Patratu Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited
Jharkhand | Ramgarh |
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Publish Date
21 Jan 2025
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28 Feb 2025
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Evaluation Date
28 Feb 2025
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0.62 Cr | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Patratu Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Item Category | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
YOKE ASSY71013ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR CLUTCH RING24194ROTORK CONTROLSK30 HAND AUTO ASSY71012ROTORK CONTROLSK30 CENTER COLUMN71041ROTORK CONTROLSK30 THRUST BASE ASSYROTORK CONTROLSK30 G0A NON-THRUST BASE ASSY71035ACTUATOR DRIVE BUSH24172ROTORK CONTROLSK60F10A DRIVE BUSH-E24281ROTORK CONTROLS THRUST BEARING71037ROTORK CONTROLS HAND WHEEL TOP71024ROTORK CONTROLSK30 O- RINGandOIL SEAL KIT71001ACTUATOR O-RING SETROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK30 OIL SEAL KIT71002ROTORK CONTROLSK30 THRUST WASHERROTORK CONTROLSK30 LSD SHAFT71042ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR FELT SEAL KIT71005ROTORK CONTROLS MAIN PCB32827ROTORKACTUATOR POWER MODULE ASSY31400ROTORK CONTROLS CONTACTOR ASSY75014ROTORK CONTROLS SELECTION KNOB77003ROTORK CONTROLS KNOB ASSY30865ROTORK SYNCROPAK MOTORACTUATORK30GOA MOTOR ASSYROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK60 SWITCH MECHANISMROTORKACTUATOR SWITCH MECHANISMSorMWD9000 plus APD ASSY SWITCH MECHANISMROTORK CONTROLS16A LIMITorTORQUE SWITCH76018ACTUATOR YOKE ASSY72013ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR CLUTCH RING21931ROTORK CONTROLSK300 HAND AUTO ASSY72012ROTORK CONTROLS THRUST BASE A ASSYROTORK CONTROLS DRIVE BUSHROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK300 THRUST BEARING103LIMITORQUEACTUATOR HAND WHEEL TOPACTUATORK300 O-RING and OIL SEAL KIT772004ACTUATOR O-RING KIT72004ROTORK CONTROLSK300 OIL SEAL SETROTORK CONTROLSK30036RPM HAND WHEEL RETAINER244851K300 THRUST WASHERACTUATORK300 LIMIT SWITCH72042ROTORK CONTROLSK300 FELT SEAL KIT72005ROTORK CONTROLSK300 MOTOR ASSY72057ROTORK CONTROLSK300 SWITCH MECHANISM9235LLROTORKACTUATOR YOKE ASSY74013ACTUATORK1000 CLUTCH RING24801ROTORK CONTROLSK800 HAND AUTO ASSY74012ROTORK CONTROLS CENTER COLUMN74041ROTORK CONTROLS THRUST BASE ASSY74031ROTORKACTUATOR DRIVE BUSHROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK800 THRUST BEARING74033ROTORK SYNCROPAK HAND WHEEL TOP74021ROTORK CONTROLS O-RING and OIL SEAL KIT74005K800 O-RING KITROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK800 OIL SEAL KITROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR HAND WHEEL RETAINER224951ACTUATOR THRUST WASHERROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR LSD SHAFT ASSY74042ROTORK CONTROLS SEAL KIT74005ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR MOTOR ASSY74060ROTORKACTUATOR MOTOR ASSYROTORKACTUATORK800 SWITCH MECHANISM9205ROTORKACTUATOR HAND WHEEL RETAINER21872K30 MOTORROTORKACTUATORKK30- GOA CENTER COLUMN72041ROTORK CONTROLS Bid Details/ 2 / 47GeMARPTS617 617 / Searched Strings used in GeMARPTS YOKE ASSY71013ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR CLUTCH RING24194ROTORK CONTROLSK30 HAND AUTO ASSY71012ROTORK CONTROLSK30 CENTER COLUMN71041ROTORK CONTROLSK30 THRUST BASE ASSYROTORK CONTROLSK30 G0A NON-THRUST BASE ASSY71035ACTUATOR DRIVE BUSH24172ROTORK CONTROLSK60F10A DRIVE BUSH-E24281ROTORK CONTROLS THRUST BEARING71037ROTORK CONTROLS HAND WHEEL TOP71024ROTORK CONTROLSK30 O- RINGOIL SEAL KIT71001ACTUATOR O-RING SETROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK30 OIL SEAL KIT71002ROTORK CONTROLSK30 THRUST WASHERROTORK CONTROLSK30 LSD SHAFT71042ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR FELT SEAL KIT71005ROTORK CONTROLS MAIN PCB32827ROTORKACTUATOR POWER MODULE ASSY31400ROTORK CONTROLS CONTACTOR ASSY75014ROTORK CONTROLS SELECTION KNOB77003ROTORK CONTROLS KNOB ASSY30865ROTORK SYNCROPAK MOTORACTUATORK30GOA MOTOR ASSYROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK60 SWITCH MECHANISMROTORKACTUATOR SWITCH MECHANISMS/MWD9000APD ASSY SWITCH MECHANISMROTORK CONTROLS16A LIMIT/TORQUE SWITCH76018ACTUATOR YOKE ASSY72013ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR CLUTCH RING21931ROTORK CONTROLSK300 HAND AUTO ASSY72012ROTORK CONTROLS THRUST BASE A ASSYROTORK CONTROLS DRIVE BUSHROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK300 THRUST BEARING103LIMITORQUEACTUATOR HAND WHEEL TOPACTUATORK300 O-RINGOIL SEAL KIT772004ACTUATOR O-RING KIT72004ROTORK CONTROLSK300 OIL SEAL SETROTORK CONTROLSK30036RPM HAND WHEEL RETAINER244851K300 THRUST WASHERACTUATORK300 LIMIT SWITCH72042ROTORK CONTROLSK300 FELT SEAL KIT72005ROTORK CONTROLSK300 MOTOR ASSY72057ROTORK CONTROLSK300 SWITCH MECHANISM9235LLROTORKACTUATOR YOKE ASSY74013ACTUATORK1000 CLUTCH RING24801ROTORK CONTROLSK800 HAND AUTO ASSY74012ROTORK CONTROLS CENTER COLUMN74041ROTORK CONTROLS THRUST BASE ASSY74031ROTORKACTUATOR DRIVE BUSHROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK800 THRUST BEARING74033ROTORK SYNCROPAK HAND WHEEL TOP74021ROTORK CONTROLS O-RINGOIL SEAL KIT74005K800 O-RING KITROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK800 OIL SEAL KITROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR HAND WHEEL RETAINER224951ACTUATOR THRUST WASHERROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR LSD SHAFT ASSY74042ROTORK CONTROLS SEAL KIT74005ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR MOTOR ASSY74060ROTORKACTUATOR MOTOR ASSYROTORKACTUATORK800 SWITCH MECHANISM9205ROTORKACTUATOR HAND WHEEL RETAINER21872K30 MOTORROTORKACTUATORKK30- GOA CENTER COLUMN72041ROTORK CONTROLS Searched String : YOKE ASSY71013ROTORK Bid Details/ 3 / 47CONTROLSACTUATOR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : CLUTCH RING24194ROTORK CONTROLSK30 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : HAND AUTO ASSY71012ROTORK CONTROLSK30 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : CENTER COLUMN71041ROTORK CONTROLSK30 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : THRUST BASE ASSYROTORK CONTROLSK30 G0A Online UPS V2 IGBT Based Heavy Duty Power Source Air Plasma Cutting System with compressor Solar Lamps Solar Based Home Systems - Solar Power Packs - AC Models Searched String : NON-THRUST BASE ASSY71035ACTUATOR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : DRIVE BUSH24172ROTORK CONTROLSK60F10A Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : DRIVE BUSH-E24281ROTORK CONTROLS Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : THRUST BEARING71037ROTORK CONTROLS Thrust Bearing BHEL Ball Bearings as per IS 6455 Searched String : HAND WHEEL TOP71024ROTORK CONTROLSK30 wheel chairs Searched String : O-RINGOIL SEAL KIT71001ACTUATOR O-Ring Kit Searched String : O-RING SETROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK30 Power Generator - DG Set up to 900 KVA Piston Ring Set- IS:6621 IS:8422 Searched String : OIL SEAL KIT71002ROTORK Bid Details/ 4 / 47CONTROLSK30 Oil seal Hygiene Kit for Gujarat Papad Making Kit Gujarat Govt Athanu Maker Kit Gujarat Govt Papad Making Kit GRIMCO Gujarat Govt Searched String : THRUST WASHERROTORK CONTROLSK30 Power Generator - DG Set up to 900 KVA Online Ups Modular Type Laboratory Incubators Online UPS V2 Cockroach Gel Fipronil Flying Insect Control Traps - Fly Catcher IGBT Based Heavy Duty Power Source Air Plasma Cutting System with compressor Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Searched String : LSD SHAFT71042ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : FELT SEAL KIT71005ROTORK CONTROLS Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MAIN PCB32827ROTORKACTUATOR Motorized Actuator V2 Searched String : POWER MODULE ASSY31400ROTORK CONTROLS Solar Lamps Solar Based Home Systems - Solar Power Packs - AC Models Searched String : CONTACTOR ASSY75014ROTORK CONTROLS Control Contactors-IS:13947 Searched String : SELECTION KNOB77003ROTORK CONTROLS Toaster Box Strapping Machine Searched String : KNOB ASSY30865ROTORK SYNCROPAK Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MOTORACTUATORK30GOA Motorized Actuator V2 Muffle Furnace Starter Motor Assembly Synchronous servo motor Online UPS V2 Vehicle Wiper Motor Orthopedic Operating Table DC WINCH MOTOR Motor cooling fan Delivery Bed Searched String : MOTOR ASSYROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK60 Motorized Actuator V2 Searched String : SWITCH MECHANISMROTORKACTUATOR Motorized Actuator V2 Bid Details/ 5 / 47GeMARPTS / Searched Result generated in GeMARPTS Searched String : SWITCH MECHANISMS/MWD9000APD ASSY Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : SWITCH MECHANISMROTORK CONTROLS16A modular electrical switches and accessories Cap FS Disruptive JSS Switch Mode Power Supply SMPS as per IS 14886: Digital Earth Resistance Meter Layer 2 Access Switch V2 Megaphone-Loud Hailer Revolving Chair V4 Anklet Web SAN Switch KVM Switch Searched String : LIMIT/TORQUE SWITCH76018ACTUATOR Limit Switch Layer 2 Access Switch V2 limit switchNPCIL Geological compass Roller lever Limit Switch Heavy Duty Limit Switch-RINL Searched String : YOKE ASSY72013ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : CLUTCH RING21931ROTORK CONTROLSK300 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : HAND AUTO ASSY72012ROTORK CONTROLS Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : THRUST BASE A ASSYROTORK CONTROLS Solar Lamps Solar Based Home Systems - Solar Power Packs - AC Models Searched String : DRIVE BUSHROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK300 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : THRUST BEARING103LIMITORQUEACTUATOR Thrust Bearing BHEL Ball Bearings as per IS 6455 Searched String : HAND WHEEL TOPACTUATORK300 Wheelbarrows Single Wheel Type V2 as per IS 2431 Digital Multimeter Wheelbarrows Two Wheels Type as per IS 4184 Troop Carrier Police Vehicles V2 Hawkers of Different Commodities Kit Gujarat Govt as per IS 624 Wheel Set IS 2414 Tyre IS 2415 Tube Napkin Dispenser Tool Kit for Spinning Wheel Hathkargha - ODOP UP Gov. Barabanki Recirculating chiller Wrought Aluminium Utensils V2 as per IS 1660 Rotary Shaker Bid Details/ 6 / 47Searched String : O-RINGOIL SEAL KIT772004ACTUATOR O-Ring Kit Searched String : O-RING KIT72004ROTORK CONTROLSK300 O-Ring Kit Searched String : OIL SEAL SETROTORK CONTROLSK30036RPM Piston Ring Set-IS:6621 IS:8422 Rack Steel Adjustable JSS Specification Oil seal Searched String : HAND WHEEL RETAINER244851K300 Wheelbarrows Single Wheel Type V2 as per IS 2431 Digital Multimeter Wheelbarrows Two Wheels Type as per IS 4184 Double Wheel Hoe Hawkers of Different Commodities Kit Gujarat Govt as per IS 624 Wheel Set IS 2414 Tyre IS 2415 Tube Tool Kit for Spinning Wheel Hathkargha - ODOP UP Gov. Barabanki Single Wheel Hoe Shoulder Builder / Arm Wheel - Outdoor Gym Equipment Hand Held Brush Cutter V2 Cut - off Wheel Searched String : THRUST WASHERACTUATORK300 Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Plain Washer as per IS 2016 Laundry Type Washing Machines / Drying Machines Searched String : LIMIT SWITCH72042ROTORK CONTROLSK300 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : FELT SEAL KIT72005ROTORK CONTROLSK300 Hydraulic Cylinder Seal Kit Papad Making Kit Gujarat Govt Athanu Maker Kit Gujarat Govt Papad Making Kit GRIMCO Gujarat Govt Searched String : MOTOR ASSY72057ROTORK CONTROLSK300 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : SWITCH MECHANISM9235LLROTORKACTUATOR Motorized Actuator V2 Searched String : YOKE ASSY74013ACTUATORK1000 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : CLUTCH RING24801ROTORK CONTROLSK800 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : HAND AUTO ASSY74012ROTORK CONTROLS Bid Details/ 7 / 47Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : CENTER COLUMN74041ROTORK CONTROLS Power Control Center Panel PCC Panel as per IS 11717 Searched String : THRUST BASE ASSY74031ROTORKACTUATOR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : DRIVE BUSHROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK800 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : THRUST BEARING74033ROTORK SYNCROPAK Thrust Bearing BHEL Ball Bearings as per IS 6455 Searched String : HAND WHEEL TOP74021ROTORK CONTROLS Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : O-RINGOIL SEAL KIT74005K800 O-Ring Kit Hygiene Kit for Gujarat Searched String : O-RING KITROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK800 O-Ring Kit Searched String : OIL SEAL KITROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : HAND WHEEL RETAINER224951ACTUATOR Wheelbarrows Single Wheel Type V2 as per IS 2431 Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Wheelbarrows Two Wheels Type as per IS 4184 Double Wheel Hoe Hawkers of Different Commodities Kit Gujarat Govt as per IS 624 Wheel Set IS 2414 Tyre IS 2415 Tube Single Wheel Hoe Tool Kit for Spinning Wheel Hathkargha - ODOP UP Gov. Barabanki Searched String : THRUST WASHERROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Motorized Actuator V2 Searched String : LSD SHAFT ASSY74042ROTORK CONTROLS Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Bid Details/ 8 / 47Searched String : SEAL KIT74005ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MOTOR ASSY74060ROTORKACTUATOR Motorized Actuator V2 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Drip - Leg Drain Searched String : MOTOR ASSYROTORKACTUATORK800 Motorized Actuator V2 Sieve Shaker Video Conferencing Camera / Web Camera Drip - Leg Drain Video Conferencing Camera / Web Camera V2 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Searched String : SWITCH MECHANISM9205ROTORKACTUATOR Motorized Actuator V2 Searched String : HAND WHEEL RETAINER21872K30 Wheelbarrows Single Wheel Type V2 as per IS 2431 Hand Held Search Light Wheelbarrows Two Wheels Type as per IS 4184 Double Wheel Hoe Hawkers of Different Commodities Kit Gujarat Govt as per IS 624 Wheel Set IS 2414 Tyre IS 2415 Tube Endodontic Files Tool Kit for Spinning Wheel Hathkargha - ODOP UP Gov. Barabanki Single Wheel Hoe Recirculating chiller Shoulder Builder / Arm Wheel - Outdoor Gym Equipment Searched String : MOTORROTORKACTUATORKK30-GOA Motorized Actuator V2 Power Generator - DG Set up to 900 KVA HEDGE TRIMMER or HEDGE CUTTER Reciprocating Air Compressors - Electric Motor Driven Searched String : CENTER COLUMN72041ROTORK CONTROLS Power Control Center Panel PCC Panel as per IS 11717 / Relevant Categories selected for notification OEM Spares for Automobiles | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Purchaser Address | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
829119,ADM Building, PVUNL, P O Patratu, Distt Ramgarh | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Work Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rotork make Actuator Spares for PVUNL;700; YOKE ASSY71013ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR CLUTCH RING24194ROTORK CONTROLSK30 HAND AUTO ASSY71012ROTORK CONTROLSK30 CENTER COLUMN71041ROTORK CONTROLSK30 THRUST BASE ASSYROTORK CONTROLSK30 G0A NON-THRUST BASE ASSY71035ACTUATOR DRIVE BUSH24172ROTORK CONTROLSK60F10A DRIVE BUSH-E24281ROTORK CONTROLS THRUST BEARING71037ROTORK CONTROLS HAND WHEEL TOP71024ROTORK CONTROLSK30 O- RINGandOIL SEAL KIT71001ACTUATOR O-RING SETROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK30 OIL SEAL KIT71002ROTORK CONTROLSK30 THRUST WASHERROTORK CONTROLSK30 LSD SHAFT71042ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR FELT SEAL KIT71005ROTORK CONTROLS MAIN PCB32827ROTORKACTUATOR POWER MODULE ASSY31400ROTORK CONTROLS CONTACTOR ASSY75014ROTORK CONTROLS SELECTION KNOB77003ROTORK CONTROLS KNOB ASSY30865ROTORK SYNCROPAK MOTORACTUATORK30GOA MOTOR ASSYROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK60 SWITCH MECHANISMROTORKACTUATOR SWITCH MECHANISMSorMWD9000 plus APD ASSY SWITCH MECHANISMROTORK CONTROLS16A LIMITorTORQUE SWITCH76018ACTUATOR YOKE ASSY72013ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR CLUTCH RING21931ROTORK CONTROLSK300 HAND AUTO ASSY72012ROTORK CONTROLS THRUST BASE A ASSYROTORK CONTROLS DRIVE BUSHROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK300 THRUST BEARING103LIMITORQUEACTUATOR HAND WHEEL TOPACTUATORK300 O-RING and OIL SEAL KIT772004ACTUATOR O-RING KIT72004ROTORK CONTROLSK300 OIL SEAL SETROTORK CONTROLSK30036RPM HAND WHEEL RETAINER244851K300 THRUST WASHERACTUATORK300 LIMIT SWITCH72042ROTORK CONTROLSK300 FELT SEAL KIT72005ROTORK CONTROLSK300 MOTOR ASSY72057ROTORK CONTROLSK300 SWITCH MECHANISM9235LLROTORKACTUATOR YOKE ASSY74013ACTUATORK1000 CLUTCH RING24801ROTORK CONTROLSK800 HAND AUTO ASSY74012ROTORK CONTROLS CENTER COLUMN74041ROTORK CONTROLS THRUST BASE ASSY74031ROTORKACTUATOR DRIVE BUSHROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK800 THRUST BEARING74033ROTORK SYNCROPAK HAND WHEEL TOP74021ROTORK CONTROLS O-RING and OIL SEAL KIT74005K800 O-RING KITROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK800 OIL SEAL KITROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR HAND WHEEL RETAINER224951ACTUATOR THRUST WASHERROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR LSD SHAFT ASSY74042ROTORK CONTROLS SEAL KIT74005ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR MOTOR ASSY74060ROTORKACTUATOR MOTOR ASSYROTORKACTUATORK800 SWITCH MECHANISM9205ROTORKACTUATOR HAND WHEEL RETAINER21872K30 MOTORROTORKACTUATORKK30- GOA CENTER COLUMN72041ROTORK CONTROLS Bid Details/ 2 / 47GeMARPTS617 617 / Searched Strings used in GeMARPTS YOKE ASSY71013ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR CLUTCH RING24194ROTORK CONTROLSK30 HAND AUTO ASSY71012ROTORK CONTROLSK30 CENTER COLUMN71041ROTORK CONTROLSK30 THRUST BASE ASSYROTORK CONTROLSK30 G0A NON-THRUST BASE ASSY71035ACTUATOR DRIVE BUSH24172ROTORK CONTROLSK60F10A DRIVE BUSH-E24281ROTORK CONTROLS THRUST BEARING71037ROTORK CONTROLS HAND WHEEL TOP71024ROTORK CONTROLSK30 O- RINGOIL SEAL KIT71001ACTUATOR O-RING SETROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK30 OIL SEAL KIT71002ROTORK CONTROLSK30 THRUST WASHERROTORK CONTROLSK30 LSD SHAFT71042ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR FELT SEAL KIT71005ROTORK CONTROLS MAIN PCB32827ROTORKACTUATOR POWER MODULE ASSY31400ROTORK CONTROLS CONTACTOR ASSY75014ROTORK CONTROLS SELECTION KNOB77003ROTORK CONTROLS KNOB ASSY30865ROTORK SYNCROPAK MOTORACTUATORK30GOA MOTOR ASSYROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK60 SWITCH MECHANISMROTORKACTUATOR SWITCH MECHANISMS/MWD9000APD ASSY SWITCH MECHANISMROTORK CONTROLS16A LIMIT/TORQUE SWITCH76018ACTUATOR YOKE ASSY72013ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR CLUTCH RING21931ROTORK CONTROLSK300 HAND AUTO ASSY72012ROTORK CONTROLS THRUST BASE A ASSYROTORK CONTROLS DRIVE BUSHROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK300 THRUST BEARING103LIMITORQUEACTUATOR HAND WHEEL TOPACTUATORK300 O-RINGOIL SEAL KIT772004ACTUATOR O-RING KIT72004ROTORK CONTROLSK300 OIL SEAL SETROTORK CONTROLSK30036RPM HAND WHEEL RETAINER244851K300 THRUST WASHERACTUATORK300 LIMIT SWITCH72042ROTORK CONTROLSK300 FELT SEAL KIT72005ROTORK CONTROLSK300 MOTOR ASSY72057ROTORK CONTROLSK300 SWITCH MECHANISM9235LLROTORKACTUATOR YOKE ASSY74013ACTUATORK1000 CLUTCH RING24801ROTORK CONTROLSK800 HAND AUTO ASSY74012ROTORK CONTROLS CENTER COLUMN74041ROTORK CONTROLS THRUST BASE ASSY74031ROTORKACTUATOR DRIVE BUSHROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK800 THRUST BEARING74033ROTORK SYNCROPAK HAND WHEEL TOP74021ROTORK CONTROLS O-RINGOIL SEAL KIT74005K800 O-RING KITROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK800 OIL SEAL KITROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR HAND WHEEL RETAINER224951ACTUATOR THRUST WASHERROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR LSD SHAFT ASSY74042ROTORK CONTROLS SEAL KIT74005ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR MOTOR ASSY74060ROTORKACTUATOR MOTOR ASSYROTORKACTUATORK800 SWITCH MECHANISM9205ROTORKACTUATOR HAND WHEEL RETAINER21872K30 MOTORROTORKACTUATORKK30- GOA CENTER COLUMN72041ROTORK CONTROLS Searched String : YOKE ASSY71013ROTORK Bid Details/ 3 / 47CONTROLSACTUATOR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : CLUTCH RING24194ROTORK CONTROLSK30 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : HAND AUTO ASSY71012ROTORK CONTROLSK30 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : CENTER COLUMN71041ROTORK CONTROLSK30 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : THRUST BASE ASSYROTORK CONTROLSK30 G0A Online UPS V2 IGBT Based Heavy Duty Power Source Air Plasma Cutting System with compressor Solar Lamps Solar Based Home Systems - Solar Power Packs - AC Models Searched String : NON-THRUST BASE ASSY71035ACTUATOR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : DRIVE BUSH24172ROTORK CONTROLSK60F10A Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : DRIVE BUSH-E24281ROTORK CONTROLS Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : THRUST BEARING71037ROTORK CONTROLS Thrust Bearing BHEL Ball Bearings as per IS 6455 Searched String : HAND WHEEL TOP71024ROTORK CONTROLSK30 wheel chairs Searched String : O-RINGOIL SEAL KIT71001ACTUATOR O-Ring Kit Searched String : O-RING SETROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK30 Power Generator - DG Set up to 900 KVA Piston Ring Set- IS:6621 IS:8422 Searched String : OIL SEAL KIT71002ROTORK Bid Details/ 4 / 47CONTROLSK30 Oil seal Hygiene Kit for Gujarat Papad Making Kit Gujarat Govt Athanu Maker Kit Gujarat Govt Papad Making Kit GRIMCO Gujarat Govt Searched String : THRUST WASHERROTORK CONTROLSK30 Power Generator - DG Set up to 900 KVA Online Ups Modular Type Laboratory Incubators Online UPS V2 Cockroach Gel Fipronil Flying Insect Control Traps - Fly Catcher IGBT Based Heavy Duty Power Source Air Plasma Cutting System with compressor Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Searched String : LSD SHAFT71042ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : FELT SEAL KIT71005ROTORK CONTROLS Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MAIN PCB32827ROTORKACTUATOR Motorized Actuator V2 Searched String : POWER MODULE ASSY31400ROTORK CONTROLS Solar Lamps Solar Based Home Systems - Solar Power Packs - AC Models Searched String : CONTACTOR ASSY75014ROTORK CONTROLS Control Contactors-IS:13947 Searched String : SELECTION KNOB77003ROTORK CONTROLS Toaster Box Strapping Machine Searched String : KNOB ASSY30865ROTORK SYNCROPAK Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MOTORACTUATORK30GOA Motorized Actuator V2 Muffle Furnace Starter Motor Assembly Synchronous servo motor Online UPS V2 Vehicle Wiper Motor Orthopedic Operating Table DC WINCH MOTOR Motor cooling fan Delivery Bed Searched String : MOTOR ASSYROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK60 Motorized Actuator V2 Searched String : SWITCH MECHANISMROTORKACTUATOR Motorized Actuator V2 Bid Details/ 5 / 47GeMARPTS / Searched Result generated in GeMARPTS Searched String : SWITCH MECHANISMS/MWD9000APD ASSY Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : SWITCH MECHANISMROTORK CONTROLS16A modular electrical switches and accessories Cap FS Disruptive JSS Switch Mode Power Supply SMPS as per IS 14886: Digital Earth Resistance Meter Layer 2 Access Switch V2 Megaphone-Loud Hailer Revolving Chair V4 Anklet Web SAN Switch KVM Switch Searched String : LIMIT/TORQUE SWITCH76018ACTUATOR Limit Switch Layer 2 Access Switch V2 limit switchNPCIL Geological compass Roller lever Limit Switch Heavy Duty Limit Switch-RINL Searched String : YOKE ASSY72013ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : CLUTCH RING21931ROTORK CONTROLSK300 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : HAND AUTO ASSY72012ROTORK CONTROLS Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : THRUST BASE A ASSYROTORK CONTROLS Solar Lamps Solar Based Home Systems - Solar Power Packs - AC Models Searched String : DRIVE BUSHROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK300 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : THRUST BEARING103LIMITORQUEACTUATOR Thrust Bearing BHEL Ball Bearings as per IS 6455 Searched String : HAND WHEEL TOPACTUATORK300 Wheelbarrows Single Wheel Type V2 as per IS 2431 Digital Multimeter Wheelbarrows Two Wheels Type as per IS 4184 Troop Carrier Police Vehicles V2 Hawkers of Different Commodities Kit Gujarat Govt as per IS 624 Wheel Set IS 2414 Tyre IS 2415 Tube Napkin Dispenser Tool Kit for Spinning Wheel Hathkargha - ODOP UP Gov. Barabanki Recirculating chiller Wrought Aluminium Utensils V2 as per IS 1660 Rotary Shaker Bid Details/ 6 / 47Searched String : O-RINGOIL SEAL KIT772004ACTUATOR O-Ring Kit Searched String : O-RING KIT72004ROTORK CONTROLSK300 O-Ring Kit Searched String : OIL SEAL SETROTORK CONTROLSK30036RPM Piston Ring Set-IS:6621 IS:8422 Rack Steel Adjustable JSS Specification Oil seal Searched String : HAND WHEEL RETAINER244851K300 Wheelbarrows Single Wheel Type V2 as per IS 2431 Digital Multimeter Wheelbarrows Two Wheels Type as per IS 4184 Double Wheel Hoe Hawkers of Different Commodities Kit Gujarat Govt as per IS 624 Wheel Set IS 2414 Tyre IS 2415 Tube Tool Kit for Spinning Wheel Hathkargha - ODOP UP Gov. Barabanki Single Wheel Hoe Shoulder Builder / Arm Wheel - Outdoor Gym Equipment Hand Held Brush Cutter V2 Cut - off Wheel Searched String : THRUST WASHERACTUATORK300 Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Plain Washer as per IS 2016 Laundry Type Washing Machines / Drying Machines Searched String : LIMIT SWITCH72042ROTORK CONTROLSK300 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : FELT SEAL KIT72005ROTORK CONTROLSK300 Hydraulic Cylinder Seal Kit Papad Making Kit Gujarat Govt Athanu Maker Kit Gujarat Govt Papad Making Kit GRIMCO Gujarat Govt Searched String : MOTOR ASSY72057ROTORK CONTROLSK300 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : SWITCH MECHANISM9235LLROTORKACTUATOR Motorized Actuator V2 Searched String : YOKE ASSY74013ACTUATORK1000 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : CLUTCH RING24801ROTORK CONTROLSK800 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : HAND AUTO ASSY74012ROTORK CONTROLS Bid Details/ 7 / 47Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : CENTER COLUMN74041ROTORK CONTROLS Power Control Center Panel PCC Panel as per IS 11717 Searched String : THRUST BASE ASSY74031ROTORKACTUATOR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : DRIVE BUSHROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK800 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : THRUST BEARING74033ROTORK SYNCROPAK Thrust Bearing BHEL Ball Bearings as per IS 6455 Searched String : HAND WHEEL TOP74021ROTORK CONTROLS Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : O-RINGOIL SEAL KIT74005K800 O-Ring Kit Hygiene Kit for Gujarat Searched String : O-RING KITROTORK CONTROLSACTUATORK800 O-Ring Kit Searched String : OIL SEAL KITROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : HAND WHEEL RETAINER224951ACTUATOR Wheelbarrows Single Wheel Type V2 as per IS 2431 Hand Tufted Carpets as per IS 5884 Wheelbarrows Two Wheels Type as per IS 4184 Double Wheel Hoe Hawkers of Different Commodities Kit Gujarat Govt as per IS 624 Wheel Set IS 2414 Tyre IS 2415 Tube Single Wheel Hoe Tool Kit for Spinning Wheel Hathkargha - ODOP UP Gov. Barabanki Searched String : THRUST WASHERROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Motorized Actuator V2 Searched String : LSD SHAFT ASSY74042ROTORK CONTROLS Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Bid Details/ 8 / 47Searched String : SEAL KIT74005ROTORK CONTROLSACTUATOR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MOTOR ASSY74060ROTORKACTUATOR Motorized Actuator V2 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Drip - Leg Drain Searched String : MOTOR ASSYROTORKACTUATORK800 Motorized Actuator V2 Sieve Shaker Video Conferencing Camera / Web Camera Drip - Leg Drain Video Conferencing Camera / Web Camera V2 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Searched String : SWITCH MECHANISM9205ROTORKACTUATOR Motorized Actuator V2 Searched String : HAND WHEEL RETAINER21872K30 Wheelbarrows Single Wheel Type V2 as per IS 2431 Hand Held Search Light Wheelbarrows Two Wheels Type as per IS 4184 Double Wheel Hoe Hawkers of Different Commodities Kit Gujarat Govt as per IS 624 Wheel Set IS 2414 Tyre IS 2415 Tube Endodontic Files Tool Kit for Spinning Wheel Hathkargha - ODOP UP Gov. Barabanki Single Wheel Hoe Recirculating chiller Shoulder Builder / Arm Wheel - Outdoor Gym Equipment Searched String : MOTORROTORKACTUATORKK30-GOA Motorized Actuator V2 Power Generator - DG Set up to 900 KVA HEDGE TRIMMER or HEDGE CUTTER Reciprocating Air Compressors - Electric Motor Driven Searched String : CENTER COLUMN72041ROTORK CONTROLS Power Control Center Panel PCC Panel as per IS 11717 / Relevant Categories selected for notification OEM Spares for Automobiles
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