Indian Council Of Medical Research icmr
Karnataka | Belagavi |
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Publish Date
24 Feb 2025
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17 Mar 2025
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Evaluation Date
17 Mar 2025
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Department Of Health Research | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Item Category | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ELISA Testosterone 1 x 96 wells GENLISA Human Androstenedione ASD ELISA 1 x 96 wells GENLISA Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha TNF ELISA 96 tests kit Acetone pure 99 percent 2500mlpack Gallic Acid pure 98 percent Folin and Ciocalteus Phenol FCP Reagent AR 500 mlpack Quercetin Dihydrate extrapure 98percent 25 Gmspack Tannic Acid extrapure AR ACS ExiPlus MultiCompendial 250 Gmspack Potassium Ferricyanide extrapure 98percent 500 Gmspack Phosphorous Acid 500 gpack Dragendorffs Reagent 125 ml pack Bromocresol Green BCG extrapure AR 25 Gmspack Citric acid 500 Gmspack RifamcineREPRIFAMPIN 97 100 percent 5G Isoniazia extrapure 99 percent 100 gm Fosfomycin 1G NitrofurantionNitrofurantoin extrapure 98102percent 5G OxacllinOxacillin Sodium Salt Monohydrate 5g Amoxicillin 10G Ampicillin SODIUM SALT 25G Aztreonam 100MG Cefixime 5G Cefoxitin 1G Cotrimoxazole 100mg Levofloxacin 1 Gms Norfloxacin 1g Cefoperazone sodium 1gm sodium lauryl sulphate 250 GM Xanthan gum 500gm Lecithin ex Soya 30 percent 500 gm Methylparaben 500 gm Propylparaben 500 gm Cellulose microcrystalline 500 GM Polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 500 GM Polyvinylpyrrolidone K25 500 GM Starch 500gm Magnesium Stearate 1 KG Polyethylene Glycol 3350 500 GM polyethylene glycol 400 500 GM Talc 500 GM sodium benzoate 500 GM Potassium sorbate 500 GM Stearic acid 500 GM Sucrose 1 KG sodium starch glycolate 500 GM Chitosan Low MW extrapure 100 GM Chitosan Medium MW extrapure 25 gm Picric acid 100 gm Nystatin 1 GM Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Hydrate 1 GM Fluconazole 1 GM nButyl Alcohol 500 mlpack Mercuric nitrate 100 gm bSitosterol ex 5 GM SMARTScribe Reverse Transcriptase 40 reactionspack PrimeScript 1st strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 200 Rxns Bambanker Freezing Media 20ML 3pack Cryo babies 1000labelpack Magnetic Retriever 30cm 2Pc pack Round Magnetic Stirrer Bar with Pivot Ring8x22mm 10 picpack Sterile Sample ContainerCapacity5060ml 384pcspack Hand Protector Grip silicone 1pcspack Micro Tube Box81 Places 02 ml Capacity 4pcspack Micro Tube Box81 Places 05 ml Capacity 4pcspack Utility Plastic Tray size320mmx260mmx100mm 6pcspack Utility Plastic Tray size540mmx435mmx130mm 6pcspack Sterile Sample Container with spoon Capacity5060 ml Micro slide Frosted 500pcs Rack for Petri Dish For 90 mm Petridish 2pcspack Sterile Cotton Swab 100pcspack Sterile Cotton Swab Wooden 500pcscase Sulphanilamide HiAR 100 gpack Atropine 5gpack Colistin Sulphate 1g Erythromycin 1g Vancomycin Hydrochloride 1G Ampicillin 5g Bacitracin zink salt 1G ClindamycinHydrochloride 5g Neomycin 25G AMPICILLIN SODIUM SALT 5G Amoxycillin Concave Glass slide 10pcspack Glass Slide Holder 1pcspack Cell Culture Plate 96 well plate 5 bags X 16 platescase Reactive Oxygen Species ROS Assay kit Lipid Peroxidation Assay Cytochrome P450 CYP Enzyme Assay Glutathione GSH Assay kit Lactate Dehydrogenase LDH Release Assay SOD- Superoxide Dismutase SODAssay Kit N-1-Naphthylethylenediamine dihydrochloride 5 g/pack Poly--Lysine Hydrobromide 50 ml pack Ammonium hydroxide 100 ML Cell Freezing Medium-DMSO 150 ml millex syringe filter 33 mm sterile 250/pack Corning 96 Well Clear Polystyrene Microplate sterile with lid case of 100 Corning 96 Well TC-Treated Microplates PACK OF 50 ROS ASSAY27-Dichlorofluorescin diacetate 50MG/pack Trypsin-EDTA solution Absolute Ethanol laboratory grade Bid Details/ 2 / 107GeMARPTS617 617 / Searched Strings used in GeMARPTS 500ml/pack Goat anti RAT IgG - FITC 1 ML Lysozyme 500 MG Prestained protein marker 10-200kda 0.25 ML Proteinase K 100 MG DNASE 1 50 MG IPTG 1000 MG TWEEN 20 100 ML ACRYLAMIDE 100 GM Bis acrylamide 10 GM AMMONIUM PERSULPHATE 10 GM TEMED 5 ML/kit RABBIT ANTI HORSE IgG-HRP 1 ML/kit RABBIT ANTI RAT IgG-HRP 1 ML/kit Caspase Activity Assay DPBS calcium magnesium 1000 Ml/pack UltraPure DNase/RNase-Free Distilled Water 10 x 500 mL 10psc/case Sodium Hypochlorite 6 5L/can Vibrio cholerae Inaba BD 224301 3 ml Vibrio cholerae Antiserum Ogawa BD2243113 ml Vibrio cholerae Antiserum Poly BD224321 3 ml Salmonella O Antiserum Poly A-I Factor 1- 16 BD222641 3 ml Fetal Bovine Serum 500ml/bottle Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase assay kit Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase assay kit Alkaline phosphatase assay kit Total bilirubin assay kit GENLISA Testosterone ELISA Testosterone 1 x 96 wells GENLISA Human Androstenedione ASD ELISA 1 x 96 wells GENLISA Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha TNF ELISA 96 tests/ kit Acetone pure 99 2500ml/pack Gallic Acid pure 98 345-Trihydroxy Benzoic Acid 100 Gms/pack Folin Ciocalteus Phenol FCP Reagent AR 500 ml/pack Quercetin Dihydrate extrapure 98 25 Gms/pack Tannic Acid extrapure AR ACS ExiPlus Multi-Compendial 250 Gms/pack Potassium Ferricyanide extrapure 98 500 Gms/pack Potassium Ferricyanide extrapure 98 500 Gms/pack Phosphorous Acid 500 g/pack Dragendorffs Reagent 125 ml/pack Bromocresol Green BCG extrapure AR 25 Gms/pack Citric acid 500 Gms/pack RifamcineREP RIFAMPIN 97-100 5G Isoniazia extrapure 99 100 gm Fosfomycin 1G NitrofurantionNitrofurantoin extrapure 98- 102 5G OxacllinOxacillin Sodium Salt Monohydrate 5g Amoxicillin 10G Ampicillin SODIUM SALT 25G Aztreonam 100MG Cefixime 5G Cefoxitin 1G Cotrimoxazole 100mg Levofloxacin 1 Gms Norfloxacin 1g Cefoperazone sodium 1gm sodium lauryl sulphate 250 GM Xanthan gum 500gm Lecithin ex. Soya 30. 500 gm Methylparaben 500 gm Propylparaben 500 gm Cellulose microcrystalline 500 GM Polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 500 GM Polyvinylpyrrolidone K25 500 GM Starch 500gm Magnesium Stearate 1 KG Polyethylene Glycol 3350 500 GM polyethylene glycol 400 500 GM Talc 500 GM sodium benzoate 500 GM Potassium sorbate 500 GM Stearic acid 500 GM Sucrose 1 KG sodium starch glycolate 500 GM Chitosan Low MW extrapure 100 GM Chitosan Medium MW extrapure 25 gm Picric acid 100 gm Nystatin 1 GM Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Hydrate 1 GM Fluconazole 1 GM n-Butyl Alcohol 500 ml/pack Mercuric nitrate 100 gm b-Sitosterol ex. 5 GM SMARTScribe Reverse Transcriptase 40 reactions/pack PrimeScript 1st strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 200 Rxns Bambanker Freezing Media 20ML3/pack Cryo babies 1000label/pack Magnetic Retriever 30cm 2Pc / pack Round Magnetic Stirrer Bar with Pivot Ring8x22mm 10 pic/pack Sterile Sample ContainerCapacity-50/60ml 384pcs/pack Hand Protector Grip silicone 1pcs/pack Micro Tube Box81 Places 0.2 ml Capacity 4pcs/pack Micro Tube Box81 Places 0.5 ml Capacity 4pcs/pack Utility Plastic Tray size- 320mmx260mmx100mm 6pcs/pack Utility Plastic Tray size-540mmx435mmx130mm 6pcs/pack Sterile Sample Container with spoon Capacity-50/60 ml Micro slide Frosted 500pcs Rack for Petri Dish For 90 mm Petridish 2pcs/pack Sterile Cotton Swab 100pcs/pack Sterile Cotton Bid Details/ 3 / 107Swab Wooden 500pcs/case Sulphanilamide Hi-AR 100 g/pack Atropine 5g/pack Colistin Sulphate 1g Erythromycin 1g Vancomycin Hydrochloride 1G Ampicillin 5g Bacitracin zink salt 1G ClindamycinHydrochloride 5g Neomycin 25G AMPICILLIN SODIUM SALT 5G Amoxycillin Concave Glass slide 10pcs/pack Glass Slide Holder 1pcs/pack Cell Culture Plate 96 well plate 5 bags 16 plates/case Searched String : Reactive Oxygen Species ROS Assay kit Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Lipid Peroxidation Assay Immunofluorescence Assay Kits Three Way Stopcocks Agglutination Assay Kits Immunoassay Reagents kits Immunoblot Western Blot Assay Kits Three way Stop Cocks or Manifolds Cryptococcal Antigen Lateral Flow Assay Line Probe Assay DNA Extraction Kit under NTEP Interferon - Gamma Release Assay IGRA ECO - Friendly Disinfectant Hydrogen Peroxide Silver Nitrate Searched String : Cytochrome P450 CYP Enzyme Assay ELISA Testing Kits Searched String : Glutathione GSH Assay kit Immunofluorescence Assay Kits Immunoassay Analyzer Reagents Agglutination Assay Kits Drip - Leg Drain Immunoblot Western Blot Assay Kits Line Probe Assay DNA Extraction Kit under NTEP Line Probe Assay Kit for Second Line Drugs under NTEP Line Probe Assay Kit for First Line Drugs under NTEP Line Probe Assay Reagent Kits under NTEP ELISA Testing Kits Searched String : Lactate Dehydrogenase LDH Release Assay Interferon - Gamma Release Assay IGRA Biochemistry Reagent Kits Biochemistry Reagent Kit Open System Biochemistry Reagent Kit Close System Searched String : SOD- Superoxide Dismutase SODAssay Kit Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : N-1-Naphthylethylenediamine dihydrochloride 5 g/pack N-1-Naphthylethylenediamine Searched String : Poly--Lysine Hydrobromide 50 ml pack HDPE / PP Woven Sacks for Packaging of 50 kg Foodgrains as per IS 14887 Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Isopropyl Alcohol 2 - Propanol Outdoor Twin Waste Bin Root Trainer Cups BUZZER SWITCH. Sterile Hypodermic Syringe for Manual use V2 Searched String : Ammonium hydroxide 100 ML Bid Details/ 4 / 107Ammonia Liquor / Ammonium Hydroxide as per IS 799 Alcohol Based Hand Rub / Hand Sanitizer Ammonia solution 25 High Level Medical Device Disinfectant Urine Collection Bag V2 Quarternary Ammonium Compound Based Surface Cleaner Liquid Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Ammonium Chloride Sodium Citrate Menthol Measured Volume Set V2 measured volume set Glass Tableware Searched String : Cell Freezing Medium-DMSO 150 ml Mass Flow Controllers Liquid Consortia V2 Study or Laptop Table Searched String : millex syringe filter 33 mm sterile 250/pack Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Corning 96 Well Clear Polystyrene Microplate sterile with lid case of 100 Microplates Searched String : Corning 96 Well TC-Treated Microplates PACK OF 50 Microplates Searched String : ROS ASSAY27-Dichlorofluorescin diacetate 50MG/pack Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Trypsin-EDTA solution EDTA Solution 0.02N Toner Cartridges / Ink Cartridges / Consumables for Printers EDTA disodium salt EDTA - Disodium Salt ONGC Ultra low temperature laboratory deep freezer Antifoam Solution Blood Sample Collection Tubes Acetaldehyde solution Wheel Chairs V2 Ninhydrin Solution Searched String : Absolute Ethanol laboratory grade 500ml/pack Laboratory Glassware - Burettes V2 as per IS 1997 Borax as per IS : 1109 Hydrofluoric Acid Searched String : Goat anti RAT IgG - FITC 1 ML Drip - Leg Drain Searched String : Lysozyme 500 MG Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Magnesium Mg Powder CIPROFLOXACIN TINIDAZOLE X - Ray Machine 500 mA Platform Trolley Anti TB Drugs - Pyrazinamide 500mgTablet CEFOTAXIME SODIUM SULBACTAM 500 mA X - Ray Machine V2 Desktop Computers Searched String : Prestained protein marker 10-200kda 0.25 ML Laboratory Glassware - Burettes V2 as per IS 1997 DNA Bid Details/ 5 / 107marker Searched String : Proteinase K 100 MG Proteinase K Hot air oven Anti TB Drugs - Clofazimine 100 mg Capsules Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 100 mg Tablets Spherical Roller Bearing as per IS 6455 First Line Anti TB Drugs for NTEP - Ethambutol 100 mg Tablets Flaps for Automotive Vehicles Pneumatic Tyres and Tubes as per IS 9168 Latest Anti TB Drugs - Moxifloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Stamp Paper or Bond Paper as per IS 1848 Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 100 mg Dispersible Tablet Searched String : DNASE 1 50 MG Anti TB Drugs - Clofazimine 50 mg Capsules Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves - Prepowdered as per IS 13422 Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 50mg Tablets Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets Stainless Steel Pole Mounted Stainless Steel Dustbin Sucrose D and C Set 1-Heptanesulphonic acid sodium salt anhydrous Tapered Bearings as per IS 12102 Searched String : IPTG 1000 MG Magnesium Mg Powder Desktop Computers Sulfate Standard Solution D and C Set Anti TB Drugs - Cycloserine 125 mg Capsule / Tablet Hot air oven Anti TB Drugs - Ethionamide 250 mg Tablets Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 300 mg Tablet universal pipette tips Searched String : TWEEN 20 100 ML Sheet Barrack Polyester Cotton and Sheet Hospital 100 Cotton IAF Alcohol Based Hand Rub / Hand Sanitizer Drip - Leg Drain Urine Collection Bag V2 Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Minifuge Oxygenator Membrane with Hard Shell Reservoir Sterile Hypodermic Syringe V3 Cefixime Oral Liquid Measured Volume Set V2 Searched String : ACRYLAMIDE 100 GM GM Counter Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Anti TB Drugs - Clofazimine 100 mg Capsules Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV Anti TB Drugs - Pyridoxine 100 mg Tablets Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 PT 100 DUPLEX RTD Air Circuit BHEL Mac Conkey Agar Charge Fire Extinguisher CO2 Gas Cartridge 60 gm Defence Hot air oven Searched String : Bis acrylamide 10 GM Manila Ropes in KG V3 as per IS 1084 Bucket Mop Wringer Trolley Biscuits as per IS 1011 Silver Coins Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 PP Plastic Woven Non - Laminated Bags for Seed Packaging V2 Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Moisteners V2 Acyclovir Ointment V2 Mueller Hinton Agar Searched String : AMMONIUM PERSULPHATE 10 GM Bid Details/ 6 / 107AMMONIUM PERSULPHATE- ONGC Bucket Mop Wringer Trolley Ammonium Persulphate Reagent Grade Ammonium bicarbonate Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Ammonium ceric sulfate Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Moisteners V2 Searched String : TEMED 5 ML/kit 5 ml Sterile Hypodermic Syringe with Re-use Prevention RUP Feature for Universal Immunization Programme Sterile Hypodermic Syringe V3 Package No. 5 Atal Tinkering Lab of Niti Aayog - Advance Prototyping Kit and Software - Robotics and AI Integrated pest management IPM Kit Disposable Syringes as per IS 10258 VTM KITS SWINE FLU Heat Shrink Termination Kit as per IS 60840 Immunoassay Reagents kits nabulizer Blood Collection Tube Searched String : RABBIT ANTI HORSE IgG-HRP 1 ML/kit Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : RABBIT ANTI RAT IgG-HRP 1 ML/kit Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Caspase Activity Assay Activity Book Revolving Chair V4 Activity Block Immunoassay Reagents kits Immunofluorescence Assay Kits Blood Sample Collection Tubes Agglutination Assay Kits Line Probe Assay DNA Extraction Kit under NTEP Activity Book Preschool Kit Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV Searched String : DPBS calcium magnesium 1000 Ml/pack Cyphenothrin Floor Cleaner V2 Drip - Leg Drain Searched String : UltraPure DNase/RNase-Free Distilled Water 10 x 500 mL 10psc/case Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Sodium Hypochlorite 6 5L/can Sodium Hypochlorite Industrial Grade - ONGC Electrical Box Extension V2 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution for Water Maker - ONGC Sodium Hypochlorite Solution V2 as per IS 11673 Part 1 Sodium Hydrosulfite Surgical Gloves as per IS 4148 Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Sodium Hypochlorite Solution for Bulk Supply V2 as per IS 11673 Part 1 Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves V2 1-Heptanesulphonic acid sodium salt anhydrous Searched String : Vibrio cholerae Inaba BD 224301 3 ml Blood Collection Tube Disposable Syringes as per IS 10258 Searched String : Vibrio cholerae Antiserum Ogawa BD2243113 ml Blood Collection Tube Disposable Syringes as per IS 10258 Bid Details/ 7 / 107Searched String : Vibrio cholerae Antiserum Poly BD224321 3 ml Blood Collection Tube VTM KITS SWINE FLU Disposable Syringes as per IS 10258 Searched String : Salmonella O Antiserum Poly A-I Factor 1-16 BD222641 3 ml Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Fetal Bovine Serum 500ml/bottle Fetal Bovine Serum Bottle for Chemical Laboratory Sipper Bottle V2 Blood Collection Tube Plastic Wash Bottle Urine Culture Bottle V2 Packaged Drinking Water Other than Packaged Natural Mineral Water as per IS 14543 Laboratory Glassware Bottles Screw - Neck Bottles as per IS 1388 Part 1 PH buffer solution Isopropyl Alcohol 2 - Propanol Searched String : Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase assay kit Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase assay kit Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Alkaline phosphatase assay kit Immunofluorescence Assay Kits Biochemistry Reagent Kits Agglutination Assay Kits Drip - Leg Drain Immunoblot Western Blot Assay Kits Biochemistry Reagent Kit Open System Line Probe Assay DNA Extraction Kit under NTEP Line Probe Assay Kit for Second Line Drugs under NTEP Laboratory Reagent Kits Line Probe Assay Kit for First Line Drugs under NTEP Searched String : Total bilirubin assay kit Immunofluorescence Assay Kits HCV Rapid Test Kits Agglutination Assay Kits Laboratory Reagent Kits Immunoblot Western Blot Assay Kits Biochemistry Reagent Kits Line Probe Assay DNA Extraction Kit under NTEP Biochemistry Reagent Kit Open System Line Probe Assay Kit for Second Line Drugs under NTEP ELISA Testing Kits Searched String : GENLISA Testosterone ELISA Testosterone 1 x 96 wells PCR Mini Cooler ELISA Testing Kits ELISA Test Kits V2 Searched String : GENLISA Human Androstenedione ASD ELISA 1 x 96 wells PCR Mini Cooler Searched String : GENLISA Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha TNF ELISA 96 tests/ kit Anti - SARS CoV - 2 / COVID - 19 Elisa Testing Kit ELISA Bid Details/ 8 / 107Testing Kits Searched String : Acetone pure 99 2500ml/pack synthetic web equipment improved version Spare / Add On Battery Packs For Transreceiver - Handheld Offset printing cleaning Chemical Isopropyl Alcohol 2 - Propanol GLACIAL ACETIC ACID PH buffer solution Household Insecticides V2 Alcohol Based Hand Rub / Hand Sanitizer Trifluoroacetic acid Searched String : Gallic Acid pure 98 345-Trihydroxy Benzoic Acid 100 Gms/pack Veratric Acid 34-Dimethoxybenzoic Acid Searched String : Folin Ciocalteus Phenol FCP Reagent AR 500 ml/pack Folin - Ciocalteu Reagent Karl Fischer Reagent tert-Amyl Alcohol Searched String : Quercetin Dihydrate extrapure 98 25 Gms/pack Offset printing cleaning Chemical Searched String : Tannic Acid extrapure AR ACS ExiPlus Multi-Compendial 250 Gms/pack Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Potassium Ferricyanide extrapure 98 500 Gms/pack Potassium Pyroantimonate Hydroquinone-IS:388 IS:6608 Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Searched String : Potassium Ferricyanide extrapure 98 500 Gms/pack Potassium Pyroantimonate Hydroquinone-IS:388 IS:6608 Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Searched String : Phosphorous Acid 500 g/pack Desktop Computers Isopropyl Alcohol 2 - Propanol Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid Hydrochloric Acid as per IS 265 1- Naphthylacetic acid Taq DNA Polymerase 5-Sulfosalicylic acid GLACIAL ACETIC ACID Portable Voice Recorder Ortho - Phosphoric Acid as per IS 798 Searched String : Dragendorffs Reagent 125 ml/pack Cyphenothrin Immunoassay Reagents kits Veterinary Multipara Monitor ICP multi-element standard solution Searched String : Bromocresol Green BCG extrapure AR 25 Gms/pack Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Citric acid 500 Gms/pack Citric Acid Monohydrate ONGC Isopropyl Alcohol 2 - Bid Details/ 9 / 107Propanol Citric Acid MonohydrateNPCIL Citric Acid as per IS 5464 Hydrochloric Acid as per IS 265 Citric Acid Monohydrate as per IS 5464 Tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate GLACIAL ACETIC ACID Taq DNA Polymerase Bleached Duplicating Paper as per IS 1848 Searched String : RifamcineREPRIFAMPIN 97-100 5G Non Sparking Ring Slugging Spanners V2 Searched String : Isoniazia extrapure 99 100 gm Outdoor Twin Waste Bin Pyrogallol Bathing Soap Bar V2 Ajwain as per IS 4403 Spinal Support Nitrogen Tyre Inflators Refilling Ink for Toner Amchur-IS 13242 Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV Searched String : Fosfomycin 1G Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Small Form - Factor Pluggable Transceiver Multipara Monitor - Low End Layer - 3 Distribution Switch Classroom Chairs BOD Incubator Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Entry and Mid Level Desktop Computer Desktop Computers Searched String : NitrofurantionNitrofurantoin extrapure 98-102 5G Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : OxacllinOxacillin Sodium Salt Monohydrate 5g Sodium perchlorate monohydrate Tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate 1-Heptanesulphonic acid sodium salt anhydrous Azomethine-H-Monosodium Salt Monohydrate Pesticides - 2 4 - D Sodium Salt Technical as per IS 1488 Ammonium Reineckate Searched String : Amoxicillin 10G AMOXICILLIN ClOXACILLIN Desktop Computers AMOXICILLIN SODIUM CLAVULANATE POTASSIUM Amoxicillin Clavulanic Oral Liquid Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Amoxicillin Clavulanic Acid Potassium Clavulanate Tablet AMOXYCILLIN DRY SYRUP water baths Amoxycillin Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Searched String : Ampicillin SODIUM SALT 25G AMPICILLIN INJECTION Ammonium acetate Sodium Oxalate Salt D and C Set 1-Heptanesulphonic acid sodium salt anhydrous Sodium nitrite as per IS:879 Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories 1- Butanesulphonic Acid Sodium Salt 98 Sodium -1-Butane Sulphonate Ammonium carbonate Searched String : Aztreonam 100MG Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 100mg Dispersible Tablet Hot air oven Desvenlafaxine Tablets Online UPS V2 Bid Details/ 10 / 107GeMARPTS / Searched Result generated in GeMARPTS Hydrocortisone Injection Classroom Stools CEFIXIME Digital Multimeter Cap FS Disruptive JSS LED Luminaire for Flood Light as per IS 10322 IS 16107 Searched String : Cefixime 5G CEFIXIME Desktop Computers Tellurite Cefixime Supplement Cefixime Oral Liquid Sofas V2 Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Cap FS Disruptive JSS All in One PC Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Entry and Mid Level Desktop Computer Searched String : Cefoxitin 1G Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Small Form - Factor Pluggable Transceiver Multipara Monitor - Low End Layer - 3 Distribution Switch Classroom Chairs BOD Incubator Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Entry and Mid Level Desktop Computer Desktop Computers Searched String : Cotrimoxazole 100mg COTRIMOXAZOLE SUSPENSION Hot air oven Anti TB Drugs - Isoniazid 100mg Dispersible Tablet Desvenlafaxine Tablets Online UPS V2 Hydrocortisone Injection Classroom Stools CEFIXIME Digital Multimeter Cap FS Disruptive JSS Searched String : Levofloxacin 1 Gms LEVOFLOXACIN Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Levofloxacin Injection Compostable Carry Bags LEVOFLOXACIN I.V. INFUSION INJECTION Multipara Monitor - Low End Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets Classroom Chairs Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 250 mg Tablets BOD Incubator Searched String : Norfloxacin 1g NORFLOXACIN Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves NORFLOXACIN TINIDAZOLE Multipara Monitor - Low End Classroom Chairs Small Form - Factor Pluggable Transceiver BOD Incubator Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Entry and Mid Level Desktop Computer Searched String : Cefoperazone sodium 1gm CEFOPERAZONE Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves CEFOPERAZONE SULBACTAM Modified Charcoal Cefoperazone Deoxycholate Agar MCCD Multipara Monitor - Low End SODIUM ACETATE Sodium Hydrosulfite Classroom Chairs SODIUM COBALTINITRITE Sodium Arsenite Searched String : sodium lauryl sulphate 250 GM Sodium Lauryl Sulphate-IS 3986 Sodium Sulphate as per IS: 247 Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate SDS High Pressure Sodium Vapour Lamps HPSV Lamps as per IS 9974 Part 1 and 2 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Electronic Milk Analyser with adulteration testing equipment Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV Searched String : Xanthan gum 500gm Bid Details/ 11 / 107Guar Gum - Oil Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Gum Arabic as per IS: 356 Gum Powder from Sri Ganganagar - ODOP Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Paper Adhesive Liquid Gum and Office Paste Type as per IS 2257 Rev Refined Wheat Flour Maida V2 Defence Gum Spirit of Turpentine Oil as per IS 533 Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Self Adhesive Flags V2 Searched String : Lecithin ex. Soya 30. 500 gm Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Methylparaben 500 gm GM Counter Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Methyl 4 Hydroxybenoate Methylparaben CEFOTAXIME SODIUM SULBACTAM X - Ray Machine 500 mA Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 500 mA X - Ray Machine V2 Borax as per IS : 1109 Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Searched String : Propylparaben 500 gm GM Counter Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection X - Ray Machine 500 mA CEFOTAXIME SODIUM SULBACTAM 500 mA X - Ray Machine V2 Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets Borax as per IS : 1109 Charge Fire Extinguisher CO2 Gas Cartridge 60 gm Defence Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Searched String : Cellulose microcrystalline 500 GM Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV CEFOTAXIME SODIUM SULBACTAM Mac Conkey Agar Ice Gel Pack -Medical Mueller Hinton Agar Borax as per IS : 1109 Coffee as per IS 3077 Refined Wheat Flour Maida V2 Defence Sorghum Flour or Jowar Flour Defence Searched String : Polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 500 GM Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection CEFOTAXIME SODIUM SULBACTAM Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV Borax as per IS : 1109 Deep freezer Coffee as per IS 3077 Ultra low temperature laboratory deep freezer Medical Staff Aprons Searched String : Polyvinylpyrrolidone K25 500 GM Parallel Bar - Outdoor Gym Equipment Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV CEFOTAXIME SODIUM SULBACTAM Deep freezer Borax as per IS : 1109 Ultra low temperature laboratory deep freezer Coffee as per IS 3077 Mac Conkey Agar ELECTRONIC MAIL AND MESSAGING SOFTWARE Searched String : Starch 500gm Pregelatinized Starch - ONGC Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bid Details/ 12 / 107Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Starch as per IS 1005 Corn Flour As Per IS 1005 Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Garbage Bags Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Platform Trolley Bucket Mop Wringer Trolley Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV Searched String : Magnesium Stearate 1 KG Set of Used Light Weight Jute Sacking Bags for Packing 50 Kg Food Grain 1 Set 100 Bags Automatic Fire Ball for Fire - Extinguishing Magnesium Sulphate Epsom Salt as per IS 2730 Chilly as per IS 2322 Magnesium Chloride as per IS:254 Wool / Polypropylene Blended Blankets as per IS 12848 Spices And Condiments - Coriander Whole And Ground as per IS 2443 Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV Black Tea as per IS 3633 Cumin Searched String : Polyethylene Glycol 3350 500 GM Polyethylene glycol Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV Polyethylene Glycol Propylene Glycol Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol PETG Filament Polyethylene Glycol Propylene Glycol Drops V2 Rotational Moulded Polyethylene Water Storage Tanks as per IS 12701 Mac Conkey Agar Polyethylene Glycol Potassium Chloride Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Chloride Mueller Hinton Agar Polyethylene Glycol Potassium Chloride Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Chloride Powder for Oral Solution V2 Searched String : polyethylene glycol 400 500 GM Polyethylene glycol Platform Trolley Polyethylene Glycol Propylene Glycol Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol PETG Filament Polyethylene Glycol Propylene Glycol Drops V2 Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV Rotational Moulded Polyethylene Water Storage Tanks as per IS 12701 Polyethylene Glycol Potassium Chloride Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Chloride Modular Metal Drawer File Cabinet Pedestal Polyethylene Glycol Potassium Chloride Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Chloride Powder for Oral Solution V2 Searched String : Talc 500 GM GM Counter Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Purified Talc as per IS 1797 CEFOTAXIME SODIUM SULBACTAM X - Ray Machine 500 mA Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 500 mA X - Ray Machine V2 Borax as per IS : 1109 Anti TB Drugs - Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablets Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 Searched String : sodium benzoate 500 GM Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV CEFOTAXIME SODIUM SULBACTAM Mac Conkey Agar CEFOPERAZONE Mueller Hinton Agar CEFOTAXIME SODIUM INJECTION SODIUM ACETATE Borax as per IS : 1109 Sodium nitrite as per IS:879 Coffee as per IS 3077 Searched String : Potassium sorbate 500 GM Bid Details/ 13 / 107Potassium sorbate Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV Mac Conkey Agar CEFOTAXIME SODIUM SULBACTAM Mueller Hinton Agar Potassium Bicarbonate Potassium metabisulfite Potassium Oxalate Searched String : Stearic acid 500 GM Stearic acid Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV Stearic Acid ONGC GLACIAL ACETIC ACID Sulphanilic Acid Mac Conkey Agar CEFOTAXIME SODIUM SULBACTAM Etchant gel Drip - Leg Drain Mueller Hinton Agar Searched String : Sucrose 1 KG Sucrose Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Sucrose TCBS Agar Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories 1 1 3 - Triethoxybutane Multipara Monitor - Low End Solder Bar in Kg BCAA 2:1:1 Powder Classroom Chairs BCAA 8:1:1 Powder Searched String : sodium starch glycolate 500 GM Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV CEFOTAXIME SODIUM SULBACTAM Mac Conkey Agar CEFOPERAZONE Mueller Hinton Agar CEFOTAXIME SODIUM INJECTION SODIUM ACETATE Borax as per IS : 1109 Sodium nitrite as per IS:879 Coffee as per IS 3077 Searched String : Chitosan Low MW extrapure 100 GM Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Chitosan Medium MW extrapure 25 gm Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Picric acid 100 gm Picric Acid Stationary Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries V2 as per IS 15549 Outdoor Twin Waste Bin Stationary Lead Acid Batteries with Tubular Positive Plates in Monobloc Containers as per IS 13369 Etchant gel Stationary Cells and Batteries Lead Acid Type with Tubular Positive Plates as per IS 1651 Stationary Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries As Per IS 15549 Bathing Soap Bar V2 Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV Searched String : Nystatin 1 GM GM Counter Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves 1 1 3 - Triethoxybutane CEFOTAXIME SODIUM SULBACTAM BCAA 2:1:1 Powder Multipara Monitor - Low End BCAA 8:1:1 Powder MEROPENEM Butanol-1 Classroom Chairs Searched String : Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Hydrate 1 GM Hydroxyl amine hydrochloride Mobile Containers For Solid Waste Industrial - IS 12402 Cartap Hydrochloride 4 GR as per IS 14184 Etchant gel Bid Details/ 14 / 107Searched String : Fluconazole 1 GM Fluconazole Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Fluconazole Injection CEFOTAXIME SODIUM SULBACTAM Fluconazole Tablet Multipara Monitor - Low End GM Counter MEROPENEM Fluconazole Oral Liquid Classroom Chairs Searched String : n-Butyl Alcohol 500 ml/pack Alcohol Based Hand Rub / Hand Sanitizer Butyl Acetate Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer Labels Stickers V2 Isopropyl Alcohol 2 - Propanol Searched String : Mercuric nitrate 100 gm Mercuric Nitrate Outdoor Twin Waste Bin Barium Nitrate Lead nitrate Bathing Soap Bar V2 Cobalt II nitrate hexahydrate Mercuric Oxide Electronic Weighing Systems as per IS 9281 Part I Part II Part III Part IV Searched String : b-Sitosterol ex. 5 GM Charge Fire Extinguisher CO2 Gas Cartridge 60 gm Defence Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes V2 Non - Smooth External Surface Pipe Type B as per IS 16098 PP Plastic Woven Non - Laminated Bags for Seed Packaging V2 Charge Fire Extinguisher CO2 Gas Cartridge 120gm Defence Enamel Synthetic Exterior A Under Coating B Finishing Paint V3 Confirming to IS 2932 Charge Fire Extinguisher CO2 Gas Cartridge 90gm Defence Silver Coins Permeable Nonwoven Surgical Adhesive Tape Enamel Synthetic Exterior A Under Coating B Finishing Paint V2 as per IS 2932 Searched String : SMARTScribe Reverse Transcriptase 40 reactions/pack Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : PrimeScript 1st strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 200 Rxns Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Bambanker Freezing Media 20ML3/pack VTM KITS SWINE FLU Drip - Leg Drain Pit and fissure sealants Cap FS Disruptive JSS Searched String : Cryo babies 1000label/pack Taq DNA Polymerase Laboratory Refrigerator V2 Watermist and Caf Fire Extinguisher Low Pressure Back Pack Type V2 Tea CTC V2 Defence Searched String : Magnetic Retriever 30cm 2Pc / pack Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 HF RFID Integrated Reader Isopropyl Alcohol 2 - Propanol Disposable Bladeless Trocar Plain Weave Cotton Fabrics - Leopard Packing Cloth as per IS 181 Stainless Steel Pole Mounted Stainless Steel Dustbin Impression Compound cakes Online UPS V2 Cap FS Disruptive JSS Reciprocating Air Compressors - Electric Motor Driven Bid Details/ 15 / 107Searched String : Round Magnetic Stirrer Bar with Pivot Ring8x22mm 10 pic/pack Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Sterile Sample ContainerCapacity- 50/60ml 384pcs/pack Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Disposable Food Packaging Container Sterile Hypodermic Syringe for Manual use V2 Searched String : Hand Protector Grip silicone 1pcs/pack Silicone Oil highly compressing silicone gel sheet Drip - Leg Drain Hexaconazole 5 EC as per IS:14550 Searched String : Micro Tube Box81 Places 0.2 ml Capacity 4pcs/pack Minifuge PCR Mini Cooler Searched String : Micro Tube Box81 Places 0.5 ml Capacity 4pcs/pack Minifuge Searched String : Utility Plastic Tray size- 320mmx260mmx100mm 6pcs/pack HQ BQ NQ PQ Size PP Core Trays and its Accessories V2 Classroom Chairs Electronic Baby Weighing Scale - RBSK petri plates or dishes Cell Scraper Public Place Seating Chair General Purpose Hand Gloves V2 Swing Check Type Reflux Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern V2 as per IS 5312 Part1 Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Plasticized PVC Tapes with Nonthermosetting Adhesive as per IS 7809 Part 3 / Section 1 The Indian National Flag - Polyester Searched String : Utility Plastic Tray size- 540mmx435mmx130mm 6pcs/pack HQ BQ NQ PQ Size PP Core Trays and its Accessories V2 Classroom Chairs Electronic Baby Weighing Scale - RBSK petri plates or dishes Public Place Seating Chair Swing Check Type Reflux Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern V2 as per IS 5312 Part1 General Purpose Hand Gloves V2 Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Plasticized PVC Tapes with Nonthermosetting Adhesive as per IS 7809 Part 3 / Section 1 The Indian National Flag - Polyester Tissue Embedding Ring Searched String : Sterile Sample Container with spoon Capacity-50/60 ml Laboratory Glassware - Burettes V2 as per IS 1997 Sterile Hypodermic Syringe for Manual use V2 Sterile Hypodermic Syringe V3 Disposable Syringes as per IS 10258 Searched String : Micro slide Frosted 500pcs Microscopes Slide Coverslips as per IS 3099 Hamam Water Heating Device Defense Microscope - Slides V2 conforming to IS 3099 Part 2 Microscopic Slides as per IS 3099 Drying Racks for Microscopic Slides Household Refrigerating Appliances as per IS 17550 Automated Bid Details/ 16 / 107Hematology Analyser Part 3 Automated Hematology Analyser Part 5 Searched String : Rack for Petri Dish For 90 mm Petridish 2pcs/pack petri plates or dishes Theft Proof Rifle Racks Searched String : Sterile Cotton Swab 100pcs/pack X - Ray Detectable Absorbent Cotton Gauze Reusable / Washable Cloth Face Mask sterile gauze pads or swabs Drip - Leg Drain 20 Kg Capacity Cotton Cloth Bags for Seed Packing Cotton Towelling and Towels V2 as per IS 7056 Plain Weave Cotton Fabrics - Leopard Packing Cloth as per IS 181 Alcohol Swab Cotton Cloth Bag for Seed Packing - Capacity From 0.75 Kg to 12 Kg Towels - Hotel Linen Searched String : Sterile Cotton Swab Wooden 500pcs/case Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : Sulphanilamide Hi-AR 100 g/pack Mercuric Oxide 2-Naphthol Trishydroxymethylaminomethane 4-Aminoantipyrine Antimony Trichloride Cobalt II nitrate hexahydrate CetylTriMethlyAmmonium Bromide CTAB Taq DNA Polymerase Antimony Trioxide Glycine Searched String : Atropine 5g/pack Atropine Ointment Desktop Computers Atropine Drop Veterinary Multipara Monitor Atropine Ointment V2 Sofas V2 Atropine Drops V2 Networking / Server Rack Hydration Pack Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Searched String : Colistin Sulphate 1g Ammonium Sulphate Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Cadmium Sulphate Small Form - Factor Pluggable Transceiver Ferrous Sulphate Multipara Monitor - Low End Mercuric Sulphate Layer - 3 Distribution Switch Stannous Sulphate Classroom Chairs Searched String : Erythromycin 1g ERYTHROMYCIN STERATE Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Small Form - Factor Pluggable Transceiver Multipara Monitor - Low End Layer - 3 Distribution Switch Classroom Chairs BOD Incubator Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Entry and Mid Level Desktop Computer Searched String : Vancomycin Hydrochloride 1G Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Cetrizine Hydrochloride Cartap Hydrochloride 4 GR as per IS 14184 RANITIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE Multipara Monitor - Low End DIETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Hydroxyl amine hydrochloride Classroom Chairs Searched String : Ampicillin 5g Bid Details/ 17 / 107AMPICILLIN Desktop Computers AMPICILLIN INJECTION Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories Sofas V2 D and C Set Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection All in One PC Networking / Server Rack Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Searched String : Bacitracin zink salt 1G Iodized Salt 1-Heptanesulphonic acid sodium salt anhydrous Ammonium acetate Chromotropic acid disodium salt dihydrate Magnesium Sulphate Epsom Salt as per IS 2730 Ammonium carbonate Ammonium acetate AR Grade EDTA disodium salt Searched String : ClindamycinHydrochloride 5g Clindamycin Injection Desktop Computers Clindamycin Capsule Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Sofas V2 Cetrizine Hydrochloride RANITIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection DIETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE Cartap Hydrochloride 4 GR as per IS 14184 Searched String : Neomycin 25G Classroom Chairs Spinal Needle V2 Foot Operated Pedal Bin or Bucket for Bio - Medical Waste Collection Combined Spinal Epidural Set V2 Waste Containers and Accessories - Domestic V2 Desktop Computers Bucket Mop Wringer Trolley XLPE Cable for Working Voltages up to and Including 1.1 KV as per IS 7098 Part 1 Micro weighing Balance with licensed software Molded Case Circuit Breakers MCCB as per IS / IEC 60947 Searched String : AMPICILLIN SODIUM SALT 5G AMPICILLIN INJECTION Blood Sample Collection Tubes Sodium Oxalate Salt D and C Set 1-Heptanesulphonic acid sodium salt anhydrous Sodium Hypochlorite Solution V2 as per IS 11673 Part 1 Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate Regulators for Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments or Accessories 1-Butanesulphonic Acid Sodium Salt 98 Sodium -1-Butane Sulphonate Blood Collection Tube Searched String : Amoxycillin Amoxycillin AMOXYCILLIN DRY SYRUP Cap FS Disruptive JSS AMOXICILLIN ClOXACILLIN Searched String : Concave Glass slide 10pcs/pack Environmental Chamber Drip - Leg Drain DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES ACTIVE COMPONENT - TRANSISTOR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate ESR Pipette Glass Ionomer Cement for Dentistry Isopropyl Alcohol 2 - Propanol General Purpose Hand Gloves V2 Handloom Cotton Bandage as per IS 863:1988 Sports Abdominal Guard Hydrochloric Acid as per IS 265 Searched String : Glass Slide Holder 1pcs/pack Multipurpose or General Test Tubes as per IS 2618 Pen or Pencil Holders V2 Glass Tableware Recycled T - Shirt Isopropyl Alcohol 2 - Propanol Brass Sieve read write compact disc cd Non woven bags Test Tube Rack Fixing Bid Details/ 18 / 107Toys V2 Searched String : Cell Culture Plate 96 well plate 5 bags 16 plates/case petri plates or dishes Multiwell plates for tissue culture Stationary Cells and Batteries Lead Acid Type with Tubular Positive Plates as per IS 1651 PCR Mini Cooler LCP 3.5mm Anterolateral Distal Tibia Plate with corresponding screws / Relevant Categories selected for notification Acrylic acid centrifuge tubes ELISA Test Kits V2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Purchaser Address | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
590010,N H No 4, Nehru Nagar, Opposite KLE Hospital | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Work Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chemicals and Consumables JB;1192; ELISA Testosterone 1 x 96 wells GENLISA Human Androstenedione ASD ELISA 1 x 96 wells GENLISA Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha TNF ELISA 96 tests kit Acetone pure 99 percent 2500mlpack Gallic Acid pure 98 percent Folin and Ciocalteus Phenol FCP Reagent AR 500 mlpack Quercetin Dihydrate extrapure 98percent 25 Gmspack Tannic Acid extrapure AR ACS ExiPlus MultiCompendial 250 Gmspack Potassium Ferricyanide extrapure 98percent 500 Gmspack Phosphorous Acid 500 gpack Dragendorffs Reagent 125 ml pack Bromocresol Green BCG extrapure AR 25 Gmspack Citric acid 500 Gmspack RifamcineREPRIFAMPIN 97 100 percent 5G Isoniazia extrapure 99 percent 100 gm Fosfomycin 1G NitrofurantionNitrofurantoin extrapure 98102percent 5G OxacllinOxacillin Sodium Salt Monohydrate 5g Amoxicillin 10G Ampicillin SODIUM SALT 25G Aztreonam 100MG Cefixime 5G Cefoxitin 1G Cotrimoxazole 100mg Levofloxacin 1 Gms Norfloxacin 1g Cefoperazone sodium 1gm sodium lauryl sulphate 250 GM Xanthan gum 500gm Lecithin ex Soya 30 percent 500 gm Methylparaben 500 gm Propylparaben 500 gm Cellulose microcrystalline 500 GM Polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 500 GM Polyvinylpyrrolidone K25 500 GM Starch 500gm Magnesium Stearate 1 KG Polyethylene Glycol 3350 500 GM polyethylene glycol 400 500 GM Talc 500 GM sodium benzoate 500 GM Potassium sorbate 500 GM Stearic acid 500 GM Sucrose 1 KG sodium starch glycolate 500 GM Chitosan Low MW extrapure 100 GM Chitosan Medium MW extrapure 25 gm Picric acid 100 gm Nystatin 1 GM Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Hydrate 1 GM Fluconazole 1 GM nButyl Alcohol 500 mlpack Mercuric nitrate 100 gm bSitosterol ex 5 GM SMARTScribe Reverse Transcriptase 40 reactionspack PrimeScript 1st strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 200 Rxns Bambanker Freezing Media 20ML 3pack Cryo babies 1000labelpack Magnetic Retriever 30cm 2Pc pack Round Magnetic Stirrer Bar with Pivot Ring8x22mm 10 picpack Sterile Sample ContainerCapacity5060ml 384pcspack Hand Protector Grip silicone 1pcspack Micro Tube Box81 Places...
Eligibility | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
My Evaluation Notes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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