Indian Army
Madhya Pradesh | Jabalpu |
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Publish Date
15 Mar 2025
Tender is published for seller Participation.
Bid Submission End Date
05 Apr 2025
Last day to participate Tender on GeM platform.
Evaluation Date
05 Apr 2025
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Department | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Department Of Military Affairs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Item Category | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
P1 155SW W P1 6348886 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 6348885 CASING P1 155SW W P1 6360169 CLAMP P1 155SW W P1 6337559 CLAMP P1 155SW W P1 6337556 CLAMP P1 155SW W P1 6349408 RESTRICTION P1 155SW W P1 10341209 BANJO FITTING N15-378-6-LM P1 155SW W P1 10341289 ANGLE PIECE N15-387-1 P1 155SW W P1 6348873 SLIDE RING P1 155SW W P1 6366473 PISTON P1 155SW W P1 6350439 CLAMP P1 155SW W P1 10310938 HEXAGON NUT N3-56-24 P1 155SW W P1 5170920 SPACING SLEEVE P1 155SW W P1 5169991 ARM P1 155SW W P1 5188069 VALVE P1 155SW W P1 10311832 CASTLE NUT N3-61-12 P1 155SW W P1 10335749 BUSHING N15-112-1 8-3 8 P1 155SW W P1 10351545 PIPE CLIP N16-49-7 P1 155SW SV LV7 10351549 PIPE CLIP N16- 49-11 P1 155SW SV LV7 10351553 PIPE CLIP N16-49-15 P1 155SW W P1 10351567 PIPE CLIP N16-49-29 P1 155SW W P1 10361359 WASHER N5-78-64X16 P1 155SW W P1 5183716 VALVE CONE P1 155SW W P1 5183699 ROD P1 155SW W P1 6346142 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 6362975 CLEVIS PIN P1 155SW W P1 6371625 NEEDLE P1 155SW W P1 6374228 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 6303524 VALVE HOUSING P1 155SW W P1 6304684 CONNECTION P1 155SW W P1 1154606 HAND PUMP P1 155SW W P1 10346379 SCREW N2-228-6x45 P1 155SW W P1 5159430 COVER P1 155SW W P1 10341360 O RING N9-64-3 P1 155SW W P1 5160988 NIPPLE PRESSURE VESSEL P1 155SW W P1 5161361 TUBE P1 155SW W P1 5160413 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 5160414 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 5160417 SPRING FLAT P1 155SW W P1 5160938 WASHER P1 155SW W P1 1147768 CATCH P1 155SW W P1 1147796 MOUNTING DRG PRESSURE GAUGE P1 155SW W P1 10685630 CLEVIS PIN N4-26-16x70 P1 155SW W P1 10648544 HEXAGON SCREW N2-140-12X60 P1 155SW W P1 10648538 HEXAGON SCREW N2-140-12X35 P1 155SW W P1 5160049 VALVE CONE P1 155SW W P1 10648554 HEXAGON SCREW N2-140-12X110 P1 155SW W P1 10648534 HEXAGON SCREW N2-140-12X25 P1 155SW W P1 10495197 HEXAGON SCREW N2-104-3 8X32 P1 155SW W P1 4071771 NUT P1 155SW W P1 10648497 HEXAGON SCREW N2-140-10X35 P1 155SW W P1 10658165 LOCKING WASHER N5-41-8.4 P1 155SW W P1 3051666 END COVER P1 155SW W P1 10685514 CLENS PIN N4-26- 12X35 P1 155SW W P1 10685469 CLEVIS PIN N4-26-10x58 P1 155SW W P1 10658173 N5-41-1015 WASHER W TAP STAINLESS STEEL N5-41-10.5 P1 155SW W P1 10693374 HEXAGON SCREW N2-108-6X30 P1 155SW W P1 10409293 SLOTTED SCREW N2-87-4x16 P1 155SW W P1 10409291 SLOTTED SCREW N2-87-4X12 P1 155SW W P1 10409287 SLOTTED SCREW N2-87-4x8 P1 155SW W P1 4070984 END COVER P1 155SW W P1 10411485 STOP SCREW N2-89- 10X10 P1 155SW W P1 10411487 STOP SCREW N2-89- 10x12 P1 155SW W P1 4071724 END COVER P1 155SW W P1 10409323 SLOTTED SCREW N2-87-5X8 P1 155SW W P1 10409360 SLOTTED SCREW N2-87-6X6 P1 155SW W P1 10414105 DRIVE SCREW N2-94-00X5 P1 155SW W P1 10414118 DRIVE SCREW N2-94-0X3 P1 155SW W P1 10414120 DRIVE SOCKET SCREW N2-94-Ox5 P1 155SW W P1 10301043 SLING WASHER N15 10 18 22 P1 155SW W P1 10299160 RETAINING RING N5 10 90 P1 155SW W P1 10300003 RETAINING SCREW N2 40 23 P1 155SW W P1 10300004 RETAINING SCREW N2 40 26 P1 155SW W P1 10300087 KEY RING N5 12 20 2.5 P1 155SW W P1 4087664 VALVE PISTON P1 155SW W P1 10300118 HE AGON SOCKET SCREW N2 100 5 P1 155SW W P1 Bid Details/ 2 / 77GeMARPTS728 728 / Searched Strings used in GeMARPTS 10314691 THRUST WASHER N5 9003 WC 120U STANDARD P1 155SW W P1 10300132 THREAD INSERT N3 29 4 6 P1 155SW W P1 10300136 THREAD INSERT N3 29 5 7.5 P1 155SW W P1 10300139 THREAD INSERT N3 29 6 6 P1 155SW W P1 10300141 THREAD INSERT N3 29 6 12 P1 155SW W P1 10299118 RETAINING RING N5 10 16 P1 155SW W P1 10299125 RETAINING RING N5 10 24 P1 155SW W P1 10299139 RETAINING RING N5 10 45 P1 155SW W P1 6361668 BALL CUP ELECTRIC MASS P1 155SW W P1 10990540 HE AGON SOCKET SCREW N2 238 12 40 P1 155SW W P1 6350430 STRIP P1 155SW W P1 10994366 FLANGE SCREW N2 240 6 12 P1 155SW W P1 10972460 HE AGON SCREW N2 231 8 45 P1 155SW W P1 6349332 NUT P1 155SW W P1 3048309 TRAIL SPADE P1 155SW W P1 6361028 TRUNION LOADING TRAY P1 155SW W P1 10807329 CROSS REC SCREW N2 162 5 16 P1 155SW W P1 10809228 HE AGONAL SOCK SCREW N2 161 3 16 STAN P1 155SW W P1 10972455 HE AGON SCREW N2 231 8 30 P1 155SW W P1 6361057 WASHER P1 155SW W P1 10994374 FLANGE SCREW N2 240 6 30 P1 155SW W P1 6361038 WASHER P1 155SW W P1 6360100 BRACKET P1 155SW W P1 10972386 HE AGON SOCKET SCREW N2 231 6 80 P1 155SW W P1 10403218 O RING N9 8 22.1 1.6 P1 155SW W P1 6354340 CHECK VALVE P1 155SW W P1 6348886 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 6348885 CASING P1 155SW W P1 6360169 CLAMP P1 155SW W P1 6337559 CLAMP P1 155SW W P1 6337556 CLAMP P1 155SW W P1 6349408 RESTRICTION P1 155SW W P1 10341209 BANJO FITTING N15 378 6 LM P1 155SW W P1 10341289 ANGLE PIECE N15 387 1 P1 155SW W P1 6348873 SLIDE RING P1 155SW W P1 6366473 PISTON P1 155SW W P1 6350439 CLAMP P1 155SW W P1 10310938 HE AGON NUT N3 56 24 P1 155SW W P1 5170920 SPACING SLEEVE P1 155SW W P1 5169991 ARM P1 155SW W P1 5188069 VALVE P1 155SW W P1 10311832 CASTLE NUT N3 61 12 P1 155SW W P1 10335749 BUSHING N15 112 1 8 3 8 P1 155SW W P1 10351545 PIPE CLIP N16 49 7 P1 155SW SV LV7 10351549 PIPE CLIP N16 49 11 P1 155SW SV LV7 10351553 PIPE CLIP N16 49 15 P1 155SW W P1 10351567 PIPE CLIP N16 49 29 P1 155SW W P1 10361359 WASHER N5 78 6 4 16 P1 155SW W P1 5183716 VALVE CONE P1 155SW W P1 5183699 ROD P1 155SW W P1 6346142 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 6362975 CLEVIS PIN P1 155SW W P1 6371625 NEEDLE P1 155SW W P1 6374228 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 6303524 VALVE HOUSING P1 155SW W P1 6304684 CONNECTION P1 155SW W P1 1154606 HAND PUMP P1 155SW W P1 10346379 SCREW N2 228 6 45 P1 155SW W P1 5159430 COVER P1 155SW W P1 10341360 O RING N9 64 3 P1 155SW W P1 5160988 NIPPLE PRESSURE VESSEL P1 155SW W P1 5161361 TUBE P1 155SW W P1 5160413 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 5160414 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 5160417 SPRING FLAT P1 155SW W P1 5160938 WASHER P1 155SW W P1 1147768 CATCH P1 155SW W P1 1147796 MOUNTING DRG PRESSURE GAUGE P1 155SW W P1 10685630 CLEVIS PIN N4 26 16 70 P1 155SW W P1 10648544 HE AGON SCREW N2 140 12 60 P1 155SW W P1 10648538 HE AGON SCREW N2 140 12 35 P1 155SW W P1 5160049 VALVE CONE P1 155SW W P1 10648554 HE AGON SCREW N2 140 12 110 P1 155SW W P1 10648534 HE AGON SCREW N2 140 12 25 P1 155SW W P1 10495197 HE AGON SCREW N2 104 3 8 32 P1 155SW W P1 4071771 NUT P1 155SW W P1 10648497 HE AGON SCREW N2 140 10 35 P1 155SW W P1 10658165 LOCKING WASHER N5 41 8.4 P1 155SW W P1 3051666 END COVER P1 155SW W P1 Bid Details/ 3 / 7710685514 CLENS PIN N4 26 12 35 P1 155SW W P1 10685469 CLEVIS PIN N4 26 10 58 P1 155SW W P1 10658173 N5 41 1015 WASHER W TAP STAINLESS STEEL N5 41 10.5 P1 155SW W P1 10693374 HE AGON SCREW N2 108 6 30 P1 155SW W P1 10409293 SLOTTED SCREW N2 87 4 16 P1 155SW W P1 10409291 SLOTTED SCREW N2 87 4 12 P1 155SW W P1 10409287 SLOTTED SCREW N2 87 4 8 P1 155SW W P1 4070984 END COVER P1 155SW W P1 10411485 STOP SCREW N2 89 10 10 P1 155SW W P1 10411487 STOP SCREW N2 89 10 12 P1 155SW W P1 4071724 END COVER P1 155SW W P1 10409323 SLOTTED SCREW N2 87 5 8 P1 155SW W P1 10409360 SLOTTED SCREW N2 87 6 6 P1 155SW W P1 10414105 DRIVE SCREW N2 94 00 5 P1 155SW W P1 10414118 DRIVE SCREW N2 94 0 3 P1 155SW W P1 10414120 DRIVE SOCKET SCREW N2 94 O 5 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10301043 SLING WASHER N15 10 18 22 Non Sparking Double Open Ended Spanner V2 Non Sparking Combination Spanners V2 Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2 Non Sparking Ring Slugging Spanners V2 Non Sparking Adjustable Wrench V2 Non Sparking Pipe Wrench V2 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10299160 RETAINING RING N5 10 90 Non Sparking Ring Slugging Spanners V2 Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10300003 RETAINING SCREW N2 40 23 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10300004 RETAINING SCREW N2 40 26 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10300087 KEY RING N5 12 20 2.5 Enamel Synthetic Exterior A Under Coating B Finishing Paint V3 Confirming to IS 2932 Key Hole Test Board shoes school pvc boys girls Minifuge Electric Kettles and Jugs for Household as per IS 367 Wooden Beading Patti PCR Mini Cooler Mechanically Woven Double - Twisted Hexagonal Wire Mesh Gabions Revet Mattresses and Rock Fall Netting as per IS 16014 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 4087664 VALVE PISTON General Purpose Ball Valves V2 Small Sized Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries as per IS Jisc 8702 - 1 Workstation Portable Toilet Swing Check Type Reflux Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern V2 as per IS 5312 Part1 Swing Check Type Reflux Non - Return Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern as per IS 5312 CPVC Ball Valve Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Electronic Auto drain valve Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Bid Details/ 4 / 77Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10300118 HE AGON SOCKET SCREW N2 100 5 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10314691 THRUST WASHER N5 9003 WC 120U STANDARD Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10300132 THREAD INSERT N3 29 4 6 Thread Plug Gauge shoes school pvc boys girls Non Sparking Combination Spanners V2 Hand Operated Hydraulic Pipe Bender Non Sparking Ring Slugging Spanners V2 Electrical Box Extension V3 Non Sparking Hammers V2 Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2 Non Sparking Double Open Ended Spanner V2 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10300136 THREAD INSERT N3 29 5 7.5 shoes school pvc boys girls Thread Plug Gauge Non Sparking Combination Spanners V2 Security and Protective Software including Antivirus Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10300139 THREAD INSERT N3 29 6 6 Thread Plug Gauge Cat 6 Patch cord Electrical Box Extension V3 shoes school pvc boys girls Cotton Bandage Cloth V2 modular electrical switches and accessories Circuit Breakers for DC Operation Classroom Chairs Non Sparking Combination Spanners V2 Blood Sample Collection Tubes Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10300141 THREAD INSERT N3 29 6 12 Thread Plug Gauge shoes school pvc boys girls Non Sparking Combination Spanners V2 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10299118 RETAINING RING N5 10 16 modular electrical switches and accessories Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2 Non Sparking Ring Slugging Spanners V2 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10299125 RETAINING RING N5 10 24 Static Protective Relays Non Sparking Ring Slugging Spanners V2 Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10299139 RETAINING RING N5 10 45 Non Sparking Combination Spanners V2 Non Sparking Ring Slugging Spanners V2 Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2 Non Sparking Hammers V2 Non Sparking Double Open Ended Spanner V2 Non Sparking Adjustable Wrench V2 Non Sparking Pipe Wrench V2 Bid Details/ 5 / 77Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6361668 BALL CUP ELECTRIC MASS Spinal Support Non Sparking Hammers V2 Steel Pipe/Tube as per ASTM A423 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10990540 HE AGON SOCKET SCREW N2 238 12 40 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6350430 STRIP Tapered Bearings as per IS 12102 Rolled Copper and Copper Alloy Sheet Strip and Foil modular electrical switches and accessories Stapler Pin / Staples V2 Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves PCR Tubes Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Grow Lights for plants Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10994366 FLANGE SCREW N2 240 6 12 shoes school pvc boys girls Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10972460 HE AGON SCREW N2 231 8 45 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6349332 NUT Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Spinal Support Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes Flood Light Luminaire suitable for HPSV Lamps Fume extraction unit for filteration of soldering fumes Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 3048309 TRAIL SPADE Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Non Sparking Spades as per IS 4595 Spinal Support Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes Flood Light Luminaire suitable for HPSV Lamps Fume extraction unit for filteration of soldering fumes Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6361028 TRUNION LOADING TRAY resuscitation crash cart console for hospitals Baby Tray Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10807329 CROSS REC SCREW N2 162 5 16 Solar Cells Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10809228 HE AGONAL SOCK SCREW N2 161 3 16 STAN Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10972455 HE AGON SCREW N2 231 8 30 Bid Details/ 6 / 77Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6361057 WASHER High Pressure Washer Plain Washer as per IS 2016 Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 ELISA Plate Washer ICMR Specs Workstation Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10994374 FLANGE SCREW N2 240 6 30 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6361038 WASHER High Pressure Washer Plain Washer as per IS 2016 Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 ELISA Plate Washer ICMR Specs Workstation Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6360100 BRACKET Curtain Pipe Sider and mounting bracket Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10972386 HE AGON SOCKET SCREW N2 231 6 80 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10403218 O RING N9 8 22.1 1.6 Classroom Chairs Cotton Cloth Bag for Seed Packing - Capacity From 0.75 Kg to 12 Kg shoes school pvc boys girls Orthopedic Instruments - Volkmann Retractor Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Polyethylene Bags for General Purposes Non Sparking Combination Spanners V2 Line Interactive UPS with AVR V2 Blood Sample Collection Tubes Non Sparking Ring Slugging Spanners V2 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6354340 CHECK VALVE General Purpose Ball Valves V2 Swing Check Type Reflux Non - Return Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern as per IS 5312 Small Sized Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries as per IS Jisc 8702 - 1 Portable Toilet Swing Check Type Reflux Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern V2 as per IS 5312 Part1 CPVC Ball Valve Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Electronic Auto drain valve Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6348886 SPRING Double ferrule fittings for air spring Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Bid Details/ 7 / 77Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6348885 CASING Molded Case Circuit Breakers MCCB as per IS / IEC 60947 Show Case Cap FS Disruptive JSS Wooden Book Case U- Tube Manometer Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Cross - Over Pipe for Line Pipe Casing Pipe Petroleum Industry Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6360169 CLAMP Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Wheel Tyre Lock Clamp Umbilical Cord Clamp V2 Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Spinal Support Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes Flood Light Luminaire suitable for HPSV Lamps Fume extraction unit for filteration of soldering fumes Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6337559 CLAMP Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Wheel Tyre Lock Clamp Umbilical Cord Clamp V2 Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Spinal Support Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes Flood Light Luminaire suitable for HPSV Lamps Fume extraction unit for filteration of soldering fumes Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6337556 CLAMP Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Wheel Tyre Lock Clamp Umbilical Cord Clamp V2 Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Spinal Support Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes Flood Light Luminaire suitable for HPSV Lamps Fume extraction unit for filteration of soldering fumes Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6349408 RESTRICTION Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Spinal Support Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes Flood Light Luminaire suitable for HPSV Lamps Fume extraction unit for filteration of soldering fumes Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10341209 BANJO FITTING N15 378 6 LM Flameproof Manual Call Point-IS:2148 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10341289 ANGLE PIECE N15 387 1 Sensitive Drilling Machine Cap FS Disruptive JSS Retro Reflective W Board Railways Medical Oxygen Gas Cylinders - Aluminium Steel Pipe/Tube as per ASTM A423 Cellophane paper Side Table Climbing Rope Nylon Glacier Region Defence Antiseptic Liquid V2 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6348873 SLIDE RING Ring Binder - File Folder Slide Fasteners General Purpose as per IS 3148 Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves 45 degree Leg Press or Hack Squat Machine Non Sparking Ring Slugging Bid Details/ 8 / 77Spanners V2 Workstation Tapered Bearings as per IS 12102 ROWING MACHINE cum SLIDING SEAT Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Electrical connection Lugs or thimbles Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6366473 PISTON Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Spinal Support Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes Flood Light Luminaire suitable for HPSV Lamps Fume extraction unit for filteration of soldering fumes Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6350439 CLAMP Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Wheel Tyre Lock Clamp Umbilical Cord Clamp V2 Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Spinal Support Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes Flood Light Luminaire suitable for HPSV Lamps Fume extraction unit for filteration of soldering fumes Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10310938 HE AGON NUT N3 56 24 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 5170920 SPACING SLEEVE Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Space Heater Spinal Support Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes Flood Light Luminaire suitable for HPSV Lamps Fume extraction unit for filteration of soldering fumes Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 5169991 ARM Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Public Place Seating Chair Workstation Drop Arm Barrier Boom Barrier MHA Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Spinal Support Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes Flood Light Luminaire suitable for HPSV Lamps Fume extraction unit for filteration of soldering fumes Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 5188069 VALVE General Purpose Ball Valves V2 Small Sized Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries as per IS Jisc 8702 - 1 Workstation Portable Toilet Swing Check Type Reflux Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern V2 as per IS 5312 Part1 Swing Check Type Reflux Non - Return Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern as per IS 5312 CPVC Ball Valve Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Electronic Auto drain valve Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10311832 CASTLE NUT N3 61 12 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded Bid Details/ 9 / 77GeMARPTS / Searched Result generated in GeMARPTS by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10335749 BUSHING N15 112 1 8 3 8 Split Air Conditioner Including Green AC Wall Mount Type V2 Round Steel Short Link Chains Electric Butt Welded Grade L 3 Part 1 V2 as per IS 2429 Blood Sample Collection Tubes Glue Stick V2 Minifuge Unified Application Performance monitoring software Hand Operated Hydraulic Pipe Bender XLPE Cable for Working Voltages up to and Including 1.1 KV as per IS 7098 Part 1 Blood Collection Tube Locking Compression Plates V2 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10351545 PIPE CLIP N16 49 7 Combination of Shower and Eye Wash as per IS 10592 Searched String : P1 155SW SV LV7 10351549 PIPE CLIP N16 49 11 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW SV LV7 10351553 PIPE CLIP N16 49 15 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10351567 PIPE CLIP N16 49 29 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10361359 WASHER N5 78 6 4 16 modular electrical switches and accessories shoes school pvc boys girls Classroom Chairs Non Sparking Combination Spanners V2 Picket Steel as per DGSD Drawing Non Sparking Ring Slugging Spanners V2 Electrical Box Extension V3 Non Sparking Hammers V2 Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2 Non Sparking Double Open Ended Spanner V2 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 5183716 VALVE CONE General Purpose Ball Valves V2 Marking Cones Full-jet Cone Spray Nozzle Small Sized Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries as per IS Jisc 8702 - 1 Workstation Portable Toilet Swing Check Type Reflux Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern V2 as per IS 5312 Part1 Swing Check Type Reflux Non - Return Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern as per IS 5312 CPVC Ball Valve Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 5183699 ROD Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Steel Rod 30.1mm Diameter OFB Defence Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Brass rod as per IS: 319 Spinal Support Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes Flood Light Luminaire suitable for HPSV Lamps Fume extraction unit for filteration of soldering Bid Details/ 10 / 77fumes Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6346142 SPRING Double ferrule fittings for air spring Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6362975 CLEVIS PIN Stapler Pin / Staples V2 Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Monitor power cables Fabric Pin Up Notice Boards Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Porcelain Insulators for Overhead Power Lines with a Nominal Voltage up to and Including 1000 V as per IS 1445 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6371625 NEEDLE Disposable Syringes as per IS 10258 Sterile Hypodermic Needles for Single use V2 Sterile Hypodermic Syringe for Manual use V2 Sterile Hypodermic Syringe V3 Workstation Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Insulin Syringe Needle Holder Hegars Pattern as per IS 10599 Geological compass Scalp Vein Infusion Set Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6374228 SPRING Double ferrule fittings for air spring Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6303524 VALVE HOUSING General Purpose Ball Valves V2 Workstation Small Sized Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries as per IS Jisc 8702 - 1 Portable Toilet Swing Check Type Reflux Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern V2 as per IS 5312 Part1 Swing Check Type Reflux Non - Return Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern as per IS 5312 CPVC Ball Valve Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Electronic Auto drain valve Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 6304684 CONNECTION Pigtails for Fiber Cable Connection D-Type Fuses as per IS:8187 Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Electrical connection Lugs or thimbles Vortex Flow meter Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 1154606 HAND PUMP Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves deepwell hand pumps as per IS 15500 Part 2 Nitrile Coated/Nitrile Hand Gloves V2 Hand Operated Chain Pulley Block as per IS 3832 Workstation Towel Hand Cotton Turkish IAF Submersible Pump Set Single Phase as per IS 8034 Hand Held Search Light Submersible Pump Set Three Phase as per IS 8034 IS 9283 Hand Operated Hydraulic Pipe Bender Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10346379 SCREW N2 228 6 45 Bid Details/ 11 / 77Non Sparking Driver Extension V2 4.5mm Broad D.C. Plate with corresponding screws Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 5159430 COVER Sofas V2 Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Bed Sheets - Handicraft Plastic Seats and Covers for Water - Closets as per IS 2548 Face Shield Cover Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Polypropylene Spun Bonded Non - Woven Crop Cover Fabric for Agricultural and Horticultural Applications Handloom Cotton Pillow Covers V3 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10341360 O RING N9 64 3 Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 5160988 NIPPLE PRESSURE VESSEL Gear Lubricants Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Gear Oil V3 Conforming to IS 1118 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 5161361 TUBE Multipurpose or General Test Tubes as per IS 2618 Blood Sample Collection Tubes Workstation Classroom Chairs Minifuge Novel Coronavirus COVID - 19 Sample Collection Kit Test Tube Rack Ulra Violet UV Cabinet for Sterilization Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Steel Tubes used for Water Wells V2 as per IS 4270 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 5160413 SPRING Double ferrule fittings for air spring Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 5160414 SPRING Double ferrule fittings for air spring Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 5160417 SPRING FLAT Double ferrule fittings for air spring Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Scanner V2 Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 5160938 WASHER High Pressure Washer Plain Washer as per IS 2016 Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper V2 ELISA Plate Washer ICMR Specs Workstation Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 1147768 CATCH Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Spices And Condiments - Coriander Whole And Ground as per IS 2443 Workstation Cumin Chilly as per IS 2322 Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo Bid Details/ 12 / 77ICU Bed Spinal Support Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes Flood Light Luminaire suitable for HPSV Lamps Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 1147796 MOUNTING DRG PRESSURE GAUGE Tyre Air Pressure Gauge GAUGE PRESSURE OFB-DEFENCE Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10685630 CLEVIS PIN N4 26 16 70 Solar Cells Floatable and Foldable Multi Stretcher or Air evacuation stretchers or accessories Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10648544 HE AGON SCREW N2 140 12 60 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10648538 HE AGON SCREW N2 140 12 35 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 5160049 VALVE CONE General Purpose Ball Valves V2 Marking Cones Full-jet Cone Spray Nozzle Small Sized Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries as per IS Jisc 8702 - 1 Workstation Portable Toilet Swing Check Type Reflux Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern V2 as per IS 5312 Part1 Swing Check Type Reflux Non - Return Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern as per IS 5312 CPVC Ball Valve Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10648554 HE AGON SCREW N2 140 12 110 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10648534 HE AGON SCREW N2 140 12 25 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10495197 HE AGON SCREW N2 104 3 8 32 Blood Sample Collection Tubes Blood Collection Tube Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 4071771 NUT Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Workstation Microscopes - Pathological and Research as per IS 4381 IS 5204 IS 4381 IS 5204 Hi - Lo ICU Bed Spinal Support Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes Flood Light Luminaire suitable for HPSV Lamps Fume extraction unit for filteration of soldering fumes Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10648497 HE AGON SCREW N2 140 10 35 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Bid Details/ 13 / 77Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10658165 LOCKING WASHER N5 41 8.4 Split Air Conditioner Including Green AC Wall Mount Type V2 Non Sparking Combination Spanners V2 Extendable Road Barricade V2 Non Sparking Ring Slugging Spanners V2 Non Sparking Double Open Ended Spanner V2 Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2 Non Sparking Hammers V2 High Mast Lighting Octagonal Tower with Solar Based LED Street Light Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 3051666 END COVER Multipara Monitor - Low End Sofas V2 Workstation High End Desktop Computer General Purpose Ball Valves V2 Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Video Conferencing End Point Bed Sheets - Handicraft Plastic Seats and Covers for Water - Closets as per IS 2548 Box Spanner Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10685514 CLENS PIN N4 26 12 35 Non Sparking Double Open Ended Spanner V2 Non Sparking Combination Spanners V2 Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2 Non Sparking Pipe Wrench V2 Non Sparking Adjustable Wrench V2 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10685469 CLEVIS PIN N4 26 10 58 AC Static Transformer Operated Watthour and Var-Hour Smart Meters Non Sparking Combination Spanners V2 Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2 Non Sparking Double Open Ended Spanner V2 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10658173 N5 41 1015 WASHER W TAP STAINLESS STEEL N5 41 10.5 Electric Kettles and Jugs for Household as per IS 367 Sanitizing Machine Extendable Road Barricade V2 Non Sparking Combination Spanners V2 Non Sparking Ring Slugging Spanners V2 Non Sparking Double Open Ended Spanner V2 Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2 Grounding Rail for Disconnection Telecommunication Voice Module Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10693374 HE AGON SCREW N2 108 6 30 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10409293 SLOTTED SCREW N2 87 4 16 LCP 3.5mm Small T-Plate Right Angled with corresponding screws Elastomer Insulated Elastomer Sheathed Cables Solar Cells AC Static Transformer Operated Watthour and Var-Hour Smart Meters 4.5mm Broad D.C. Plate with corresponding screws Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10409291 SLOTTED SCREW N2 87 4 12 shoes school pvc boys girls Blouse JSS - Military Hospital Clothing Bid Details/ 14 / 77Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10409287 SLOTTED SCREW N2 87 4 8 Hand Operated Hydraulic Pipe Bender Plain Washer as per IS 2016 LCP 3.5mm Small T-Plate Right Angled with corresponding screws Lapi Patra Putty Applicator Solar IV Curve Tracer AC Static Transformer Operated Watthour and Var-Hour Smart Meters Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 4070984 END COVER Multipara Monitor - Low End Sofas V2 Workstation High End Desktop Computer General Purpose Ball Valves V2 Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Video Conferencing End Point Bed Sheets - Handicraft Plastic Seats and Covers for Water - Closets as per IS 2548 Box Spanner Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10411485 STOP SCREW N2 89 10 10 Line Interactive UPS with AVR V2 Cyanide Distillation Apparatus Tarpaulins Made from HDPE Woven Fabrics as per IS 7903 Enamel Synthetic Exterior A Under Coating B Finishing Paint V3 Confirming to IS 2932 Static Protective Relays shoes school pvc boys girls AC Static Transformer Operated Watthour and Var-Hour Smart Meters PVC Insulated Copper Cable Single and Multi - Core Circular Sheathed Cable with Flexible Conductor V2 as per IS 694 Mechanically Woven Double - Twisted Hexagonal Wire Mesh Gabions Revet Mattresses and Rock Fall Netting as per IS 16014 PVC Copper Cable Single Core and Multi Core Circular Sheathed Cord with Flexible Conductor V2 as per IS 694 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10411487 STOP SCREW N2 89 10 12 Computer Paper as per IS 12766 IS 9055 IS 1060 IS 1064 shoes school pvc boys girls Screw Compressor Mechanically Woven Double - Twisted Hexagonal Wire Mesh Gabions Revet Mattresses and Rock Fall Netting as per IS 16014 AC Static Transformer Operated Watthour and Var-Hour Smart Meters Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 4071724 END COVER Multipara Monitor - Low End Sofas V2 Workstation High End Desktop Computer General Purpose Ball Valves V2 Nitrile Coated Hand Gloves Video Conferencing End Point Bed Sheets - Handicraft Plastic Seats and Covers for Water - Closets as per IS 2548 Box Spanner Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10409323 SLOTTED SCREW N2 87 5 8 Minifuge Static Protective Relays LCP 3.5mm Small T-Plate Right Angled with corresponding screws Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10409360 SLOTTED SCREW N2 87 6 6 Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves - Prepowdered as per IS 13422 Electrical Box Extension V3 Classroom Chairs Tarpaulins Made from HDPE Woven Fabrics as per IS 7903 Circuit Breakers for DC Operation Screw Drivers as per IS 844 shoes school pvc boys girls PVC Insulated Copper Cable Single and Multi - Core Circular Sheathed Cable with Bid Details/ 15 / 77Flexible Conductor V2 as per IS 694 Swing Check Type Reflux Non - Return Valves for Water Works Purposes Single Door Pattern as per IS 5312 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10414105 DRIVE SCREW N2 94 00 5 LCP 3.5mm Small T-Plate Right Angled with corresponding screws Non Sparking Driver Extension V2 Locking Compression Plates V2 Screw Drivers as per IS 844 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10414118 DRIVE SCREW N2 94 0 3 Digital Light Meter LCP 3.5mm Small T-Plate Right Angled with corresponding screws Unified Application Performance monitoring software Air Quality Monitor Indoor Locking Compression Plates V2 Non Sparking Driver Extension V2 Searched String : P1 155SW W P1 10414120 DRIVE SOCKET SCREW N2 94 O 5 Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer / Relevant Categories selected for notification Bracket Defence | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Purchaser Address | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
JABALPUR | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Work Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
102 SPARES OF LTB BOF;86182; P1 155SW W P1 6348886 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 6348885 CASING P1 155SW W P1 6360169 CLAMP P1 155SW W P1 6337559 CLAMP P1 155SW W P1 6337556 CLAMP P1 155SW W P1 6349408 RESTRICTION P1 155SW W P1 10341209 BANJO FITTING N15-378-6-LM P1 155SW W P1 10341289 ANGLE PIECE N15-387-1 P1 155SW W P1 6348873 SLIDE RING P1 155SW W P1 6366473 PISTON P1 155SW W P1 6350439 CLAMP P1 155SW W P1 10310938 HEXAGON NUT N3-56-24 P1 155SW W P1 5170920 SPACING SLEEVE P1 155SW W P1 5169991 ARM P1 155SW W P1 5188069 VALVE P1 155SW W P1 10311832 CASTLE NUT N3-61-12 P1 155SW W P1 10335749 BUSHING N15-112-1 8-3 8 P1 155SW W P1 10351545 PIPE CLIP N16-49-7 P1 155SW SV LV7 10351549 PIPE CLIP N16- 49-11 P1 155SW SV LV7 10351553 PIPE CLIP N16-49-15 P1 155SW W P1 10351567 PIPE CLIP N16-49-29 P1 155SW W P1 10361359 WASHER N5-78-64X16 P1 155SW W P1 5183716 VALVE CONE P1 155SW W P1 5183699 ROD P1 155SW W P1 6346142 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 6362975 CLEVIS PIN P1 155SW W P1 6371625 NEEDLE P1 155SW W P1 6374228 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 6303524 VALVE HOUSING P1 155SW W P1 6304684 CONNECTION P1 155SW W P1 1154606 HAND PUMP P1 155SW W P1 10346379 SCREW N2-228-6x45 P1 155SW W P1 5159430 COVER P1 155SW W P1 10341360 O RING N9-64-3 P1 155SW W P1 5160988 NIPPLE PRESSURE VESSEL P1 155SW W P1 5161361 TUBE P1 155SW W P1 5160413 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 5160414 SPRING P1 155SW W P1 5160417 SPRING FLAT P1 155SW W P1 5160938 WASHER P1 155SW W P1 1147768 CATCH P1 155SW W P1 1147796 MOUNTING DRG PRESSURE GAUGE P1 155SW W P1 10685630 CLEVIS PIN N4-26-16x70 P1 155SW W P1 10648544 HEXAGON SCREW N2-140-12X60 P1 155SW W P1 10648538 HEXAGON SCREW N2-140-12X35 P1 155SW W P1 5160049 VALVE CONE P1 155SW W P1 10648554 HEXAGON SCREW N2-140-12X110 P1 155SW W P1 10648534 HEXAGON SCREW N2-140-12X25 P1 155SW W P1 10495197 HEXAGON SCREW N2-104-3 8X32 P1 155SW W P1 4071771 NUT P1 155SW W P1 10648497 HEXAGON SCREW N2-140-10X35 P1 155SW W P1 10658165 LOCKING WASHER N5-41-8.4 P1 155SW W P1 3051666 END COVER P1 155SW W P1 10685514...
Eligibility | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
My Evaluation Notes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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