South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Chhattisgarh | Korba |
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Publish Date
20 Feb 2025
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Bid Submission End Date
07 Mar 2025
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Evaluation Date
07 Mar 2025
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0.35 Cr | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Coal India Limited | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Item Category | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6UP3Impeller CIPartNo6UP3CI159 6UP3Bearing cover NDE CIPartNo6UP3CI271 6UP3Bearing cover DE CIPartNo6UP3CI270 6UP3Bearing cap CIPartNo6UP3CI274 6UP3Shaft Sleeve DENDECIPartNo6UP3CI310 6UP3Upper and Lower casing CIPartNo6UP3CISTABA 6UP3Rotating Assy Std FtdPartNo6UP3STDFTDSUBRUA2 6UP3Bearing holder NDE CIPartNo6UP3CI253 6UP3Shaft sleeve nut LH BronzePartNo6UP3BR3341 6UP3Shaft sleeve nutRH BronzePartNo6UP3BR334 6UP3Split Gland BronzePartNo6UP3BR229 6UP3 Stuffing Box Bush BronzePartNo6UP3BR350 6UP3Bearing holder DE CIPartNo6UP3CI241 6UP3Gland CIPartNo6UP3CI223 6UP3Set of key AISI410PartNo6UP3AISI410SSOK1 6UP3Shaft C40PartNo6UP3C40180 6UP3Casing wearing ringdelCIPartNo6UP3CI191 6UP3Casing wearing ringsuctCIPartNo6UP3CI190 6UP3Bearing Housing Unit STDPartNo6UP3STDSUBBHU6UP3 6UP3Split Lantern Ring BronzePartNo6UP3BR227 6UP4Split lantern ring BronzePartNo6UP4BR227 6UP4Split Gland CIPartNo6UP4CI229 6UP4Shaft sleeve nut LH BronzePartNo6UP4BR3341 6UP4Casing wear ringDelCIPartNo6UP4CI1901 6UP4Shaft CW C 40PartNo6UP4C40180 6UP4Casing wear ringSucCIPartNo6UP4CI190 6UP4Bearing holder DE CIPartNo6UP4CI241 6UP4Bearing holder NDE CIPartNo6UP4CI253 6UP4Shaft Sleeve DENDE CIPartNo6UP4CI310 6UP4Rotating Assy Std FtdPartNo6UP4STDFTDSUBRUA2 6UP4Bearing capCIPartNo6UP4CI274 6UP4Shaft sleeve nut RH BronzePartNo6UP4BR334 6UP4Impeller CIPartNo6UP4CI159 6UP4Bearing cover NDE CIPartNo6UP4CI271 6UP4Bearing cover DE CIPartNo6UP4CI270 6UP4Clamping plate MSPartNo6UP4MS224 6UP4Bearing lock nut C40PartNo6UP4C40336 6UP4Top and Bottom Assy CIPartNo6UP4CISTABA 6UP4Set of Key C40PartNo6UP4C40SSOK1 DSM4RMSplit gland CIPartNoDSM4RMCI229 DSM4RMImpeller 1st stage CIPartNoDSM4RMCI157 DSM4RMImpeller 2nd stage CIPartNoDSM4RMCI158 DSM4RMLantern ring CIPartNoDSM4RMCI227 DSM4RMSet of fastners MSPartNoDSM4RMMSSSOF1 DSM4RMTop and Bottom assy CIPartNoDSM4RMCISTABA DSM4RMBearing cap CIPartNoDSM4RMCI274 DSM4RMWear ring CIPartNoDSM4RMCI190 DSM4RMBearing cover NDE CIPartNoDSM4RMCI271 DSM4RMBearing cover DE CIPartNoDSM4RMCI270 DSM4RMPump shaft C40PartNoDSM4RMC40180 DSM4RMBearing cartdge DE CIPartNoDSM4RMCI241 DSM4RMBearing cartdge NDE CIPartNoDSM4RMCI253 DSM4RMRound lock nut C40PartNoDSM4RMC40335 DSM4RMRotating Assy Std FtdPartNoDSM4RMSTDFTDSUBRUA2 DSM4RMShaft sleeve CIPartNoDSM4RMCI310 DSM4RMShaft sleeve CIPartNoDSM4RMCI311 DSM4RMClamping plate S Gland MSPartNoDSM4RMMS224 DSM4RMBearing Housing Unit STDPartNoDSM4RMSTDSUBBHUDSM4 DSM4RMInterstage Diaphragm CIPartNoDSM4RMCI462 DSM4RMInter stage ring CIPartNoDSM4RMCI204 DSM4RMSet of Key C40PartNoDSM4RMC40SSOK1 DSM4RMEye bolt for Gland CSPartNoDSM4RMCS300 Bid Details/ 2 / 73GeMARPTS506 506 / Searched Strings used in GeMARPTS SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpImpellerCIPart6UP3CI1 59 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpBearingcoverNDECIPart 6UP3CI271 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpBearingcoverDECIPart 6UP3CI270 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpBearingcapCIPart6UP3 CI274 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpShaftSleeveDE/NDECI Part6UP3CI310 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpUpperLowercasingCI Part6UP3CISTABA SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpRotatingAssyStdFtdPart 6UP3STDFTDSUBRUA2 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpBearingholderNDECIPar t6UP3CI253 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpShaftsleevenutLHBron zePart6UP3BR3341 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpShaftsleevenutRHBronz ePart6UP3BR334 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpSplitGlandBronzePart6 UP3BR229 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpStuffingBoxBushPart6 UP3BR350 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpBearingholderDECIPart 6UP3CI241 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpGlandCIPart6UP3CI223 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpSetofkeyAISI410Part6 UP3AISI410SSOK1 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpShaftC40Part6UP3C401 80 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpCasingwearingringdel CIPart6UP3CI191 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpCasingwearingringsuct CIPart6UP3CI190 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpBearingHousingUnitPar t6UP3STDSUBBHU6UP3 SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpSplitLanternRingBronze Part6UP3BR227 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpSplitlanternringBronze Part6UP4BR227 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpSplitGlandCIPart6UP4 CI229 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpShaftsleevenutLHBron ze40Part6UP4BR3341 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpCasingwearringDelCIP art6UP4CI1901 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpShaftCWC40Part6UP4C 40180 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpCasingwearringSucCIP art6UP4CI190 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpBearingholderDECIPart 6UP4CI241 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpBearingholderNDECIPa rt6UP4CI253 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpShaftSleeveDE/NDECIP art6UP4CI310 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpRotatingAssyStdFtdPa rt6UP4STDFTDSUBRUA2 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpBearingcapCIPart6UP4 CI274 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpShaftsleevenutRHBronze Part6UP4BR334 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpImpellerCIPart6UP4CI1 Bid Details/ 3 / 7359 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpBearingcoverNDECIPar t6UP4CI271 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpBearingcoverDECIPart 6UP4CI270 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpClampingplateMSCIPar t6UP4MS224 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpBearinglocknutC40Par t6UP4C40336 SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpTopBottomAssyCIPar t6UP4CISTABA SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpSetofKeyC40Part6UP4 C40SSOK1 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpSplitglandCIPartDSM4 RMCI229 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpImpeller1ststageCIPart DSM4RMCI157 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpImpeller2ndstageCIPart DSM4RMCI158 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpLanternringCIPartDS M4RMCI227 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpSetoffastnersMSPart DSM4RMMSSSOF1 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpTopBottomassyCIPart DSM4RMCISTABA SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpBearingcapCIPartDSM4 RMCI274 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpWearringCIPartDSM4R MCI190 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpBearingcoverNDECIPa rtDSM4RMCI271 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpBearingcoverDECIPart DSM4RMCI270 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpPumpshaftC40PartDS M4RMC40180 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpBearingcartdgeDECIPa rtDSM4RMCI241 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpBearingcartdgeNDECI PartDSM4RMCI253 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpRoundlocknutC40PartD SM4RMC40335 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpRotatingAssyPartDSM4 RMSTDFTDSUBRUA2 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpShaftsleeveCIPartDSM 4RMCI310 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpShaftsleeveCIPartDSM 4RMCI311 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpClampingplateSGlandM SPartDSM4RMMS224 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpBearingHousingUnitPar tDSM4RMSTDSUBBHUDSM4 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpInterstageDiaphragmCI PartDSM4RMCI462 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpInterstageringCIPartD SM4RMCI204 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpSetofKeyC40PartDS M4RMC40SSOK1 SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpEyeboltforGlandCSPar tDSM4RMCS300 Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpImpellerCIPart6UP3CI1 59 Submersible Pump Set Three Phase as per IS 8034 IS 9283 Bid Details/ 4 / 73Spare / Add on Antenna for Transreceiver / Repeater - Mobile / Static / Handheld Dewatering Pumps as per IS 10001 Submersible Pump Starters Motor starter controls Fabricated PVC - U Fittings for Portable Water Supplies as per IS 10124 Stainless Steel Threaded Fasteners as per IS 1367Part 14 Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpBearingcoverNDECIPart 6UP3CI271 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpBearingcoverDECIPart 6UP3CI270 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpBearingcapCIPart6UP3 CI274 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpShaftSleeveDE/NDECI Part6UP3CI310 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpUpperLowercasingCI Part6UP3CISTABA Hand and Short Machine Screwing Taps for ISO Metric Screw Threads - IS 6175 Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpRotatingAssyStdFtdPart 6UP3STDFTDSUBRUA2 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpBearingholderNDECIPar t6UP3CI253 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpShaftsleevenutLHBron zePart6UP3BR3341 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpShaftsleevenutRHBronz ePart6UP3BR334 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded Bid Details/ 5 / 73by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpSplitGlandBronzePart6 UP3BR229 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpStuffingBoxBushPart6 UP3BR350 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpBearingholderDECIPart 6UP3CI241 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpGlandCIPart6UP3CI223 Submersible Pump Set Three Phase as per IS 8034 IS 9283 Spare / Add on Antenna for Transreceiver / Repeater - Mobile / Static / Handheld Dewatering Pumps as per IS 10001 Submersible Pump Starters Motor starter controls Fabricated PVC - U Fittings for Portable Water Supplies as per IS 10124 Stainless Steel Threaded Fasteners as per IS 1367Part 14 Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpSetofkeyAISI410Part6 UP3AISI410SSOK1 Submersible Pump Set Three Phase as per IS 8034 IS 9283 Submersible Pump Set Single Phase as per IS 8034 Kitchen Set Preschool Kit Hand and Short Machine Screwing Taps for ISO Metric Screw Threads - IS 6175 Alcohol Resistant Aqueous Film Forming Foam AR - AFFF Type 3 / 3 Liquid Concentrate for Fire Fighting PNG Alcohol Resistant Aqueous Film Forming Foam AR - AFFF Type 3 / 3 Liquid Concentrate for Fire Fighting V2 PNG Flood Light Luminaire suitable for HPSV Lamps Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpShaftC40Part6UP3C401 80 XLPE Cable for Working Voltages up to and Including 1.1 KV as per IS 7098 Part 1 Submersible Pump Set Three Phase as per IS 8034 IS 9283 Xlpe Cables Category C2 - FR - LSH for Working Voltages From 3.3 KV up to and Including 33 KV as per IS 7098 Part 2 Wilfit Spares Dewatering Pumps as per IS 10001 XLPE Cables Categpory C1 - FR for Working Voltages from 3.3 KV up to and Including 33 KV as per IS 7098 Part 2 Spare / Add on Antenna for Transreceiver / Repeater - Mobile / Static / Handheld Solar Power Plant Roof Top for ONGRID System Single Phase Submersible Pump Starters Motor starter controls PP Plastic Woven Non - Laminated Bags for Seed Packaging V2 Searched String Bid Details/ 6 / 73SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpCasingwearingringdel CIPart6UP3CI191 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpCasingwearingringsuct CIPart6UP3CI190 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpBearingHousingUnitPar t6UP3STDSUBBHU6UP3 Spare / Add on Antenna for Transreceiver / Repeater - Mobile / Static / Handheld Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP3PumpSplitLanternRingBronze Part6UP3BR227 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpSplitlanternringBronze Part6UP4BR227 Wilfit Spares Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpSplitGlandCIPart6UP4 CI229 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpShaftsleevenutLHBron ze40Part6UP4BR3341 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpCasingwearringDelCIP art6UP4CI1901 Aluminium Section for Bus Body Building Parts as per IS 733:1983 Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpShaftCWC40Part6UP4C 40180 Enamel Synthetic Exterior A Under Coating B Finishing Paint V2 as per IS 2932 Wilfit Spares Computer Printers Dewatering Pumps as per IS 10001 Spare / Add on Antenna for Transreceiver / Repeater - Mobile / Static / Handheld Submersible Pump Set Three Phase as per IS 8034 IS 9283 Staplers V2 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Payload Systems for Surveillance Unplasticized PVC Pipes for Potable Water Supplies as per IS 4985 Stainless Steel Threaded Fasteners as per IS 1367Part 14 Bid Details/ 7 / 73GeMARPTS / Searched Result generated in GeMARPTS Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpCasingwearringSucCIP art6UP4CI190 Aluminium Section for Bus Body Building Parts as per IS 733:1983 Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpBearingholderDECIPart 6UP4CI241 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpBearingholderNDECIPa rt6UP4CI253 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpShaftSleeveDE/NDECIP art6UP4CI310 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpRotatingAssyStdFtdPa rt6UP4STDFTDSUBRUA2 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpBearingcapCIPart6UP4 CI274 Fabricated PVC - U Fittings for Portable Water Supplies as per IS 10124 Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpShaftsleevenutRHBronze Part6UP4BR334 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpImpellerCIPart6UP4CI1 59 Enamel Synthetic Exterior A Under Coating B Finishing Paint V2 as per IS 2932 Dewatering Pumps as per IS 10001 Spare / Add on Antenna for Transreceiver / Repeater - Mobile / Static / Handheld Submersible Pump Set Three Phase as per IS 8034 IS 9283 Stainless Steel Threaded Fasteners as per IS 1367Part 14 Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpBearingcoverNDECIPar t6UP4CI271 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String Bid Details/ 8 / 73SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpBearingcoverDECIPart 6UP4CI270 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpClampingplateMSCIPar t6UP4MS224 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpBearinglocknutC40Par t6UP4C40336 synthetic web equipment improved version Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpTopBottomAssyCIPar t6UP4CISTABA Junction Box for Lighting instrument trolley for hospitals Searched String SparesforKirloskar6UP4PumpSetofKeyC40Part6UP4 C40SSOK1 Staplers V2 Submersible Pump Set Single Phase as per IS 8034 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Payload Systems for Surveillance Unplasticized PVC Pipes for Potable Water Supplies as per IS 4985 Alphabet Block Set / Number Block Set Preschool Kit Kitchen Set Preschool Kit Bowling Penguin Set Preschool Kit V2 Lead Sheets And Strips For Other Than Chemical Purposes-IS:405 Part 2 Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpSplitglandCIPartDSM4 RMCI229 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpImpeller1ststageCIPart DSM4RMCI157 Enamel Synthetic Exterior A Under Coating B Finishing Paint V2 as per IS 2932 Submersible Pump Starters Motor starter controls XLPE Cable for Working Voltages up to and Including 1.1 KV as per IS 7098 Part 1 Submersible Pump Set Three Phase as per IS 8034 IS 9283 Industrial Safety Gloves - Leather and Cotton Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System CAAQMS Ulra Violet UV Cabinet for Sterilization Welding Goggles for Eye Protector as per IS 5983 Add on Phones / Consols / Endpoint for PABX System Add on GATEWAYS and Accessories for PABX System Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpImpeller2ndstageCIPart DSM4RMCI158 XLPE Cable for Working Voltages up to and Including 1.1 KV as per IS 7098 Part 1 Submersible Pump Set Three Phase as per IS 8034 IS 9283 Enamel Synthetic Exterior A Bid Details/ 9 / 73Under Coating B Finishing Paint V2 as per IS 2932 Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System CAAQMS Industrial Safety Gloves - Leather and Cotton USB Camera for Video Conferencing System Junction Box for Lighting Gear Lubricants For Enclosed Industrial Gear Drives conforming to IS 8406 Spare / Add on Antenna for Transreceiver / Repeater - Mobile / Static / Handheld Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpLanternringCIPartDS M4RMCI227 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpSetoffastnersMSPart DSM4RMMSSSOF1 Alphabet Block Set / Number Block Set Preschool Kit Submersible Pump Set Single Phase as per IS 8034 Wild - Life Cages Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpTopBottomassyCIPart DSM4RMCISTABA Junction Box for Lighting instrument trolley for hospitals Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpBearingcapCIPartDSM4 RMCI274 Enamel Synthetic Exterior A Under Coating B Finishing Paint V2 as per IS 2932 Submersible Pump Set Three Phase as per IS 8034 IS 9283 Spare / Add on Antenna for Transreceiver / Repeater - Mobile / Static / Handheld Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System CAAQMS Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpWearringCIPartDSM4R MCI190 Enamel Synthetic Exterior A Under Coating B Finishing Paint V2 as per IS 2932 Submersible Pump Set Three Phase as per IS 8034 IS 9283 Spare / Add on Antenna for Transreceiver / Repeater - Mobile / Static / Handheld Pre School Uniform - Shorts Half Pants Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System CAAQMS Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpBearingcoverNDECIPa rtDSM4RMCI271 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpBearingcoverDECIPart DSM4RMCI270 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String Bid Details/ 10 / 73SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpPumpshaftC40PartDS M4RMC40180 High Pressure Portable Pump for large fire fighting as per IS 12717 Submersible Pump Set Three Phase as per IS 8034 IS 9283 Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpBearingcartdgeDECIPa rtDSM4RMCI241 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpBearingcartdgeNDECI PartDSM4RMCI253 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpRoundlocknutC40PartD SM4RMC40335 Enamel Synthetic Exterior A Under Coating B Finishing Paint V2 as per IS 2932 Submersible Pump Set Three Phase as per IS 8034 IS 9283 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Payload Systems for Surveillance Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System CAAQMS Staplers V2 Spare / Add on Antenna for Transreceiver / Repeater - Mobile / Static / Handheld Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpRotatingAssyPartDSM4 RMSTDFTDSUBRUA2 Enamel Synthetic Exterior A Under Coating B Finishing Paint V2 as per IS 2932 Wilfit Spares Spare / Add on Antenna for Transreceiver / Repeater - Mobile / Static / Handheld Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpShaftsleeveCIPartDSM 4RMCI310 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpShaftsleeveCIPartDSM 4RMCI311 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpClampingplateSGlandM SPartDSM4RMMS224 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpBearingHousingUnitPar tDSM4RMSTDSUBBHUDSM4 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded Bid Details/ 11 / 73by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpInterstageDiaphragmCI PartDSM4RMCI462 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpInterstageringCIPartD SM4RMCI204 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpSetofKeyC40PartDS M4RMC40SSOK1 Pad Lock Various As Per Defence Specification Submersible Pump Set Single Phase as per IS 8034 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Payload Systems for Surveillance Staplers V2 Alphabet Block Set / Number Block Set Preschool Kit Searched String SparesforKirloskarDSM4PumpEyeboltforGlandCSPar tDSM4RMCS300 Enamel Synthetic Exterior A Under Coating B Finishing Paint V2 as per IS 2932 Wilfit Spares Welding Goggles for Eye Protector as per IS 5983 Spare / Add on Antenna for Transreceiver / Repeater - Mobile / Static / Handheld / Relevant Categories selected for notification Self Priming Centrifugal Pump as per IS 5120 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Purchaser Address | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
495677,SECL MM KORBA AREA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Work Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Procurement of Spares for Kirloskar Make Pump Model 6UP3;209; 6UP3Impeller CIPartNo6UP3CI159 6UP3Bearing cover NDE CIPartNo6UP3CI271 6UP3Bearing cover DE CIPartNo6UP3CI270 6UP3Bearing cap CIPartNo6UP3CI274 6UP3Shaft Sleeve DENDECIPartNo6UP3CI310 6UP3Upper and Lower casing CIPartNo6UP3CISTABA 6UP3Rotating Assy Std FtdPartNo6UP3STDFTDSUBRUA2 6UP3Bearing holder NDE CIPartNo6UP3CI253 6UP3Shaft sleeve nut LH BronzePartNo6UP3BR3341 6UP3Shaft sleeve nutRH BronzePartNo6UP3BR334 6UP3Split Gland BronzePartNo6UP3BR229 6UP3 Stuffing Box Bush BronzePartNo6UP3BR350 6UP3Bearing holder DE CIPartNo6UP3CI241 6UP3Gland CIPartNo6UP3CI223 6UP3Set of key AISI410PartNo6UP3AISI410SSOK1 6UP3Shaft C40PartNo6UP3C40180 6UP3Casing wearing ringdelCIPartNo6UP3CI191 6UP3Casing wearing ringsuctCIPartNo6UP3CI190 6UP3Bearing Housing Unit STDPartNo6UP3STDSUBBHU6UP3 6UP3Split Lantern Ring BronzePartNo6UP3BR227 6UP4Split lantern ring BronzePartNo6UP4BR227 6UP4Split Gland CIPartNo6UP4CI229 6UP4Shaft sleeve nut LH BronzePartNo6UP4BR3341 6UP4Casing wear ringDelCIPartNo6UP4CI1901 6UP4Shaft CW C 40PartNo6UP4C40180 6UP4Casing wear ringSucCIPartNo6UP4CI190 6UP4Bearing holder DE CIPartNo6UP4CI241 6UP4Bearing holder NDE CIPartNo6UP4CI253 6UP4Shaft Sleeve DENDE CIPartNo6UP4CI310 6UP4Rotating Assy Std FtdPartNo6UP4STDFTDSUBRUA2 6UP4Bearing capCIPartNo6UP4CI274 6UP4Shaft sleeve nut RH BronzePartNo6UP4BR334 6UP4Impeller CIPartNo6UP4CI159 6UP4Bearing cover NDE CIPartNo6UP4CI271 6UP4Bearing cover DE CIPartNo6UP4CI270 6UP4Clamping plate MSPartNo6UP4MS224 6UP4Bearing lock nut C40PartNo6UP4C40336 6UP4Top and Bottom Assy CIPartNo6UP4CISTABA 6UP4Set of Key C40PartNo6UP4C40SSOK1 DSM4RMSplit gland CIPartNoDSM4RMCI229 DSM4RMImpeller 1st stage CIPartNoDSM4RMCI157 DSM4RMImpeller 2nd stage CIPartNoDSM4RMCI158 DSM4RMLantern ring CIPartNoDSM4RMCI227 DSM4RMSet of fastners MSPartNoDSM4RMMSSSOF1 DSM4RMTop and Bottom assy CIPartNoDSM4RMCISTABA DSM4RMBearing cap CIPartNoDSM4RMCI274 DSM4RMWear ring CIPartNoDSM4RMCI190 DSM4RMBearing cove...
Eligibility | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
My Evaluation Notes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Relax & Delegate
Sit back & Relax! Once you've provided your documents and quote, our expert team will manage all subsequent tasks on your behalf. Await an Order Now.
Avail For Funding
Request for 70% funds of Estimated Bid Value.
Submit Documents
Upload you KYC/Financial documents.
Wait For Approval
Get approval within 7 days.
Get Funds Disbursements
Upload order, sign agreement and your supplier gets paid in 48 hours.