South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Chhattisgarh | Korba |
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Publish Date
14 Feb 2025
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Bid Submission End Date
01 Mar 2025
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Evaluation Date
01 Mar 2025
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Coal India Limited | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Item Category | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LPartNoLAT4005 ACBCT for O LPartNoLAT3005 ACBFixed contact for breakerPartNo110604 ACBFixed Contact Carrier 200APartNo110602 ACBBrass Cone and Gland AssemblyPartNoBOBCG ACBMoving Contact Bar for BreakerPartNo110215 ACBMoving Contact for Breaker UPTO 200APartNo110206 ACBFixed Contact for Isolator 200APartNo050103 ACBMoving Contact for IsolatorPartNo050202 ACBMain springPartNo110510 ACBMoving contact finger 300APartNo110202300 ACBFixed Contact Assembly for isolator 300APartNo05300400 ACBPotential Transformer 80 VAPartNoDS1 ACBBrass Terminal with Insulator DMCPartNoT10 ACBShunt Trip Assembly completePartNo110300 ACBMounting bar for IsolatorPartNo050101 ACBFixed contact for breaker 300 APartNo110600A HT StarterGlass fusePartNoGLFU HT StarterTerminal BushingPartNoOBA HT StarterHeaterPartNoHEAT HT StarterAmmeter 1005 for HT 3point3 StarterPartNo130A0100SOSHT HT StarterAmmeterPartNoAM HT StarterCurrent transformerPartNo120100515 HT StarterCurrent TransformerPartNoLAT2001005 HT StarterCurrent transformer 605 15VAPartNo12060515 HT StarterAux Contactor for ColiPartNoBOCA2DN1229 HT StarterCore Balance TransformerPartNoCBT80M HT StarterHTHRCPTFUSEPartNoBOSSABWNA HT StarterMulticore BushingPartNoMCB9 HT StarterPilot relay ISPartNoPRU3PRU11 HT StarterOverload relay magneticPartNoOLR3 HT StarterHTbushing with studPartNoHTTA HT StarterMulti pilot relay 125 DCPartNoMPRU5 HT StarterMultifunction Pilot relay With BasePartNoMPR4 HT StarterPotential Transformer3point3KV500VAPartNoHTPTL1 HT StarterEarth leakage relay 50750ma750mA2APartNoELM7DLATS80M HT StarterSensitive Earth Leakage relay 50-300mA with variable time lagPartNoELM7STWPT HT StarterFlameproof incoming cable adaptor 3point3KVPartNoR32 HT Starter3Point3 isolator ONOFFEARTHPartNoKIE33 HT StarterVaccum interrupterPartNoBEV0053 HT Starter3point3KV isolator On OffEarthReverse 400APartNoKIRE HT StarterOverload short circuit and motor protection relayPartNoBOSSR HT StarterElectronic Short circuit RelayPartNoBOMPRO100 HT StarterVaccum contactor 33KVPartNoBEV006133 HT StarterSensitive Earth Leakage relay 50300mAPartNoELM10 MinelinemakeACBKorbaAreaCore balance transformerPartNoCBT80M MinelinemakeACBKorbaAreaShunt Trip CoilsPartNo11.09.03 MinelinemakeACBKorbaAreaCurrentXmerfor ammeter PartNo120/200/5/5 MinelinemakeACBKorbaAreaIsolator ON/OFF PartNoK4S MinelinemakeACBKRB FxdContactforIsolator 300/400APartNo05.30.01.03 MinelinemakeACBKRB OverloadAssmblyBreakerPartNo11.01.00A MinelinemakeACBKRB NoVltCoilAssmUndrVltgCoilAssm PartNo11.04.00A MinelinemakeACBKRB OverloadAssmblyBreakerPartNo11.01.00B MinelinemakeACBKRB Complete control wiringPartNoWR1 MinelinemakeACBKRB Bid Details/ 2 / 80GeMARPTS728 728 / Searched Strings used in GeMARPTS EarthLkgRlyCBCTPartNoELM7LAT S 80M MinelinemakeACBKRB CT for O/LPartNoLAT100/5 MinelinemakeACBKRB Arc chutePartNoAC1 MinelinemakeACBKRB Push Button Actuator for EL ResetPartNoBOES3 MinelinemakeACBKRB Limit switch NONC for breaker PartNoMCR16D MinelinemakeACBKRB CT for OL PartNoLAT200/5 MinelinemakeACBKRB Current transformer for ammeterPartNo120/100/5/5 MinelinemakeACBKRB Potential TransformerPartNoDS MinelinemakeACBKRB Movingcntctassmbly300 ampsPartNo11.02.00 MinelinemakeACBKRB OvrloadAssmbly210A - 300APartNo11.01.00C MinelinemakeACBKRB Isolator Assembly K3 ON/OFF PartNo05.00.00 MinelinemakeACBKRB Fixed Contact Assembly for isolator PartNo05.01.00 MinelinemakeACBKRB Moving contact Assembly for IsolatorPartNo05.02.00 MinelinemakeACBKRB CktBrkrupto400APartNoWR-2A MinelinemakeACBKRB CurrentXmerforAmmeterPartNo120/400/5/5 MinelinemakeACBKRB Fixed ContactAssmblyBrker PartNo11.06.00 MinelinemakeACBKRB Brass terminal with insulator DMCPartNoT5 MinelinemakeACBKRB Brass Terminal for OGPartNoT3 MinelinemakeACBKRB CT for O/LPartNoLAT400/5 MinelinemakeACBKRB CT for O/LPartNoLAT300/5 MinelinemakeACBKRB Fixed contact for breakerPartNo11.06.04 MinelinemakeACBKRB Fixed Contact Carrier200APartNo11.06.02 MinelinemakeACBKRB Brass Cone Gland AssemblyPartNoBOBCG MinelinemakeACBKRB Moving Contact Bar for Breaker PartNo 11.02.15 MinelinemakeACBKRB Moving Contact for Breaker PartNo11.02.06 MinelinemakeACBKRB Fixed Contact for Isolator 200APartNo05.01.03 MinelinemakeACBKRB Moving Contact for IsolatorPartNo05.02.02 MinelinemakeACBKRB Main springPartNo11.05.10 MinelinemakeACBKRB Moving contact finger 300APartNo11.02.02/300 MinelinemakeACBKRB Fixed ContactAssmblyBrkr300APartNo05.30.04.00 MinelinemakeACBKRB Potential Transformer 80 VAPartNoDS1 MinelinemakeACBKRB Brass Terminal with Insulator DMCPartNoT10 MinelinemakeACBKRB Shunt Trip Assembly completePartNo11.03.00 MinelinemakeACBKRB Mounting bar for IsolatorPartNo 05.01.01 MinelinemakeACBKRB Fixed contact for breaker 300 APartNo11.06.00A MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaGlassfusePartNoG LFU MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaTerminalBushingPa rtNoOBA MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaHeaterPartNoHEAT MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaAmmeter1005Part No130A0100SOSHT MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaAmmeterPartNoAM MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaCurrenttransformer PartNo120100515 MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaCurrentTransformer PartNoLAT2001005 MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaCurrentXmer605 15VAPartNo12060515 MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaAuxContactorforC Bid Details/ 3 / 80oliPartNoBOCA2DN1229 MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaCoreBalanceTransf ormerPartNoCBT80M MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaHTHRCPTFUSEPa rtNoBOSSABWNA MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaMulticoreBushingP artNoMCB9 MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaPilotrelayISPartNo PRU3PRU11 MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaOverloadrelaymag neticPartNoOLR3 MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaHTbushingwithst udPartNoHTTA MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaMultipilotrelay12. 5DCPartNoMPRU5 MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaMultifunctionPilotRlyPa rtNoMPR4 MinelinemakeHTStarterKRBPotentialXmer3.3KV500VAP artNoHTPTL1 MinelinemakeHTStarterKRBEarthLkgRlywithCBCTPartNo ELM7DLATS80M MinelinemakeHTStarterKRBSensitiveEarthLkgRlyCntrlXme rPartNoELM7STWPT MinelinemakeHTStarterKRBFLPincomingcableadaptorPar tNoR32 MinelinemakeHTStarterKRB3.3isolatorONOFFEARTHPart NoKIE3.3 MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaVaccuminterrupter PartNoBEV0053 MinelinemakeHTstarterKRB3.3KVisolatorOnOffEarthRever se400APartNoKIRE MinelinemakeHTStarterKRBOvrloadshortcktmotorprotec tionRlyPartNoBOSSR MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaElectronicShrtCktRlyP artNoBOMPRO100 MinelinemakeHTStarterKRBVaccumcontactor3.3KVPartN oBEV00613.3 MinelinemakeHTStarterKRBSensitiveEarthLkgRlyPartNoE LM10 Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKorbaAreaCore balance transformerPartNoCBT80M Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKorbaAreaShunt Trip CoilsPartNo11.09.03 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeACBKorbaAreaCurrentXmerfor ammeter PartNo120/200/5/5 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKorbaAreaIsolator ON/OFF PartNoK4S Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Bid Details/ 4 / 80FxdContactforIsolator 300/400APartNo05.30.01.03 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB OverloadAssmblyBreakerPartNo11.01.00A Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB NoVltCoilAssmUndrVltgCoilAssm PartNo11.04.00A Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB OverloadAssmblyBreakerPartNo11.01.00B Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Complete control wiringPartNoWR1 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB EarthLkgRlyCBCTPartNoELM7LAT S 80M Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB CT for O/LPartNoLAT100/5 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Arc chutePartNoAC1 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Push Button Actuator for EL ResetPartNoBOES3 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Limit switch NONC for breaker PartNoMCR16D Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB CT for OL PartNoLAT200/5 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Current transformer for ammeterPartNo120/100/5/5 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded Bid Details/ 5 / 80by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Potential TransformerPartNoDS Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Movingcntctassmbly300 ampsPartNo11.02.00 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB OvrloadAssmbly210A -300APartNo11.01.00C DC ADAPTOR FOR CDSC OFB Automotive Vehicles - Tubes for Pneumatic Tyres V2 as per IS 13098 Power Transformer Oil immersed type Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Isolator Assembly K3 ON/OFF PartNo05.00.00 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Fixed Contact Assembly for isolator PartNo05.01.00 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Moving contact Assembly for IsolatorPartNo05.02.00 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB CktBrkrupto400APartNoWR-2A Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB CurrentXmerforAmmeterPartNo120/400/5/5 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Fixed ContactAssmblyBrker PartNo11.06.00 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Brass terminal with insulator DMCPartNoT5 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Brass Terminal for OGPartNoT3 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Bid Details/ 6 / 80Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB CT for O/LPartNoLAT400/5 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB CT for O/LPartNoLAT300/5 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Fixed contact for breakerPartNo11.06.04 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Fixed Contact Carrier200APartNo11.06.02 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Brass Cone Gland AssemblyPartNoBOBCG Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Moving Contact Bar for Breaker PartNo 11.02.15 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Moving Contact for Breaker PartNo11.02.06 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Fixed Contact for Isolator 200APartNo05.01.03 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Moving Contact for IsolatorPartNo05.02.02 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Main springPartNo11.05.10 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Moving contact finger 300APartNo11.02.02/300 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Fixed ContactAssmblyBrkr300APartNo05.30.04.00 Bid Details/ 7 / 80GeMARPTS / Searched Result generated in GeMARPTS Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Potential Transformer 80 VAPartNoDS1 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Brass Terminal with Insulator DMCPartNoT10 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Shunt Trip Assembly completePartNo11.03.00 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Mounting bar for IsolatorPartNo 05.01.01 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : MinelinemakeACBKRB Fixed contact for breaker 300 APartNo11.06.00A Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaGlassfusePartNoG LFU Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaTerminalBushingPa rtNoOBA Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaHeaterPartNoHEAT Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaAmmeter1005Part No130A0100SOSHT Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaAmmeterPartNoAM Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaCurrenttransformer Bid Details/ 8 / 80PartNo120100515 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaCurrentTransformer PartNoLAT2001005 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaCurrentXmer605 15VAPartNo12060515 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaAuxContactorforC oliPartNoBOCA2DN1229 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaCoreBalanceTransf ormerPartNoCBT80M Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaHTHRCPTFUSEPa rtNoBOSSABWNA Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaMulticoreBushingP artNoMCB9 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaPilotrelayISPartNo PRU3PRU11 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaOverloadrelaymag neticPartNoOLR3 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaHTbushingwithst udPartNoHTTA Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Bid Details/ 9 / 80Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaMultipilotrelay12. 5DCPartNoMPRU5 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaMultifunctionPilotRlyPa rtNoMPR4 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKRBPotentialXmer3.3KV500VAP artNoHTPTL1 Bluetooth Speakers Induction Motor as per IS 12615 IS 325 modular electrical switches and accessories Diesel Engine as per IS 10001 Electro Pneumatic Trainer - Basic Line Interactive UPS with AVR V2 Servo Control Drive - Servo Motor Operated LVC as per IS 9815 Part 1 Blood Sample Collection Tubes Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Split Air Conditioner Including Green AC Wall Mount Type V2 Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKRBEarthLkgRlywithCBCTPartNo ELM7DLATS80M Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKRBSensitiveEarthLkgRlyCntrlXme rPartNoELM7STWPT Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKRBFLPincomingcableadaptorPar tNoR32 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKRB3.3isolatorONOFFEARTHPart NoKIE3.3 Public Place Seating Chair Servo Control Drive - Servo Motor Operated LVC as per IS 9815 Part 1 Entry and Mid Level Desktop Computer Induction Motor as per IS 12615 IS 325 Desktop Computers Diesel Engine as per IS 10001 Bucket Mop Wringer Trolley Electro Pneumatic Trainer - Basic Electrical Box Extension V2 Sofas V2 Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaVaccuminterrupter PartNoBEV0053 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String Bid Details/ 10 / 80MinelinemakeHTstarterKRB3.3KVisolatorOnOffEarthRever se400APartNoKIRE Molded Case Circuit Breakers MCCB as per IS / IEC 60947 Random Access Memory RAM Card V2 Polypropylene Ropes as per IS 5175 Multifunction Machine MFM V2 Nylon Rope as per IS 4572 Connector Mounting Hardware - Multi Plug XLPE Cable for Working Voltages up to and Including 1.1 KV as per IS 7098 Part 1 Digital Earth Resistance Meter binding punch machine Enamel Synthetic Exterior A Under Coating B Finishing Paint V3 Confirming to IS 2932 Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKRBOvrloadshortcktmotorprotec tionRlyPartNoBOSSR Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKorbaAreaElectronicShrtCktRlyP artNoBOMPRO100 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKRBVaccumcontactor3.3KVPartN oBEV00613.3 Public Place Seating Chair Servo Control Drive - Servo Motor Operated LVC as per IS 9815 Part 1 Entry and Mid Level Desktop Computer Induction Motor as per IS 12615 IS 325 Desktop Computers Diesel Engine as per IS 10001 Bucket Mop Wringer Trolley Electro Pneumatic Trainer - Basic Electrical Box Extension V2 Sofas V2 Searched String MinelinemakeHTStarterKRBSensitiveEarthLkgRlyPartNoE LM10 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer / Relevant Categories selected for notification Air Circuit Breaker Molded Case Circuit Breakers MCCB as per IS / IEC 60947 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Purchaser Address | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
495677,SECL MM KORBA AREA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Work Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PROCUREMENT OF MINELINE MAKE FLP ACB And HT;755; LPartNoLAT4005 ACBCT for O LPartNoLAT3005 ACBFixed contact for breakerPartNo110604 ACBFixed Contact Carrier 200APartNo110602 ACBBrass Cone and Gland AssemblyPartNoBOBCG ACBMoving Contact Bar for BreakerPartNo110215 ACBMoving Contact for Breaker UPTO 200APartNo110206 ACBFixed Contact for Isolator 200APartNo050103 ACBMoving Contact for IsolatorPartNo050202 ACBMain springPartNo110510 ACBMoving contact finger 300APartNo110202300 ACBFixed Contact Assembly for isolator 300APartNo05300400 ACBPotential Transformer 80 VAPartNoDS1 ACBBrass Terminal with Insulator DMCPartNoT10 ACBShunt Trip Assembly completePartNo110300 ACBMounting bar for IsolatorPartNo050101 ACBFixed contact for breaker 300 APartNo110600A HT StarterGlass fusePartNoGLFU HT StarterTerminal BushingPartNoOBA HT StarterHeaterPartNoHEAT HT StarterAmmeter 1005 for HT 3point3 StarterPartNo130A0100SOSHT HT StarterAmmeterPartNoAM HT StarterCurrent transformerPartNo120100515 HT StarterCurrent TransformerPartNoLAT2001005 HT StarterCurrent transformer 605 15VAPartNo12060515 HT StarterAux Contactor for ColiPartNoBOCA2DN1229 HT StarterCore Balance TransformerPartNoCBT80M HT StarterHTHRCPTFUSEPartNoBOSSABWNA HT StarterMulticore BushingPartNoMCB9 HT StarterPilot relay ISPartNoPRU3PRU11 HT StarterOverload relay magneticPartNoOLR3 HT StarterHTbushing with studPartNoHTTA HT StarterMulti pilot relay 125 DCPartNoMPRU5 HT StarterMultifunction Pilot relay With BasePartNoMPR4 HT StarterPotential Transformer3point3KV500VAPartNoHTPTL1 HT StarterEarth leakage relay 50750ma750mA2APartNoELM7DLATS80M HT StarterSensitive Earth Leakage relay 50-300mA with variable time lagPartNoELM7STWPT HT StarterFlameproof incoming cable adaptor 3point3KVPartNoR32 HT Starter3Point3 isolator ONOFFEARTHPartNoKIE33 HT StarterVaccum interrupterPartNoBEV0053 HT Starter3point3KV isolator On OffEarthReverse 400APartNoKIRE HT StarterOverload short circuit and motor protection relayPartNoBOSSR HT StarterElectronic S...
Eligibility | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
My Evaluation Notes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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