as per IS 12232 CPVC Industrial Pipe Fittings Schedule 80 Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Television TV V2 Gypsum Building Plaster - Excluding Premixed as per IS 2547 Elbow Pipe Fitting Brush for Road Sweeper Machine Taflon Tape as per IS 14635 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Searched String : INJ DILTIAZEM Diltiazem Injection Cap FS Disruptive JSS Diltiazem Tablet Hand Dryer V2 Injector Diagnosis and Cleaning System Kit For Educational Purpose Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Endoscopic Injection Needle Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Endoscopic Injection Needle V2 Sprinkler Irrigation Unit as per IS 12232 Searched String : PRE-PRO TAB PROBIOTIC Women Probiotic Prebiotic Capsules Probiotics 50 Billion CFUs Capsules Probiotics 10 Billion CFUs Capsules Sports Probiotics Powder Photometer / Colorimeter for Water Testing High Temperature High Pressure Table Top Sample Dyeing Machine Propylthiouracil Tablets Pregnancy Test Kit for Family Planning Programme Fluoroscopy Procedure Table cum Chair for Video Urodynamic Studies Centchroman Tablets Chhaya For Family Welfare Programme of MOHFW Searched String : FINASTERIDE 5 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets books Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Linezolid 600 mg Tablets Combination of Shower and Eye Bid Details/ 10 / 69Wash as per IS 10592 Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 400 mg Tablets Chlorpheniramine Maleate Dextromethorphan Phenylephrine Tablets V2 Searched String : TORSEMIDE 100 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 100 mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - Ethambutol 100 mg Tablets books Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Proteinase K Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Football Shoes Anti TB Drugs - Clofazimine 100 mg Capsules Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Searched String : CARBIDOPA 10 MG plus LEVODOPA 100 MG CR TAB SYNDOPA CR 110 MG Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 100 mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - Ethambutol 100 mg Tablets Football Shoes Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 100mg Dispersible Tablet Searched String PERINDOPRIL 8 MG HDMI 8 x 8 Switcher Desktop Computers 8- Hydroxyquinoline Ondansetron Tablet Magnesium Mg Powder All in One PC Transmission Oil TSZP-8 CIPROFLOXACIN TINIDAZOLE Figure 8 Descender V2 Surgical Gloves as per IS 4148 Searched String : INJ ETOPHYLLNE 84.7 plus THEOPHYLLINE 25.3 perML Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : CLOBETASOL plus MICONOZOLE plusGENTAMYCIN OINT Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : SUMATRIPTAN 85 MG plus NAPROXEN 500 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Football Shoes Digital Physiograph System Searched String : Tab Cyproheptadine 4 mg Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets books Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Linezolid 600 mg Tablets Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 400 mg Tablets Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Searched String : ACETAZOLAMIDE 500 MG DIAMOX TAB Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS Acetazolamide Tablet Acetazolamide Tablets V2 Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Bid Details/ 11 / 69Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Searched String : SITAGLIPTIN 50 MG TAB plus METFORMIN 1000 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 50mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets books Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Searched String : NIFEDIPINE RETARD 20 MG CAPperTAB Net Mosquito Flame Retardant IAF Cap FS Disruptive JSS Mattress Glacier Defence Atorvastatin Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Artemether Lumefantrine Tablets V2 OMEPRAZOLE DOMPERIDONE DICYCLOMINE PARACETAMOL OMEPRAZOLE Searched String : VILDAGLIPTIN 50MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 50mg Tablets Online UPS V2 Tab Washer-IS:8068 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Baclofen Hot air oven Modular Table V2 Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Overbed Tables Small Angle Grinders Searched String : CLOBETASOL plus NEOMYCIN PROPYGENTA CREAM Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : DEXAMETHASONE 4MG TAB Dexamethasone Tablet Steel Bookcases as per IS 7761 Dexamethasone Injection Dexamethasone Oral Liquid XLPE Cable for Working Voltages up to and Including 1.1 KV as per IS 7098 Part 1 Tab Washer-IS:8068 Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Baclofen water baths Modular Table V2 Searched String : PANTOPRAZOLE 20 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Pantoprazole Injection Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Linezolid 600 mg Tablets PANTOPRAZOLE Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 400 mg Tablets Digital Physiograph System Searched String : INJ HALOPERIDOL 5 MG SERENACE Haloperidol Injection Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 5 - Fluorouracil Injection Haloperidol Tablet 5 - Fluorouracil Injection V2 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Hand Dryer V2 Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Digital Physiograph System Bid Details/ 12 / 69Searched String : HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE 25 MG TAB Hydrochlorothiazide Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 250 mg Tablets Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 250 mg Capsules books Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Searched String : QUETIAPINE SR 100 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 100 mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - Ethambutol 100 mg Tablets books Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Proteinase K Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Football Shoes Anti TB Drugs - Clofazimine 100 mg Capsules Register V2 Searched String : ETHAMBUTOL 800 MG TAB First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - Ethambutol 800 mg Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - Ethambutol 100 mg Tablets Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets books Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Linezolid 600 mg Tablets Searched String : CALAMINE POWDER PACKET OF 400 GM Cold cure resins for Dental Use Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Corrugated Fibreboard Cartons for packing Soluble Coffee With 30 Chicory Powder Polyester pouches - DEFENCE Portable Voice Recorder Searched String : DILTIAZEM CD 120 CAPperTAB read only compact disc cd Searched String : SUCTION CATHETER 18FG Suction Catheters V2 water baths suction catheters Thoracic Drainage Catheter V2 Vent Catheter Cleaning Duster V2 Dialysis Catheter Urethral Catheter High Vacuum Suction Machine V2 Foleys Catheter Searched String : LAMOTRIGINE 100MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 100mg Dispersible Tablet Hot air oven Tab Washer-IS:8068 Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Baclofen Online UPS V2 Modular Table V2 Digital Physiograph System Overbed Tables Classroom Stools Searched String : PYRAZINAMIDE 1000 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 750mg Dispersible Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 150mg Dispersible Tablet books Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets CEFOTAXIME SODIUM INJECTION Bid Details/ 13 / 69Searched String : PANTAPROZOLE 40 MG plus DOMPERIDONE 10 MG PAN D DOMPERIDONE Chlorpheniramine Maleate Dextromethorphan Phenylephrine Tablets V2 OMEPRAZOLE DOMPERIDONE Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Searched String : METOPROLOL XL 25 MG TAB Metoprolol Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 250 mg Tablets Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 250 mg Capsules Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Anti TB Drugs - Linezolid 600 mg Tablets Searched String : ADHESIVE PLASTER SIZE 7.5 Fabricated PVC - U Fittings for Portable Water Supplies as per IS 10124 Surgical Gloves as per IS 4148 Sprinkler Irrigation Unit as per IS 12232 Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves V2 Epoxy Adhesive 9323-2 Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves - Prepowdered as per IS 13422 Gypsum Building Plaster - Excluding Premixed as per IS 2547 Single use Rubber Examination Gloves V2 Surgical Rubber Gloves V2 Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves Searched String : SITAGLIPTIN 50MG TAB plus METFORMIN 500MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 50mg Tablets Sanitary Napkins as per IS 5405 High end Office Table / Desk Furniture Set / Suit Football Shoes Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Digital Physiograph System Searched String : IBUPROFEN 400 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 400 mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet PARACETAMOL IBUPROFEN Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet IBUPROFEN Anti TB Drugs - Linezolid 600 mg Tablets Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Searched String : GLIMEPRIDE 2 MG plus METFORMIN 1000 MG SR TAB Cap FS Disruptive JSS Chlorpheniramine Maleate Dextromethorphan Phenylephrine Tablets V2 Searched String : PRIMAQUINE 7.5MG BASE TAB Lactose TTC Agar with Tergitol 7 Surgical Gloves as per IS 4148 Tablet Based Biometric Attendance System V2 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Moonj Grass based Furniture Products from Udham Singh Nagar - ODOP Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves V2 Sanitary Napkins as per IS 5405 The Multilayered Cross Laminated Sheets / Tarpaulins / Covers / Agricultural Films as per IS 14611 books Single use Rubber Examination Gloves V2 Searched String : DICYCLOMIN 10 MG TAB Bid Details/ 14 / 69Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 100 mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet books Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - Ethambutol 100 mg Tablets Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Searched String : METOPROLOL TARTRATE 100 MG TAB Metoprolol Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 100 mg Tablets First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - Ethambutol 100 mg Tablets Proteinase K Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Football Shoes Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Brimonidine Tartrate Brinzolamide Drops V2 Anti TB Drugs - Clofazimine 100 mg Capsules Searched String S AMLODIPINE 2. 5 MGTAB 5-5 Dithiobis -2-2 Nitrobenzoic Acid XLPE Cable for Working Voltages up to and Including 1.1 KV as per IS 7098 Part 1 246-Tris2-pyridyl-s-triazine Cap FS Disruptive JSS 5- Sulfosalicylic acid Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 bag kit universal Endpoint Detection and Response EDR Appliance / Software Fabricated PVC - U Fittings for Portable Water Supplies as per IS 10124 Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves - Prepowdered as per IS 13422 Searched String : GABAPENTIN 300MG plus METHYLCOBALAMIN 1500 MCG TAB Digital Physiograph System / Relevant Categories selected for notification Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate hexahydrate Aluminium Hydroxide as per IS:10896 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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ECHS BoQ 15;30486; to40 mm Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910perPolyglycolic Acid coated with Polycaprolate size 3-0 70-90 cm 3per8 circle Reverse Cutting 20-25 mm Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910per Polycaprolate size 4-0 70to90 cm half circle RB 16to20 mm SODIUM VALPROATE 500 MG TAB CARVEDILOL 10 MG TAB INJ CALCIUM GLUCONATE 10 percent BETAMETHASONE 4 MG INJ Tab isosorbide Monotrate 30 mg LINAGLIPTIN 5MG plus METFORMIN 1000 MG TAB LANSOPRAZOLE 30 MG CAP MALE EXTERNAL CONDOM CATHETER SIZE S MICROPORE 1 INCH PLASTER INJ DILTIAZEM PRE-PRO TAB PROBIOTIC FINASTERIDE 5 MG TAB TORSEMIDE 100 MG TAB CARBIDOPA 10 MG plus LEVODOPA 100 MG CR TAB SYNDOPA CR 110 MG PERINDOPRIL 8 MG INJ ETOPHYLLNE 84.7 plus THEOPHYLLINE 25.3 perML CLOBETASOL plus MICONOZOLE plusGENTAMYCIN OINT SUMATRIPTAN 85 MG plus NAPROXEN 500 MG TAB Tab Cyproheptadine 4 mg ACETAZOLAMIDE 500 MG DIAMOX TAB SITAGLIPTIN 50 MG TAB plus METFORMIN 1000 MG TAB NIFEDIPINE RETARD 20 MG CAPperTAB VILDAGLIPTIN 50MG TAB CLOBETASOL plus NEOMYCIN PROPYGENTA CREAM DEXAMETHASONE 4MG TAB PANTOPRAZOLE 20 MG TAB INJ HALOPERIDOL 5 MG SERENACE HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE 25 MG TAB QUETIAPINE SR 100 MG TAB ETHAMBUTOL 800 MG TAB CALAMINE POWDER PACKET OF 400 GM DILTIAZEM CD 120 CAPperTAB SUCTION CATHETER 18FG LAMOTRIGINE 100MG TAB PYRAZINAMIDE 1000 MG TAB PANTAPROZOLE 40 MG plus DOMPERIDONE 10 MG PAN D METOPROLOL XL 25 MG TAB ADHESIVE PLASTER SIZE 7.5 SITAGLIPTIN 50MG TAB plus METFORMIN 500MG TAB IBUPROFEN 400 MG TAB GLIMEPRIDE 2 MG plus METFORMIN 1000 MG SR TAB PRIMAQUINE 7.5MG BASE TAB DICYCLOMIN 10 MG TAB METOPROLOL TARTRATE 100 MG TAB S AMLODIPINE 2. 5 MGTAB GABAPENTIN 300MG plus METHYLCOBALAMIN 1500 MCG TAB Bid Details/ 2 / 69GeMARPTS607 607 / Searched Strings used in GeMARPTS ANTACID GEL F 400 ML DIGENE PANTOPRAZOLE 40 MG plus DOMPERIDONE SR 30 MG CAP Tab Abiraterone acetate 1000mg CALCIUM DOBESILATE EUPHORBIA PROSTRATA EXTRACT 100MG INJ PNEUMOCOCAL VACCINE 23 INJ PARACETAMOL INFUSION 10MGperML 100ML INJ DEXTORSE percentage SYP LACTULOSE 200 ML DNS FLUID COMPRESSION STOCKINS ABOVE KNEE PROTEIN POWDER 200GM SYP CEFUROXIME 125 MG DVT STOCKING XL Syp Multi Vit vita- Sip-Z bott of 100ml INJ NORMAL SALINE 100 ML MOXIFLOXACIN OINT CO-ENZYME CAPSULE SYRINGE DISPO PLASTIC 10ML WITH NEEDLE INH SALMETROL 50 MCGplus FLUTICASONE 125 MCG Tab AeclofenacplusSerratiopeptidase plus Pcm BLOOD TRANSFUSION SET COTTON 300 GM SILICON HEEL CUP Tab Levocarnitine 500mg SYP PARACETAMOL 162 MG plus IBUPROFEN 100 MG 60 ML INJ HAEMACCEL CALCIUM CHLORIDE plus POTASSIUM CHLORIDEplusSODIUM CHLORIDE GLICLAZIDE 30 MG MR TAB INJ CIPROFLOXACIN 200 MGper100 ML SODIUM CROMOGLYCATE 4percent EYE DROP EperD OLAPTADINE BOTT OF 5ML CREPE BANDAGE 5 CM INJ MANNITOL 20percent BOTT OF 350ML INJ PHENYTOIN SODIUM SUMATRIPTAN 50 MG TAB SYRINGE DISPO PLASTIC 20 ML WITH NEEDLE Tab Nifedipine 10mg LAMOTRIGINE 50 MG TAB ISONIAZID 300MG TAB ANTACID CHEWABLE DIGENE TAB ORAL TEETHING SOL ZYTEE MOUTH LOTION 10ML SYP CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE 1 MG PARACETAMOL 125MG PHENYLEPHRINE 2.5MG Human Insulin Analogue Glargine Inj100 IUper ml Disposable Pen with needles Silk Braided size 3-0 70-76 cm cutting 3/8 circle needle 45 mm Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910 size 2 70 cm half circle Reverse Cutting Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910 size 3 90 cm 3by8 circle Reverse Cutting Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910 size 4 90 cm half circle RB SODIUM VALPROATE 500 MG TAB CARVEDILOL 10 MG TAB INJ CALCIUM GLUCONATE 10 percent BETAMETHASONE 4 MG INJ Tab isosorbide Monotrate 30 mg LINAGLIPTIN 5MG plus METFORMIN 1000 MG TAB LANSOPRAZOLE 30 MG CAP MALE EXTERNAL CONDOM CATHETER SIZE S MICROPORE 1 INCH PLASTER INJ DILTIAZEM PRE-PRO TAB PROBIOTIC FINASTERIDE 5 MG TAB TORSEMIDE 100 MG TAB CARBIDOPA 10 MG plus LEVODOPA 100 MG CR TAB SYNDOPA CR 110 MG PERINDOPRIL 8 MG INJ ETOPHYLLNE 84.7 plus THEOPHYLLINE 25.3 perML CLOBETASOL plus MICONOZOLE plusGENTAMYCIN OINT SUMATRIPTAN 85 MG plus NAPROXEN 500 MG TAB Tab Cyproheptadine 4 mg ACETAZOLAMIDE 500 MG DIAMOX TAB SITAGLIPTIN 50 MG TAB plus METFORMIN 1000 MG TAB NIFEDIPINE RETARD 20 MG CAPperTAB VILDAGLIPTIN 50MG TAB CLOBETASOL plus NEOMYCIN PROPYGENTA CREAM DEXAMETHASONE 4MG TAB PANTOPRAZOLE 20 MG TAB INJ HALOPERIDOL 5 MG SERENACE HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE 25 MG TAB QUETIAPINE SR 100 MG TAB ETHAMBUTOL 800 MG TAB CALAMINE POWDER PACKET OF 400 GM DILTIAZEM CD 120 CAPperTAB SUCTION CATHETER 18FG LAMOTRIGINE 100MG TAB PYRAZINAMIDE 1000 MG TAB PANTAPROZOLE 40 MG plus DOMPERIDONE 10 MG PAN D METOPROLOL XL 25 MG TAB ADHESIVE PLASTER SIZE 7.5 SITAGLIPTIN 50MG TAB plus METFORMIN 500MG TAB IBUPROFEN 400 MG TAB GLIMEPRIDE 2 MG plus METFORMIN 1000 MG SR TAB PRIMAQUINE 7.5MG BASE TAB DICYCLOMIN 10 MG TAB METOPROLOL TARTRATE 100 MG TAB S AMLODIPINE 2. 5 Bid Details/ 3 / 69MGTAB GABAPENTIN 300MG plus METHYLCOBALAMIN 1500 MCG TAB Searched String : ANTACID GEL F 400 ML DIGENE Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : PANTOPRAZOLE 40 MG plus DOMPERIDONE SR 30 MG CAP Cap FS Disruptive JSS Pantoprazole Injection PANTOPRAZOLE Digital Physiograph System Searched String : Tab Abiraterone acetate 1000mg Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS books Digital Physiograph System SODIUM ACETATE Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Searched String : CALCIUM DOBESILATE EUPHORBIA PROSTRATA EXTRACT 100MG Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : INJ PNEUMOCOCAL VACCINE 23 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Geological compass Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Searched String : INJ PARACETAMOL INFUSION 10MGperML 100ML Paracetamol Injection Online UPS V2 METRONIDAZOLE IV INFUSION Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories CIPROFLOXACIN I.V. INFUSION INJECTION Disposable Syringes as per IS 10258 LEVOFLOXACIN I.V. INFUSION INJECTION Cap FS Disruptive JSS Cat 6 Patch cord Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Searched String : INJ DEXTORSE percentage Injector Diagnosis and Cleaning System Kit For Educational Purpose Cap FS Disruptive JSS Endoscopic Injection Needle Ash Grey Uniform Endoscopic Injection Needle V2 Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Corrosion Inhibitor for Water Injection in Assam Asset - ONGC Sprinkler Irrigation Unit as per IS 12232 Water Injection Corrosion Inhibitor for Mumbai Assets ONGC D and C Set Searched String : SYP LACTULOSE 200 ML Toilet Soap Liquid As Per IS 4199 Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Toilet Soap or Liquid Amoxicillin Clavulanic Oral Liquid Glass Tableware Azithromycin Oral Liquid Alcohol Based Hand Rub / Hand Sanitizer Ayurvedic Classical Medicines - Arishta Ayurvedic Classical Medicines Asava Antiseptic / Antimicrobial Hand Wash Searched String : DNS FLUID DNS Security Software / Appliance Blood Fluid Warming Cabinet V2 Diesel Exhaust Fluid RBC Diluting Fluid Household Disinfectants or Disinfectant Fluids Phenolic Type as per IS 1061 WBC Diluting Fluid Wheel Chairs V2 Non Bid Details/ 4 / 69Invasive Fluid ONGC Blood or Fluid Warming Cabinet Blood and Fluid Warmer Searched String : COMPRESSION STOCKINS ABOVE KNEE Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Device Artificial Limbs Searched String : PROTEIN POWDER 200GM Protein Powder Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Kids Protein Powder Cap FS Disruptive JSS Womens Protein Powder Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Whey Protein Powder Protein Detection System Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Protein ladder marker Searched String : SYP CEFUROXIME 125 MG Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet CEFUROXIME AXETIL Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 125 mg Dispersible Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Amoxicillin Clavulanic Acid Potassium Clavulanate Tablet PARACETAMOL SYRUP Griseofulvin Tablet Azithromycin Oral Liquid Searched String : DVT STOCKING XL stocking anti embolism stockings for dvt prophylaxix Rain Coat Suit Sleeves for DVT Pump XL Multical System Pack Stock Pot Stove Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Device V2 personal safety kit reflective luminous garments HbA1c Calibration Reagent Kit Diaries Printed - Plain - Register Hosiery Garments from Tiruppur - ODOP Searched String : Syp Multi Vit vita- Sip-Z bott of 100ml Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : INJ NORMAL SALINE 100 ML Normal Saline Sodium Chloride Nasal Drops Alcohol Based Hand Rub / Hand Sanitizer Human Normal Immunoglobulin Injection Cap FS Disruptive JSS Urine Collection Bag V2 Sprinkler Irrigation Unit as per IS 12232 Measured Volume Set V2 Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Glass Tableware measured volume set Searched String : MOXIFLOXACIN OINT Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 400 mg Tablets Moxifloxacin Anti TB Drug Powder for in-vitro use DST under NTEP Football Shoes Povidone Iodine Ointment Based Knitted Dressing Povidone Iodine Ointment Based Knitted Dressing V2 Acyclovir Ointment V2 POVIDONE IODINE OINTMENT Acyclovir Ointment Searched String : CO-ENZYME CAPSULE CO - Trimoxazole Stationary Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries As Per IS 15549 Cement Capsule books Resin Capsule pH Meter Capsule Bottle Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Miltefosine Capsule Muffle Furnace Searched String : SYRINGE DISPO PLASTIC 10ML WITH NEEDLE Bid Details/ 5 / 69Disposable Syringes as per IS 10258 Sterile Hypodermic Syringe V3 Sterile Hypodermic Syringe for Manual use V2 Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Plasticized PVC Tapes with Nonthermosetting Adhesive as per IS 7809 Part 3 / Section 1 Manual Needle Cum Syringe Hub Destroyer Marking Cones plastic bottles water bottle with carry bag for cpmf Insulin Syringe 5 ml Sterile Hypodermic Syringe with Re-use Prevention RUP Feature for Universal Immunization Programme Searched String : INH SALMETROL 50 MCGplus FLUTICASONE 125 MCG Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Tab AeclofenacplusSerratiopeptidase plus Pcm High end Office Table / Desk Furniture Set / Suit Sanitary Napkins as per IS 5405 Searched String : BLOOD TRANSFUSION SET Gravity Feed Transfusion Set Blood Sample Collection Tubes Microaggregate Blood Transfusion Filter B.T Filter Blood Administration Set V2 blood administration set Power Generator - DG Set up to 900 KVA Leukocyte Removal Filters for Red Blood Transfusion books Leukocyte Removal Filter for Red Blood Transfusion blood pressure recording units Searched String : COTTON 300 GM GM Counter Cleaning Duster V2 X - Ray Machine 300 mA Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Cotton Towelling and Towels V2 as per IS 7056 Cotton Saree Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Shorts Cotton Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Searched String : SILICON HEEL CUP HEEL EXERCISER Disposable Paper Cup Sample Cup socks Silicon Metal Muffle Furnace Silicon Spray Tea set Silicon Sealent Glass Tableware Searched String : Tab Levocarnitine 500mg Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Tab Washer-IS:8068 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Baclofen Desktop Computers Modular Table V2 Overbed Tables Ultra low temperature laboratory deep freezer Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Searched String : SYP PARACETAMOL 162 MG plus IBUPROFEN 100 MG 60 ML Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : INJ HAEMACCEL CALCIUM CHLORIDE plus POTASSIUM CHLORIDEplusSODIUM CHLORIDE Potassium Chloride Injection Cap FS Disruptive JSS Searched String : GLICLAZIDE 30 MG MR TAB Bid Details/ 6 / 69Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet books Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Linezolid 600 mg Tablets Zidovudine Lamivudine Nevirapine Tablets V2 Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 400 mg Tablets Digital Physiograph System Searched String : INJ CIPROFLOXACIN 200 MGper100 ML CIPROFLOXACIN I.V. INFUSION INJECTION Toilet Soap Liquid As Per IS 4199 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Alcohol Based Hand Rub / Hand Sanitizer Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Glass Tableware Toilet Soap or Liquid Urine Collection Bag V2 Measured Volume Set V2 Metal Polish Liquid as per IS 5487 Searched String : SODIUM CROMOGLYCATE 4percent EYE DROP Sodium Hyaluronate Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Prednisolone Eye Drops Sodium Hyaluronate Drops V2 Bimatoprost Blood Sample Collection Tubes Brimonidine Brimonidine Tartrate Timolol Maleate Drops V2 Welding Goggles for Eye Protector as per IS 5983 Normal Saline Sodium Chloride Nasal Drops Searched String : EperD OLAPTADINE BOTT OF 5ML Lubricating soaps Online UPS V2 Laboratory Glassware - Burettes V2 as per IS 1997 Battery Cell as per IS 9128 IS 8144 Sprinkler Irrigation Unit as per IS 12232 Power Generator - DG Set up to 900 KVA Cap FS Disruptive JSS Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves - Prepowdered as per IS 13422 Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Shaker Incubator Searched String : CREPE BANDAGE 5 CM crepe bandage Liquid Crystal Display LCD Panel or Monitors Crepe Bandage V2 Brush for Road Sweeper Machine Cotton Bandage Cloth V2 Elastic Bandage Cotton Towels as per IS 7056 Plaster of Paris Bandage V2 elastic zinc oxide adhesive bandage Weightlifting Discs Searched String : INJ MANNITOL 20percent BOTT OF 350ML Laboratory Glassware - Burettes V2 as per IS 1997 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Methyl acetate Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Hand Dryer V2 Disposable Syringes as per IS 10258 Searched String : INJ PHENYTOIN SODIUM Phenytoin Injection Blood Sample Collection Tubes Phenytoin Tablet Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Phenytoin Oral Liquid Flame Photometer Sodium Chloride Injection Cap FS Disruptive JSS Sodium Nitroprusside Injection High Pressure Sodium Vapour Lamps HPSV Lamps as per IS 9974 Part 1 and 2 Searched String : SUMATRIPTAN 50 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 50mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Clofazimine 50 mg Capsules Football Shoes Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets books Bid Details/ 7 / 69Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Zidovudine Lamivudine Nevirapine Tablets V2 Searched String : SYRINGE DISPO PLASTIC 20 ML WITH NEEDLE 5 ml Sterile Hypodermic Syringe with Re-use Prevention RUP Feature for Universal Immunization Programme Sterile Hypodermic Syringe V3 Disposable Syringes as per IS 10258 Shirt Disposable Cotton Voile for Special Clothing Personnel Related to Special Platform Sterile Hypodermic Syringe for Manual use V2 Trouser Disposable Cotton Voile for Special Clothing Personnel Related to Special Platform Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Plasticized PVC Tapes with Nonthermosetting Adhesive as per IS 7809 Part 3 / Section 1 Manual Needle Cum Syringe Hub Destroyer plastic bottles water bottle with carry bag for cpmf Insulin Syringe Searched String : Tab Nifedipine 10mg Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 10mg Scored Dispersible Tablet Desktop Computers Tab Washer-IS:8068 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Baclofen water baths Modular Table V2 Digital Physiograph System Overbed Tables Online UPS V2 Searched String : LAMOTRIGINE 50 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 50mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Clofazimine 50 mg Capsules books Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets Football Shoes Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Zidovudine Lamivudine Nevirapine Tablets V2 Searched String : ISONIAZID 300MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 100mg Dispersible Tablet Isoniazid Oral Liquid Napkin Dispenser Tab Washer-IS:8068 Baclofen Digital Multimeter as per IS 9000 First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - 4FDC Adult Disease Specific Real Time PCR Kits Searched String : ANTACID CHEWABLE DIGENE TAB Cap FS Disruptive JSS Searched String : ORAL TEETHING SOL ZYTEE MOUTH LOTION 10ML Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : SYP CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE 1 MG PARACETAMOL 125MG PHENYLEPHRINE 2.5MG Cap FS Disruptive JSS Chlorpheniramine Maleate Dextromethorphan Phenylephrine Tablets V2 Megaphone IOCL Digital Physiograph System Budesonide Formoterol Fumarate Respules V2 Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Budesonide Levosalbutamol Respules V2 Budesonide Respirator Solution for use in Nebulizer Bid Details/ 8 / 69GeMARPTS / Searched Result generated in GeMARPTS Searched String : Human Insulin Analogue Glargine Inj100 IUper ml Disposable Pen with needles Insulin Syringe Searched String : Silk Braided size 3-0 70-76 cm cutting 3/8 circle needle 45 mm Non Sparking Ring Slugging Spanners V2 Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2 Non Sparking Combination Spanners V2 Searched String : Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910 size 2 70 cm half circle Reverse Cutting Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910 size 3 90 cm 3by8 circle Reverse Cutting Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Synthetic Absorbable Polygalactin 910 size 4 90 cm half circle RB Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : SODIUM VALPROATE 500 MG TAB Sodium Valproate Injection Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - 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Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet books Anti TB Drugs - Bid Details/ 9 / 69Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Zidovudine Lamivudine Nevirapine Tablets V2 Anti TB Drugs - Linezolid 600 mg Tablets Digital Physiograph System Searched String : LINAGLIPTIN 5MG plus METFORMIN 1000 MG TAB Cap FS Disruptive JSS Digital Physiograph System books Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 METFORMIN Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Searched String : LANSOPRAZOLE 30 MG CAP Rucksack 30 Ltrs Capacity V2 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Zidovudine Lamivudine Nevirapine Tablets V2 Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Zidovudine Lamivudine Tablets V2 Anti TB Drugs - Rifampicin 150 mg Capsule Amoxicillin Clavulanic Oral Liquid Anti TB Drugs - Rifampicin 450 mg Capsule centrifuge tubes Searched String : MALE EXTERNAL CONDOM CATHETER SIZE S Male External Catheter Male External Catheter V2 Searched String : MICROPORE 1 INCH PLASTER General Purpose Ball Valves V2 Sprinkler Irrigation Unit as per IS 12232 CPVC Industrial Pipe Fittings Schedule 80 Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Television TV V2 Gypsum Building Plaster - Excluding Premixed as per IS 2547 Elbow Pipe Fitting Brush for Road Sweeper Machine Taflon Tape as per IS 14635 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Searched String : INJ DILTIAZEM Diltiazem Injection Cap FS Disruptive JSS Diltiazem Tablet Hand Dryer V2 Injector Diagnosis and Cleaning System Kit For Educational Purpose Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Endoscopic Injection Needle Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Endoscopic Injection Needle V2 Sprinkler Irrigation Unit as per IS 12232 Searched String : PRE-PRO TAB PROBIOTIC Women Probiotic Prebiotic Capsules Probiotics 50 Billion CFUs Capsules Probiotics 10 Billion CFUs Capsules Sports Probiotics Powder Photometer / Colorimeter for Water Testing High Temperature High Pressure Table Top Sample Dyeing Machine Propylthiouracil Tablets Pregnancy Test Kit for Family Planning Programme Fluoroscopy Procedure Table cum Chair for Video Urodynamic Studies Centchroman Tablets Chhaya For Family Welfare Programme of MOHFW Searched String : FINASTERIDE 5 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets books Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Linezolid 600 mg Tablets Combination of Shower and Eye Bid Details/ 10 / 69Wash as per IS 10592 Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 400 mg Tablets Chlorpheniramine Maleate Dextromethorphan Phenylephrine Tablets V2 Searched String : TORSEMIDE 100 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 100 mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - Ethambutol 100 mg Tablets books Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Proteinase K Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Football Shoes Anti TB Drugs - Clofazimine 100 mg Capsules Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Searched String : CARBIDOPA 10 MG plus LEVODOPA 100 MG CR TAB SYNDOPA CR 110 MG Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 100 mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - Ethambutol 100 mg Tablets Football Shoes Anti TB Drugs - 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Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets books Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Linezolid 600 mg Tablets Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 400 mg Tablets Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Searched String : ACETAZOLAMIDE 500 MG DIAMOX TAB Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS Acetazolamide Tablet Acetazolamide Tablets V2 Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Bid Details/ 11 / 69Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Searched String : SITAGLIPTIN 50 MG TAB plus METFORMIN 1000 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 50mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets books Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - 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DEFENCE Portable Voice Recorder Searched String : DILTIAZEM CD 120 CAPperTAB read only compact disc cd Searched String : SUCTION CATHETER 18FG Suction Catheters V2 water baths suction catheters Thoracic Drainage Catheter V2 Vent Catheter Cleaning Duster V2 Dialysis Catheter Urethral Catheter High Vacuum Suction Machine V2 Foleys Catheter Searched String : LAMOTRIGINE 100MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 100mg Dispersible Tablet Hot air oven Tab Washer-IS:8068 Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Baclofen Online UPS V2 Modular Table V2 Digital Physiograph System Overbed Tables Classroom Stools Searched String : PYRAZINAMIDE 1000 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 750mg Dispersible Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 150mg Dispersible Tablet books Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets CEFOTAXIME SODIUM INJECTION Bid Details/ 13 / 69Searched String : PANTAPROZOLE 40 MG plus DOMPERIDONE 10 MG PAN D DOMPERIDONE Chlorpheniramine Maleate Dextromethorphan Phenylephrine Tablets V2 OMEPRAZOLE DOMPERIDONE Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Searched String : METOPROLOL XL 25 MG TAB Metoprolol Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 250 mg Tablets Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 250 mg Capsules Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet Anti TB Drugs - Linezolid 600 mg Tablets Searched String : ADHESIVE PLASTER SIZE 7.5 Fabricated PVC - U Fittings for Portable Water Supplies as per IS 10124 Surgical Gloves as per IS 4148 Sprinkler Irrigation Unit as per IS 12232 Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves V2 Epoxy Adhesive 9323-2 Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves - Prepowdered as per IS 13422 Gypsum Building Plaster - Excluding Premixed as per IS 2547 Single use Rubber Examination Gloves V2 Surgical Rubber Gloves V2 Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves Searched String : SITAGLIPTIN 50MG TAB plus METFORMIN 500MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 50mg Tablets Sanitary Napkins as per IS 5405 High end Office Table / Desk Furniture Set / Suit Football Shoes Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Digital Physiograph System Searched String : IBUPROFEN 400 MG TAB Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 400 mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet PARACETAMOL IBUPROFEN Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet IBUPROFEN Anti TB Drugs - Linezolid 600 mg Tablets Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 Searched String : GLIMEPRIDE 2 MG plus METFORMIN 1000 MG SR TAB Cap FS Disruptive JSS Chlorpheniramine Maleate Dextromethorphan Phenylephrine Tablets V2 Searched String : PRIMAQUINE 7.5MG BASE TAB Lactose TTC Agar with Tergitol 7 Surgical Gloves as per IS 4148 Tablet Based Biometric Attendance System V2 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Moonj Grass based Furniture Products from Udham Singh Nagar - ODOP Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves V2 Sanitary Napkins as per IS 5405 The Multilayered Cross Laminated Sheets / Tarpaulins / Covers / Agricultural Films as per IS 14611 books Single use Rubber Examination Gloves V2 Searched String : DICYCLOMIN 10 MG TAB Bid Details/ 14 / 69Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 100 mg Tablets Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet books Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Special Proofed Canvas / Duck as per IS 6803 First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - Ethambutol 100 mg Tablets Digital Physiograph System Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Searched String : METOPROLOL TARTRATE 100 MG TAB Metoprolol Tablet Cap FS Disruptive JSS Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 100 mg Tablets First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - Ethambutol 100 mg Tablets Proteinase K Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Football Shoes Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Brimonidine Tartrate Brinzolamide Drops V2 Anti TB Drugs - Clofazimine 100 mg Capsules Searched String S AMLODIPINE 2. 5 MGTAB 5-5 Dithiobis -2-2 Nitrobenzoic Acid XLPE Cable for Working Voltages up to and Including 1.1 KV as per IS 7098 Part 1 246-Tris2-pyridyl-s-triazine Cap FS Disruptive JSS 5- Sulfosalicylic acid Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 bag kit universal Endpoint Detection and Response EDR Appliance / Software Fabricated PVC - U Fittings for Portable Water Supplies as per IS 10124 Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves - Prepowdered as per IS 13422 Searched String : GABAPENTIN 300MG plus METHYLCOBALAMIN 1500 MCG TAB Digital Physiograph System / Relevant Categories selected for notification Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate hexahydrate Aluminium Hydroxide as per IS:10896
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